Ways You’re Ruining Your Body After 60, Say Experts — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


As we age, our bodies become more vulnerable to the effects of poor lifestyle choices. After the age of 60, it is even more important to be mindful of the decisions we make that can have a negative impact on our health. Eating the wrong foods, not getting enough exercise, and not getting enough sleep can all take a toll on our bodies. In this article, we will explore some of the ways you may be unknowingly ruining your body after 60, according to experts. We will also provide some tips on how to make healthier food choices and lifestyle changes that can help you stay healthy and active.

Ways You’re Ruining Your Body After 60, Say Experts — Eat This Not That

Turning 60 is a milestone, but it can also be a time of worry for many. As we age, our bodies become more vulnerable to the effects of poor lifestyle choices. Here are some of the ways experts say you may be ruining your body after 60 — and what you should be eating instead.

1. Eating Too Much Processed Food

Processed foods are often high in sodium, sugar, and unhealthy fats, all of which can contribute to a range of health issues. Eating too much processed food can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. Instead, opt for fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

2. Not Getting Enough Exercise

Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy body, especially as we age. Not getting enough exercise can lead to a weakened immune system, increased risk of injury, and decreased muscle mass. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week.

3. Not Drinking Enough Water

Staying hydrated is key for overall health, and it’s especially important for seniors. Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration, which can cause fatigue, confusion, and dizziness. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

4. Not Getting Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Not getting enough sleep can lead to a weakened immune system, increased risk of injury, and decreased muscle mass. Aim for at least seven to eight hours of sleep a night.

5. Not Eating Enough Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that are essential for maintaining a healthy body. Not eating enough fruits and vegetables can lead to deficiencies in essential nutrients, which can lead to a weakened immune system and increased risk of disease. Aim to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.


Turning 60 is a milestone, but it can also be a time of worry for many. As we age, our bodies become more vulnerable to the effects of poor lifestyle choices. Eating too much processed food, not getting enough exercise, not drinking enough water, not getting enough sleep, and not eating enough fruits and vegetables are all ways experts say you may be ruining your body after 60. To stay healthy, aim to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, exercise regularly, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, and eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

For many people life starts at 60, but as you get older signs of aging begin taking place. Knowing what to expect can not only help you embrace the changes and prepare for the process, but help know what preventive measures to take to stay healthy like being active. “Activity especially in the sunlight has a great impact on your health, a good booster for your immune system to your bone and muscle activities. You will increase your bone density and you will fight aging and increase your immunity,” explains Dr. Serap Sobnosky, MD with Dignity Healthy. Eat This, Not That! Health talked to top medical experts who revealed what changes start happening after 60. Read the five tips below to find out what they are and how to help prevent them—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

Unhealthy mature woman holding belly, feeling discomfort

Dr. Michael Hirt, a Board Certified Nutrition from Harvard University and Board Certified in Internal Medicine and is with The Center for Integrative Medicine in Tarzana California says, “Heart disease and Diabetes. Heart disease remains America’s Number 1 killer for persons over 60 — robbing seniors of their golden years and Diabetes is the Number 1 disease for healthcare dollars spent — robbing seniors of their golden savings. In America, it has been said that we dig our graves with our teeth, as diseases such as heart disease and diabetes can be substantially mitigated with significant upgrades to the foods we choose to put on our forks and spoons. So, if you want to spend less time in doctors’ waiting rooms and spend less money at the pharmacy, then put a nutrition specialist on your medical team to reinvent your menu and help you make constantly better food choices.”

RELATED: Vitamins That Can Prevent Aging, Say Studies

Attentive doctor analyzing x ray of his patient

According to Dr. Hirt, “Even though lung diseases are the third most common cause of death for those over 60, most of us think that if we don’t smoke, we can check this one off our worry list. While not smoking is really important to keeping your lungs healthy, there are still invisible threats to your lung health that most of us overlook, especially in urban centers. Poor outdoor air quality continues to plague many of America’s bigger cities, so much so that living in Los Angeles is like smoking a 1/2 pack of cigarettes daily. Add in some air fresheners, caustic cleaning supplies (the kind that really work!), a roaring fire for the holidays, and scented candles, then you really could have something to sneeze at. Your delicate lung tissue is no match for any of this. If you can see the air you are breathing or smell it, be kind to your lungs and think twice about how good that air is for you to be breathing in. For the next 6 months, we will all likely be spending more time inside than outside, so consider putting a couple HEPA air filters on your gift list that Santa can drag down your chimney (that you shouldn’t be using anyway). Air filters are a great way to protect your lungs from dust, germs and chemicals. Houseplants also help to improve indoor air quality and are Nature’s original version of the electric air filter.”

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Old woman stretching numb arm, weakness of muscles in senior age, arthritis

Dr. Hirt says, “Nearly 50% of people over 60 experience some form of arthritis. Those old sport injuries, slips and falls, heavy suitcases, and improper (but fashionable) footwear start to take their toll as people’s ages climb past 60. Additionally by 60, most of us are out of alignment and are no longer walking, sitting or standing correctly. And just like a car whose alignment is off, the tires will not wear evenly either. While the solution is a little more complex and time intensive, humans can be ‘realigned’ with the help of physical therapy and proper exercise (including Pilates, yoga, and TaiQi). Diet may play a role in aggravating your joint pains and inflammation. So, ask your health team about anti-inflammatory diets, night-shade free diets, and gluten-free diets as a way to cut down on your pain and increase mobility.”

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Doctor consulting male patient, working on diagnostic examination on

According to the American Cancer Society, “about 1 man in 8 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. Prostate cancer is more likely to develop in older men and in non-Hispanic Black men. About 6 cases in 10 are diagnosed in men who are 65 or older, and it is rare in men under 40. The average age of men at diagnosis is about 66.”

Leanne Burnham, assistant research professor at City of Hope, a cancer research and treatment organization near Los Angeles, says, “the five-year survival rate for prostate cancer patients is nearly 100% when the disease is detected in its early stages. The key to longevity and quality of life lies in early detection. For this reason, men between the ages of 55-69 are encouraged to discuss prostate cancer screening with their physicians. Many men with prostate cancer do not experience any symptoms, but some do. 

Men should follow up with their physicians if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • weak or interrupted flow of urine
  • frequent and sudden urge to urinate, especially at night
  • difficulty starting urination
  • trouble emptying the bladder completely
  • painful or burning sensations while urinating
  • blood in urine or semen
  • pain in the lower back or pelvic area
  • weakness or numbness in the legs or feet
  • dizziness
  • fatigue

While these symptoms can be caused by conditions other than prostate cancer, men should check with their doctor for a proper diagnosis and to develop a treatment plan if needed. 

Quality of life should be at the top of the list when considering a treatment plan. Patients should feel confident in current treatment regimens that have come a long way in minimizing side effects. Whether it’s hormone therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, or chemotherapy — an individualized treatment plan can help ensure more effective results. National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer centers such as City of Hope offer a wide variety of new, promising cancer-fighting therapies and also support the patient and families with a holistic approach.”

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pouring water

Over time your skin loses elasticity, which can cause wrinkles. To help keep youthful skin, Dr. Lynn Jeffers, MD MBA FACS Chief Medical Officer Dignity Health St. John’s Hospital Camarillo says, “stay hydrated, protect your skin from the sun and eat well so you’re keeping it healthy from within with a good diet where you get the vitamins and antioxidants such as green leafy vegetables and a colorful palette.” So do so, and to protect your life and the lives of others, don’t visit any of these 35 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch COVID.