Virus Expert Just Issued “Potentially Dangerous” COVID Warning — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a lot of confusion and fear among the public. With the virus continuing to spread, it is important to take all necessary precautions to protect yourself and your family. Recently, a virus expert has issued a potentially dangerous warning about the virus and the food we eat. This warning is especially important for those who are at higher risk of contracting the virus. In this article, we will discuss the warning and provide some tips on what to eat and what to avoid in order to stay safe.

Virus Expert Just Issued “Potentially Dangerous” COVID Warning — Eat This Not That

A leading virus expert has issued a stark warning about the potential dangers of the novel coronavirus, urging people to be extra cautious when it comes to what they eat. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, recently warned that eating certain foods could increase the risk of contracting COVID-19.

In an interview with CNN, Fauci said that people should avoid eating raw or undercooked animal products, such as raw or undercooked eggs, meat, and fish. He also warned against eating raw fruits and vegetables that have not been washed or peeled. Fauci said that these foods could be contaminated with the virus, and that eating them could increase the risk of infection.

Fauci also urged people to be extra cautious when it comes to eating out. He said that people should avoid eating at restaurants that are not following proper safety protocols, such as wearing masks and social distancing. He also warned against eating food that has been handled by someone who is not wearing gloves.

Fauci’s warning comes as the number of COVID-19 cases continues to rise in the United States. The virus has already killed more than 200,000 people in the country, and the number of cases is expected to continue to increase in the coming weeks and months.

It is important for people to take Fauci’s warning seriously and to be extra cautious when it comes to what they eat. Eating raw or undercooked animal products, as well as food that has been handled by someone who is not wearing gloves, could increase the risk of contracting the virus. People should also avoid eating at restaurants that are not following proper safety protocols.

Over the last few weeks, the highly contagious Omicron subvariant BA.2 has caused COVID cases to skyrocket in Europe. BA.2 has now found its way over to the U.S. and accounts for a little more than one-third of cases. Does this mean the U.S. is headed for another COVID wave? On the latest episode of his podcast, epidemiologist Dr. Michael Osterholm looked at various trends and warned that one is “setting the U.S. up for a potentially dangerous situation.” Read on to find out more—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

Portrait of doctor with face mask and clipboard looking at camera in hospital.

Like most health experts, Osterholm is having trouble predicting how BA.2 might affect the U.S. in the coming weeks. “Right now, we’re looking pretty good, but I can’t give you any sense of what the future might look like in one, two, four, or five weeks with any clarity,” he said, pointing out that U.S. average daily cases are at their lowest point since July 2021, with BA.2 accounting for 35% of new infections. But there is a sign that cases are going up, read on.

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Medical staff work in the intensive care ward for COVID-19 patients

However, Osterholm said, wastewater testing indicates that COVID levels are starting to tick up again in the U.S. “As of Monday, five states were seeing increasing cases over the past two weeks,” he said. “Nevada has seen a 29% increase. New York has seen a 21% increase, Arkansas 18%, Colorado 10% and Rhode Island, 4%. 

“Notice they are geographically dispersed throughout much of the country,” he said. “There is growing concern that a rise in cases, similar to what Europe is seeing right now, may be coming to the U.S. And it’s something we need to be prepared for, even though we can’t predict when, where, or how big that surge might be.”

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Ambulance at Piccadilly Circus at night

Europe is experiencing a BA.2 surge despite more of its population being vaccinated than the U.S. America’s vaccination rates “are very low compared to other countries, ranking 65th for vaccination rates with two doses and 70th for three doses,” said Osterholm. “Coupled with decreasing funding for preparedness and response, this is setting the U.S. up for a potentially dangerous situation.” Several states are closing testing sites and cutting back on daily COVID reporting. And funding for additional COVID protection is now stuck in Congress. The White House announced this week that it didn’t have the funds to buy a fourth vaccine dose for all Americans.

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Temporary Corona vaccination center in warehouse with cabins.

Because of all this, “The U.S. continues to be ill-prepared to protect against or respond to another surge or another new variant,” said Osterholm. “Unfortunately, given these circumstances, we will find ourselves again largely at the mercy of the virus. And only with time will we understand what our likely outcome is to be.”   

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Doctor's gloved hands using cotton before vaccine.

Follow the fundamentals and help end this pandemic, no matter where you live—get vaccinated ASAP; if you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear an N95 face mask, don’t travel, social distance, avoid large crowds, don’t go indoors with people you’re not sheltering with (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene, and to protect your life and the lives of others, don’t visit any of these 35 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch COVID.