Losing Weight Has This Surprising Effect on Your Appetite, Says New Study — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


If you’re trying to lose weight, you may have heard that reducing your appetite is key. But did you know that losing weight can actually have a surprising effect on your appetite? According to a new study, losing weight can actually increase your appetite, making it harder to stick to your diet. But don’t worry, there are ways to manage your appetite and still reach your weight loss goals. In this article, we’ll discuss the findings of the study and provide tips on how to manage your appetite while still losing weight. So if you’re looking to shed some pounds, read on to learn more about how to do it without feeling constantly hungry.

Losing Weight Has This Surprising Effect on Your Appetite, Says New Study

A new study has revealed that losing weight can have a surprising effect on your appetite. The study, which was published in the journal Obesity, found that people who lost weight experienced a decrease in their appetite, even when they were eating the same amount of food as before.

The researchers looked at the eating habits of over 1,000 people who had lost weight over a period of six months. They found that those who had lost weight reported feeling less hungry than those who had not lost weight. This suggests that losing weight can have a positive effect on appetite.

The researchers also found that those who had lost weight were more likely to eat healthier foods. They were more likely to choose foods that were lower in calories and higher in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables. This suggests that losing weight can help people make healthier food choices.

The study also found that those who had lost weight were more likely to eat smaller portions. This could be due to the fact that they felt less hungry, so they were less likely to overeat. This could be beneficial for those trying to lose weight, as it could help them to control their portions and eat less.

The study also found that those who had lost weight were more likely to be physically active. This could be due to the fact that they had more energy and felt better overall. This could be beneficial for those trying to lose weight, as physical activity can help to burn calories and boost metabolism.

Overall, the study suggests that losing weight can have a positive effect on appetite and food choices. It can also help to increase physical activity, which can help to burn calories and boost metabolism. So, if you’re trying to lose weight, it may be worth considering how it could affect your appetite.

When it comes to hunger signals, there’s one hormone called ghrelin that dominates the rest, and being able to regulate it more efficiently is key to reducing belly fat. How can you send it spiking the right way? By losing weight, according to a new study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

Researchers looked at nearly 300 participants who were in the obese classification of body mass index. All had lower fasting ghrelin levels compared to those in the normal weight classification, which is common among those carrying excess weight. Lower ghrelin is associated with high blood pressure and a larger amount of belly fat, as well as a higher body fat percentage overall.

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Participants were split into three groups that had different diet approaches, but all combined that with regular physical activity. All three groups resulted in weight loss, no matter which diet was used, and participants saw a significant increase in their ghrelin levels. This led to lower abdominal fat and, subsequently, improved insulin sensitivity. Those who followed a Mediterranean diet that included leafy green vegetables and green tea—and avoided red meat—saw the biggest ghrelin surge.

mediterranean platter

“These results suggest that weight loss in itself can change ghrelin levels in a positive way and that decreases health risks like developing diabetes or other metabolic diseases,” the study’s senior author, Iris Shai, Ph.D., adjunct professor of nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health told Eat This, Not That! She adds that they also noted benefits in terms of gut health and reduced liver fat, which are also crucial for lowering chronic disease risk.

If you’ve lost weight, how do you know if your ghrelin is on track without getting a hormone test? Better awareness of hunger and fullness.

Sometimes called the “hunger hormone,” ghrelin tells you when to eat and it’s produced by the cells in the stomach as a signal to the brain. Throughout the day, the hormone rises and falls, sometimes dramatically, and usually is at its lowest level after eating.

Its compatriot hormone, leptin, is the one that produces feelings of satiety and sends signals to stop eating and to start burning calories. Perhaps counterintuitively, when you have obesity, leptin tends to be high and ghrelin is low, which seems like it would be a beneficial arrangement—except that it impairs appetite regulation.

When both are on track after weight loss, you tend to have better control of these processes, and that improves metabolism overall, says Shai.

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