Everyday Habits That Age You Faster, According to Science — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


As we age, our bodies naturally start to show signs of wear and tear. But did you know that some of your everyday habits can actually speed up the aging process? According to science, there are certain foods and activities that can cause premature aging. In this article, we’ll explore some of the everyday habits that can age you faster, as well as some healthier alternatives. We’ll also provide tips on how to make better choices to help you look and feel your best. So, if you’re looking to stay young and vibrant, read on to learn more about the everyday habits that age you faster.

Everyday Habits That Age You Faster, According to Science

We all want to look and feel our best, but sometimes our everyday habits can have an adverse effect on our health and appearance. According to science, there are certain habits that can age us faster than others. Here are some of the everyday habits that you should avoid if you want to stay looking and feeling young.

1. Eating Processed Foods

Processed foods are full of unhealthy ingredients like sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. Eating too much of these foods can lead to weight gain, inflammation, and other health issues that can make you look and feel older. Try to limit your intake of processed foods and opt for healthier options like fresh fruits and vegetables.

2. Not Getting Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Not getting enough sleep can lead to dark circles under your eyes, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night to keep your body and mind in top shape.

3. Smoking

Smoking is one of the worst habits you can have when it comes to aging. Not only does it increase your risk of cancer and other diseases, but it also causes wrinkles and other signs of premature aging. If you want to stay looking and feeling young, it’s best to avoid smoking altogether.

4. Not Exercising

Exercise is essential for keeping your body and mind in top shape. Not only does it help you stay fit and healthy, but it also helps to reduce stress and improve your mood. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise each day to keep your body and mind in top shape.

5. Not Drinking Enough Water

Staying hydrated is essential for keeping your skin looking and feeling its best. Not drinking enough water can lead to dry skin, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day to keep your skin looking and feeling its best.


These are just a few of the everyday habits that can age you faster, according to science. If you want to stay looking and feeling young, it’s important to avoid these habits and opt for healthier alternatives. Eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and drinking plenty of water are all great ways to keep your body and mind in top shape.

A study from Harvard indicates that “higher intakes of fruit and vegetables were associated with lower mortality”—so have your 5 a day to live longer. But how can you look younger doing so? Rather than chase the Fountain of Youth, simply avoid the Pitfalls of Aging. “You can’t change what you were dealt with genetically but you can take control of other factors which will help to stay looking younger,” says Dr. Eugene D. Elliott of MemorialCare. Read on—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

happy woman sitting by the window

A tan makes you look young and cool—but it can have disastrous effects that can lead to wrinkles—or worse. “The sun’s rays can take a toll on your skin. In the short-term, that can mean contending with a scorching sunburn,” reports Yale Medicine. “But, there can also be long-term consequences lurking within the skin, even if you don’t experience a burn. The sun prematurely ages the skin. Called photoaging, this can lead to skin cancer. Signs of this photo aging are:

  • Wrinkling
  • Pigmentation changes such as age spots, liver spots (solar lentigines) and freckles
  • Loss of skin tone (decreased elasticity) 
  • Rough, uneven skin texture
  • Broken capillaries (spider veins), usually around the nose and chest
  • Redness and blotchiness”

“My favorite sunblocks are mechanical, contain zinc and/ or titanium dioxide, and block the UVA damaging rays very effectively with frequent application,” says Dr. Elliott. 

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drinking soda

It’s true—drinking sugary soda can age your cells. “Sugar-sweetened soda consumption might promote disease independently from its role in obesity, according to UC San Francisco researchers who found in a new study that drinking sugary drinks was associated with cell aging,” says one notable study, as reported in Science Daily. “Regular consumption of sugar-sweetened sodas might influence metabolic disease development through accelerated cell aging,” wrote the authors of the study in their conclusion. “The extremely high dose of sugar that we can put into our body within seconds by drinking sugared beverages is uniquely toxic to metabolism.” Same goes for sugary foods.

RELATED: Health Habits You Should Stop Doing After 60, According to Science

lazy couple

“Imagine a 90-year-old,” writes the Wellspring School of Allied Health. “They’re almost always slumped over, right? Well, a lot of that comes from limited flexibility and spinal support in younger years. Low flexibility in your 20’s and 30’s could cause some problems later on, the main ones being joint or muscle pain, and an overall hunched-over look. There are certain types of exercises that can help you loosen your muscles and joints, like yoga or pilates. But you can also increase your flexibility even if you are only into cardio or weightlifting. Just make sure that you are going to start and end with warm-up exercises, and focus on stretching both before and after exercising every single time.”

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Tired woman snoring loudly in the bed

Those with sleep apnea may actually age faster than the rest of us; if you have it, see a doctor. “Increasing sleep disordered breathing (SDB) severity and sleep disruption was associated with epigenetic age acceleration, independent of measured confounders. These associations were stronger in women than in men, suggesting that women may be particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of SDB. Future work should study whether treatment reduces epigenetic age acceleration among those individuals with SBD,” according to one recent study. “A good night’s sleep can do wonders for your youthful appearance and since your face relaxes while you sleep that can also help soften fine lines on the face,” says Andrea Paul, MD. It is recommended that you get eight hours of sleep per night.

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Don’t stress out too much over this, but stress ages you. “The telomeres are the ends of the chromosomes—the structures inside each cell that contain the genes,” reports Harvard Health. “Over time, the telomeres get shorter. When they get short enough, the cell dies. Chronic stress leads to shorter telomeres. And people with shorter telomeres are at greater risk for several major diseases, including heart disease and some forms of cancer. This is one more reason to reduce the amount of chronic stress in our lives. It’s really not good for us.”

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Mature woman with sore throat, standing in living room at home.

A landmark study eight years ago proved cigarettes can age you. “In what is perhaps the best detail of the study, researchers used the annual Twins Days Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio (the ‘Largest Annual Gathering of Twins in the World!‘) to round up the 79 identical pairs they include in the report. A panel of three plastic surgery residents compared the faces of the twins, one of which had been smoking for at least five years longer than the other,” reported the Today Show at the time. “They identified a few major areas of accelerated aging in the faces of the smoking twins: The smokers’ upper eyelids drooped while the lower lids sagged, and they had more wrinkles around the mouth. The smokers were also more likely to have jowls, according to the study, which was published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.”

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Portrait of happy mature woman wearing eyeglasses and looking at camera. Closeup face of smiling woman sitting in cafeteria with hand on chin. Successful lady in a cafe pub.

“I think the single most important thing you can do to look younger is smile. It decreases the number of wrinkles that appear over time on your face,” says Dr. Leann Poston. “Smiling makes you happier and gives you more energy. A positive attitude encourages better eating habits and more exercise!” And to get through this pandemic at your healthiest, don’t miss these 35 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch COVID.