Women Should Stop Doing This Now, Say Health Experts — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


Women should take their health seriously and make sure they are eating the right foods. Health experts have identified certain foods that women should avoid in order to maintain their health and well-being. Eating the wrong foods can lead to a variety of health issues, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses. By avoiding these foods, women can ensure that they are getting the nutrients they need to stay healthy and fit. In this article, we will discuss the foods that women should stop eating now, according to health experts. We will also provide some healthier alternatives that women can choose instead.

Women Should Stop Doing This Now, Say Health Experts — Eat This Not That

Women have long been told to watch what they eat and to make sure they are getting the right nutrients for their bodies. But now, health experts are saying that women should also be paying attention to what they are not eating. According to recent research, there are certain foods that women should avoid in order to maintain their health and well-being.

One of the most important things that women should stop doing is eating processed foods. Processed foods are often high in unhealthy fats, sodium, and sugar, which can lead to weight gain, high blood pressure, and other health issues. Instead, women should focus on eating whole, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

Another food that women should avoid is sugary drinks. Sugary drinks are loaded with empty calories and can lead to weight gain and other health issues. Instead, women should opt for water, unsweetened tea, or low-fat milk.

Finally, women should also avoid eating too much red meat. Red meat is high in saturated fat, which can increase the risk of heart disease and other health issues. Instead, women should opt for lean proteins such as fish, poultry, and beans.

By avoiding these unhealthy foods, women can help ensure that they are getting the nutrients they need to stay healthy and fit. Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins is the best way to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

When it comes to health and wellness, women face a unique set of challenges and concerns. “We have many of the same stressors as men: family roles, various personal and professional roles, financial issues,” says behavioral therapist Amy Brodsky, LISW-S. “But in addition to all of that, some stressors apply specifically to women.” Here are five things that will wreak havoc on women’s health and hormones—and should be avoided. Read on—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

girl in casual clothes smoking an electronic cigarette

There are few things more damaging to women’s health than smoking. “About one in six American women is a current smoker,” says Nancy C. Lee, MD. “Smoking is directly responsible for 80 percent of lung cancer deaths in American women each year. In fact, lung cancer kills many more women than breast cancer in the United States.”

woman drinking red wine

Not only does drinking too much alcohol impact fertility, raise the risk of cancers such as breast cancer, liver disease, and heart disease, but it also makes depression and other mental health issues worse. “It’s not only that we’re seeing women drinking more, but that they’re really being affected by this physically and mental health-wise,” says Dawn Sugarman, a research psychologist at McLean Hospital in Massachusetts. “From less years of alcohol use, women are getting sicker faster.”

“The first thing that springs to mind when we think about unhealthy stress management are those big glasses of wine we call ‘mama’s helper,’” Brodsky says. “We joke about it and normalize it, but we often forget that alcohol is a depressant.”

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young woman holding face in bed in the dark dealing with insomnia or poor sleep

Not getting enough sleep can negatively impact women’s hormones, which in a vicious circle makes getting sleep even harder. “Insomnia is much more common in women than men,” says Yale Medicine sleep specialist Christine Won, MD. “This can be caused by a variety of reasons, including psychological, social, and physiological.”

“In our society, nowadays, people aren’t getting enough sleep. They put sleep so far down on their priority list because there are so many other things to do – family, personal stuff and work life,” says Harneet Walia, MD. “These are challenges, but if people understand how important adequate sleep is, and how to sleep better, it makes a huge difference.”

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woman puts hands on head, stressed, busy at work

It can be difficult for women to focus on taking care of themselves, especially with other responsibilities and stressors—but not taking time for yourself can have long-term health consequences. “There are very entrenched societal ideas about the ways we are expected to be good wives and mothers,” says Brodsky. “The primary responsibility of taking care of the children, making sure there’s food in the house, and overseeing homework and housework are often assigned to women, whether by society, their relationship, or themselves.” Studies show the COVID-19 pandemic made this even worse. “If you don’t properly care for yourself, your body will let you know in negative ways,” says wellness and preventative medicine expert Sandra Darling, DO, MPH. “Self-care simply means you’re taking time to care for yourself.” 

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Plump female looking in mirror, upset about her belly.

According to the Office on Women’s Health, 2 out of 3 women are obese or overweight—which is linked to a concerning number of health issues including heart disease, stroke, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Being overweight can also negatively impact fertility and make it difficult to conceive. “Being obese or significantly overweight may make it harder to get pregnant,” says Rebecca Starck, MD. “Why? It’s a complex dance between the hormones that trigger ovulation and your progesterone and estrogen levels. Fat cells often produce higher estrogen levels, which can work against your body when it’s trying to ovulate. While out-of-balance hormone levels don’t always mean you’ll have trouble getting pregnant, you may experience less regular ovulation and menstrual cycles — which makes it harder to conceive.”