People Who Should Never Drink Wine, According to an Expert — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


Wine is a popular alcoholic beverage enjoyed by many people around the world. However, there are certain people who should never drink wine, according to an expert from Eat This Not That. These people include those who are pregnant, those who are taking certain medications, those who are underage, and those who have a family history of alcoholism. This article will discuss why these people should not drink wine and provide tips for those who are considering drinking wine.

People Who Should Never Drink Wine, According to an Expert

Wine is a popular beverage enjoyed by many, but it’s not for everyone. According to an expert, there are certain people who should never drink wine. Here are the people who should avoid wine, and why.

People With Certain Medical Conditions

People with certain medical conditions should avoid drinking wine. These conditions include liver disease, pancreatitis, and certain types of cancer. Additionally, people who are taking certain medications should avoid drinking wine, as it can interact with the medication and cause serious side effects.

Pregnant Women

Pregnant women should avoid drinking wine, as it can cause harm to the developing baby. The alcohol in wine can cross the placenta and affect the baby’s development. Additionally, drinking wine during pregnancy can increase the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth.

People With Alcoholism

People with alcoholism should avoid drinking wine. Alcoholism is a serious condition that can lead to physical and mental health problems. Drinking wine can worsen the symptoms of alcoholism and make it more difficult to recover.

Young People

Young people should avoid drinking wine. The legal drinking age in the United States is 21, and drinking wine before this age can lead to serious health problems. Additionally, drinking wine can impair judgment and increase the risk of accidents and injuries.


Wine is a popular beverage enjoyed by many, but it’s not for everyone. People with certain medical conditions, pregnant women, people with alcoholism, and young people should all avoid drinking wine. If you fall into one of these categories, it’s best to avoid drinking wine altogether.

Whether you like to wind down at the end of the night with a glass of pinot grigio or pair your favorite pasta with a cabernet sauvignon, wine is an integral part of many people’s regular routine. In fact, according to the Wine Institute, American adults drink an average of 2.95 gallons of wine each year.

However, wine isn’t for everyone—and it’s not just those who don’t like the taste who should pass up that pour. Read on to discover who shouldn’t be drinking wine, according to medical experts. And if you want to clean up your diet, check out Eating Habits to Lose Abdominal Fat As You Age, Say Dietitians.

Woman checking blood sugar level while sitting on bench

If you have diabetes, you’d be wise to be careful about your wine intake.

According to Leann Poston, MD, MBA, MEd, of Invigor Medical, wine can have a pronounced effect on blood sugar, especially if they’re drinking on an empty stomach.

“People with diabetes should be very careful about when they drink wine,” says Poston. “Drinking alcohol in a fasting state can significantly lower blood sugar and lead to severe hypoglycemia,” which can lead to a diabetic coma.

And for more foods that could adversely affect your blood sugar, check out the 26 Best and Worst Foods for Diabetics.

brunette taking a pill with a glass of water at home.

If you’re taking any type of sedative medication or painkiller, drinking wine could be a risky proposition.

“Sedatives and painkillers are depressants, meaning they slow brain activity, and alcohol does the same,” Poston says.

In fact, according to a 2014 report published in the CDC journal Morbidity and Mortality Weekly, alcohol was involved in 18.5 percent of opioid painkiller-related emergency room visits and 22.1 percent of opioid painkiller-related deaths.

man holding pill

Disulfiram, a medication used to treat chronic alcoholism, can have serious side effects if combined with wine.

“If you consume alcohol while on this medication, you can anticipate headaches, vomiting, nausea, weakness, changes in breathing, and heart rate,” says Poston.

Adult woman using inhaler in clinic

Surprisingly enough, if you have asthma, a glass or two of wine may make you more susceptible to an asthma attack.

“Asthmatics can have adverse reactions to wine due to sulfite sensitivity,” says Chris Airey, MD, medical director at Optimale.

And if you want to breathe easier, These Are the Worst Foods for Your Lungs.