The Surprising Benefit This Supplement Has On Your Kidneys, Says New Study — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


A new study has revealed a surprising benefit that a certain supplement has on your kidneys. Eating the right foods can be beneficial for your overall health, but this new study has found that a specific supplement can have a positive effect on your kidneys. This supplement, which is found in certain foods, can help to reduce the risk of kidney disease and improve kidney function. In this article, we will discuss the surprising benefit this supplement has on your kidneys, as well as which foods you should be eating to get the most out of this supplement. So if you’re looking to improve your kidney health, read on to find out more about this surprising benefit and how you can incorporate it into your diet.

The Surprising Benefit This Supplement Has On Your Kidneys, Says New Study

A new study has revealed a surprising benefit that a certain supplement can have on your kidneys. According to the study, the supplement can help protect your kidneys from damage and reduce the risk of developing kidney disease.

The supplement in question is omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oil. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to have a number of health benefits, including reducing inflammation and improving heart health. But the new study suggests that they may also be beneficial for your kidneys.

The study, which was published in the journal Kidney International, looked at the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on kidney function in mice. The researchers found that mice given omega-3 fatty acids had improved kidney function compared to those that were not given the supplement.

The researchers believe that the omega-3 fatty acids may help protect the kidneys from damage by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. They also suggest that the supplement may help reduce the risk of developing kidney disease.

While the study was conducted in mice, the researchers believe that the findings could be applicable to humans as well. They suggest that taking omega-3 fatty acids may be beneficial for people with kidney disease or those at risk of developing it.

If you’re looking for a way to protect your kidneys, adding omega-3 fatty acids to your diet may be a good option. You can find omega-3 fatty acids in foods such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, and herring. You can also take omega-3 supplements if you don’t eat enough of these foods.

Experts have pinpointed some of the best nutrients for every type of organ, and anyone who wants to boost their kidney health can seek out certain foods. According to Prospect Medical, dark, leafy greens contain high levels of vitamin A, C, K, calcium, and other compounds and minerals essential to renal health. Cabbage also contains many of these nutrients, but also dishes out phytochemicals that break up free radicals, while colorful berries supply your kidneys with the same nourishing vitamins and potentially prevent issues thanks to their high antioxidant count.

On the other hand, registered dietitians have found certain nutrients pose problems to kidney health, especially to those who live with different forms of kidney disease. Cleveland Clinic reports that sodium, potassium, and dietary phosphorus all need to get monitored and controlled if you face kidney problems, and fruits like melon, bananas, and oranges need to get limited.

While experts generally agree on what you should and shouldn’t eat to improve your kidney health, scientists constantly learn more about nutrition and one breakthrough study has the potential to turn the concept of renal health on its head. A study retrieved from Science Daily found that low doses of lithium has the potential to interfere with an enzyme that causes kidneys to age and decline. The results need to get replicated in more studies, but it looks like lithium might hold the potential to slow down the aging process in kidneys.

white pills spilling out of bottle

In the past, scientists correlated lithium with longevity in fruit flies and roundworms, and even postulated that adding lithium to tap water might help people live longer. Researchers found that in the recent study, mice treated with a lithium compound had better renal health than the control group, while a group of psychiatric patients who used lithium-based medicine also reported better kidney health than those who had not received any lithium-based-medicines.

In psychiatric medicine, an effective dose of lithium edges very close to a lethal dose, but when it comes to kidney health, just a bit might have the potential to go a long way.

Science has already found that lithium supplements have the potential to do a ton of good. Lithium Orotate can strengthen one’s immune system, improves metabolism, can lead to better brain health, stimulates the regeneration of brain cells, and much more, per Age Management Institute. If future studies support the latest findings, it now looks like experts can add extended kidney life to all of the benefits that lithium can add to one’s supplement routine.

Keeping track of diet and nutrients can go a long way when it comes to ensuring your kidneys stay healthy for years to come. Double-check your diet against Popular Diets That May Cause Damage to Your Kidneys to guarantee that you’re eating right.

Erich Barganier

Erich Barganier is a health and food writer. Read more