This Makes You Look 20 Years Older, Say Experts — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


As we age, our diets can have a huge impact on how we look and feel. Eating the wrong foods can make us look older than we are, while eating the right foods can help us look and feel younger. That’s why experts are now saying that certain foods can make you look 20 years older. In this article, we’ll explore the foods you should avoid if you want to look younger and the foods you should eat instead. So if you want to look and feel your best, read on to find out which foods you should be eating and which ones you should be avoiding.

This Makes You Look 20 Years Older, Say Experts — Eat This Not That

If you want to look younger, experts say you should avoid certain foods that can age you prematurely. Eating the wrong foods can make you look up to 20 years older than you actually are, according to nutritionists.

The foods that you should avoid include processed foods, sugary snacks, and fried foods. These foods are high in calories and low in nutrition, which can cause your skin to age faster. Additionally, these foods can cause inflammation in your body, which can lead to wrinkles and sagging skin.

Instead, experts recommend eating a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. These foods are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can help keep your skin looking youthful. Additionally, these foods can help reduce inflammation in your body, which can help you look younger.

In addition to eating a healthy diet, experts also recommend drinking plenty of water and exercising regularly. Staying hydrated can help keep your skin looking plump and youthful, while exercise can help reduce wrinkles and improve your overall health.

By avoiding certain foods and following a healthy diet and lifestyle, you can help keep your skin looking youthful and reduce the signs of aging. So, if you want to look younger, make sure to eat the right foods and stay active.

When it comes to getting older, most of us wouldn’t mind turning back the clock a bit. No one’s hugely eager to turn it forward. But turn it forward many of us do, every day, with common habits that cause premature aging. These are some of the worst offenders. Cut them out of your routine, and you could find yourself looking and feeling decades younger. Read on to find out more—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

woman applying sunscreen lotion standing outdoors at the urban location during the sunny weather

Getting too much sun can damage the skin and cause long-term changes like photoaging,  premature aging of the skin because of sun exposure. “In photoaging, the skin develops wrinkles and fine lines because of changes in the collagen of a deep layer of the skin called the dermis,” says Harvard Medical School. Experts recommend daily use of a sunscreen that’s at least 30 SPF, with a broad spectrum of protection against UVA and UVB rays—even when it’s cloudy.

pouring wine

Alcohol dehydrates the skin and causes inflammation, which can cause facial flushing, swelling and broken capillaries—all of which can make you look older than you are. In a 2019 multinational study of more than 3,200 women, researchers found that those who drank more than eight drinks a week had more “upper facial lines, under-eye puffiness, oral commissures, midface volume loss, and blood vessels” than women who drank moderately or abstained. 

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woman drinking soda
Shutterstock / Aquarius Studio

Collagen and elastin are two compounds within the skin that keep it tight, plump and youthful. One major underminer of this support system: Sugar. According to a study published in the journal Clinical Dermatology, when high levels of glucose and fructose are consumed, they link to amino acids in collagen and elastin, damaging them and inhibiting the body’s natural repair process. The result: Wrinkles and sagging skin.

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young woman holding face in bed in the dark dealing with insomnia or poor sleep

Getting fewer Z’s than you need can show up on your face: During sleep, various body systems ranging from the brain to the skin undergo renewal and repair. According to a study published in Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, women who got quality sleep experienced 30% better skin-barrier recovery than women who got poor sleep, and had “significantly lower intrinsic skin aging.” 

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Cigarette use is a shortcut to aging before your time: Tobacco smoke contains hundreds of toxins that float around the face, while smoking constricts blood vessels, preventing oxygen and nutrients from reaching the skin. For a study published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, researchers compared the facial features of 79 sets of twins; they found that those who smoked at the time, or smoked five years or more than their twin, had more undereye bags, lip wrinkles and jowls. And to get through this pandemic at your healthiest, don’t miss these 35 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch COVID.