The #1 Vitamin for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, New Study Suggests

By Ghuman


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a growing health concern, affecting up to 25% of the population worldwide. While there is no cure for NAFLD, research suggests that certain vitamins may help to reduce the risk of developing the condition. A new study has identified one particular vitamin as the most effective for reducing the risk of NAFLD: vitamin E. This article will discuss the findings of the study and the potential benefits of taking vitamin E for those with NAFLD.

The #1 Vitamin for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, New Study Suggests

A new study has suggested that vitamin E may be the most effective vitamin for treating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The study, published in the journal Gastroenterology, found that vitamin E was more effective than other vitamins in reducing liver fat and improving liver function in patients with NAFLD.

NAFLD is a condition in which fat accumulates in the liver, leading to inflammation and scarring. It is the most common form of chronic liver disease in the United States, affecting up to 25 percent of adults. It is also associated with an increased risk of developing other serious health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

The study included more than 400 patients with NAFLD who were randomly assigned to receive either vitamin E or a placebo. After 12 months, the researchers found that those who took vitamin E had significantly lower levels of liver fat and improved liver function compared to those who took the placebo.

The researchers also found that vitamin E was more effective than other vitamins, such as vitamin C and vitamin D, in reducing liver fat and improving liver function. They concluded that vitamin E may be the most effective vitamin for treating NAFLD.

The findings of this study suggest that vitamin E may be a safe and effective treatment for NAFLD. However, more research is needed to confirm these results and to determine the optimal dose and duration of treatment.

If you’re aware of what non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is, that may be because you are one of the 25% of people around the world who deals with it, according to the Cleveland Clinic. It’s also something that people of all ages and races may face. The cause of potential pain in your midsection, this discomfort can be traced back to the inflammation that is associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Fortunately, a new study has found that a certain vitamin can help with that inflammation.

In a study that was recently published in the Journal of Hepatology, a team from Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore used both vitamin B12 and folate to look at the effect they had on non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a type of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The results showed a reduction in both inflammation and scarring caused by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease as well as a reduction in the progression of the disease when taking vitamin B12 and folate supplements.

“Our findings are both exciting and important because they suggest that a relatively inexpensive therapy, vitamin B12 and folic acid, could be used to prevent and/or delay the progression of NASH,” said study investigator Brijesh Singh, PhD, with Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore, via ScienceDaily.

How can vitamin B12 and folate help with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease?

liver disease

“Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is a build-up of fat in the liver that is not caused by alcohol use. In some people, this causes inflammation and, ultimately, scarring in the more serious subtype of NAFLD, called NASH,” Leann Poston MD, MBA, MEd, of Invigor Medical, tells Eat This, Not That!. Dr. Poston explains that as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease progresses, “healthy liver cells are replaced with scar tissue.”

She also notes that a “recent clinical study found the underlying cause of NASH is when syntaxin 17 is degraded and prevented from removing these dead and damaged cells.”

Syntaxin 17 is a protein whose role is to transport and digest fat, which supports healthy energy metabolism and inflammation prevention. In those with NASH, syntaxin 17 is prevented from doing its job.

When it comes to how vitamin B12 and folate help when it comes to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease-related inflammation and scarring, Dr. Poston explains that they “increase syntaxin 17 levels restoring its function, which reverses liver inflammation and scarring.”

If you would like to increase the amount of B12 and folate that you’re getting in your diet, Dr. Polson says that the former “is found in meat, fish, and dairy products,” while the latter can be “found in eggs, legumes, and green leafy vegetables.”

Desirée O

Desirée O is a freelance writer who covers lifestyle, food, and nutrition news among other topics. Read more