How to Lose Weight Starting Right Now, According to Dietitians — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


If you’re looking to lose weight, you’ve come to the right place. Dietitians are experts in nutrition and weight loss, and they know exactly what it takes to shed pounds in a healthy and sustainable way. In this article, we’ll provide you with the best tips from dietitians on how to lose weight starting right now. We’ll cover the basics of healthy eating, the importance of physical activity, and how to make smart food choices. We’ll also provide you with some of the best “Eat This Not That” tips to help you make the most of your weight loss journey. So, let’s get started!

How to Lose Weight Starting Right Now, According to Dietitians

Losing weight can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right diet and lifestyle changes, you can start seeing results right away. Here are some tips from dietitians on how to get started.

Eat This, Not That

When it comes to losing weight, it’s important to make smart food choices. Instead of reaching for processed snacks and sugary drinks, opt for healthier options like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Eating lean proteins like fish, chicken, and beans can also help you feel fuller for longer and keep your energy levels up. Avoiding processed foods and added sugars is key to successful weight loss.

Get Moving

Exercise is an important part of any weight loss plan. Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. This can include walking, running, biking, swimming, or any other activity that gets your heart rate up. If you’re new to exercise, start slow and gradually increase your intensity and duration. You can also break up your workouts into shorter, more manageable chunks of time.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is essential for weight loss. Not only does it help keep you hydrated, but it can also help you feel fuller and reduce cravings. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day. You can also add some flavor to your water with slices of lemon, lime, or cucumber.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential for weight loss. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Not only will this help you feel more energized during the day, but it can also help regulate your hormones and reduce cravings. Make sure to create a relaxing bedtime routine to help you wind down and get the rest you need.

Stay Motivated

Losing weight can be a long and difficult process, so it’s important to stay motivated. Set realistic goals and reward yourself when you reach them. You can also enlist the help of a friend or family member to help keep you on track. Remember, it’s not about perfection, it’s about progress.

Nearly one fifth of U.S. adults are on a special diet at any given time, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. However, countless individuals still find themselves struggling to shed those extra pounds, and with so many weight loss companies promoting so many different—and frequently expensive—ways to lose weight, it’s no wonder slimming down remains such a challenge.

That’s why we’ve reached out to registered dietitians to provide their best tips for healthy, sustainable weight loss you can start right now. Whether you’re eager to lose 10 pounds or 100, read on to find out what nutritional experts really recommend when it comes to losing weight. And for more great ways to slim down, check out these 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work.

Young woman in the kitchen eating slice of red pepper.

Instead of simply focusing on what you’re giving up to slim down, try focusing on what you could be eating more of, like healthy, low-calorie vegetables.

“Vegetables help keep you full for longer due to the fiber and water in the vegetables,” says Courtney D’Angelo, MS, RD, registered dietitian and author at Fit Healthy Momma.

“If you struggle eating veggies in the first place, try making eating them more fun! You can try cooking spaghetti with spiral [veggie] noodles, or you can add greens to smoothies,” D’Angelo suggests.

whole wheat bread

While ketogenic diets may be having a moment, you may want to think twice before cutting grains from your diet if you’re trying to lose weight.

“Research supports that eating carbohydrates, or whole-grain wheat, can help with weight loss. Eating grains has been shown to increase your metabolism, which helps with weight loss,” says D’Angelo, who notes that a 2017 study published in Nutrients has linked consumption of whole grains to lower rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

RELATED: The 50 Best Ways to Boost Your Metabolism, Says Science

water bottle man drinking

Even if you’re not big on breakfast, kicking off your morning with a few glasses of water can make it easier to avoid overeating throughout the day.

“Hydrating is a simple and effective way to promote weight loss. Water is also an appetite suppressant. Sometimes, you may feel hungry when you are, in fact, thirsty, especially in the morning,” says Kristen Fleming, MS, RD, a consultant for BetterMe. “Start your day with two glasses of water. This will help you stay hydrated, keep you from misinterpreting thirst for hunger and unnecessary snacking.”

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young woman eating broccoli
Shutterstock / Lady BlackCat

If you want to speed up your weight loss, try slowing down your meals by increasing how much you chew each bite.

“Putting in a conscious effort to chew your food more slowly can help increase weight loss,” says Fleming. “Slow eating has been shown to reduce energy intake during meals. According to a small study, caloric intake was higher with chewing 15 times per bite than with 50 times per bite.”

whole wheat avocado toast

Eating meals that keep you full for a longer period is key when it comes to weight loss, so try making healthy fats a priority whenever you sit down to eat.

“Of all the macronutrients, fat takes the longest to digest and is the most satiating, so eliminating it sets you up to fail by inviting hunger to creep in shortly after a meal. Include a healthy fat source such as avocado, olive oil, nuts, cheese, etc. every time you eat to minimize hunger so you can get on with the rest of your day,” recommends Kayla Girgen, RD, LD, founder of Nutrition Untapped.

woman sleeping

Losing weight isn’t only about what you eat or how much you exercise. Factors like sleep can play a major role in how quickly those pounds come off.

“Not getting adequate rest puts your body in a heightened state of stress, which negatively impacts hormones involved in weight loss. Dim the lights and ditch the screens about 30 to 60 minutes before bed. Try reading, gentle stretches, or having a cup of hot tea to wind down instead,” Girgen suggests.

green tea cup

If you’re looking for a flavorful alternative to those sugary coffee drinks you use to perk up in the morning, try adding some weight-loss-boosting green tea to your diet instead.

“Drinking pu-erh tea, a glass in the morning about an hour after breakfast, can be a great tool for weight loss. It speeds up your metabolism while also helping your body to eliminate excess fat, resulting in a slimmer waistline,” says Lauren Pimentel, RD, founder of The Cake Nutritionist, citing a 2012 review of research published in Dongwuxue Yanjiu.

RELATED: 22 Best Teas You Should Drink for Weight Loss

author at home writing in journal

It can be easy to lose track of every bite of food you take over the course of the day but keeping a food journal can help you better gauge how much you’re really eating.

“A 2019 study found that keeping a food journal, especially one that allows you to upload photos, resulted in significantly greater weight loss,” says Sarah Williams, MS, RD, owner, and founder of Sweet Balance Nutrition. “This helps people understand how to get in a calorie deficit and stay mindful about food choices.”

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