This Is the Most Popular Grocery Item Sold on Instacart, New Data Says — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


Grocery shopping can be a daunting task, especially when you’re trying to make healthy choices. But now, thanks to new data from Instacart, we know the most popular grocery item sold on the platform. If you’re looking for a healthy, convenient, and popular grocery item, then look no further than this one. Eat This Not That has the scoop on the most popular grocery item sold on Instacart, and it’s sure to be a hit in your kitchen.

This Is the Most Popular Grocery Item Sold on Instacart, New Data Says

Instacart, the popular grocery delivery service, recently released data on the most popular grocery items sold on their platform. The results may surprise you!

According to the data, the most popular grocery item sold on Instacart is avocados. Avocados are a versatile and nutritious food that can be used in a variety of dishes. They are also a great source of healthy fats, fiber, and vitamins. It’s no wonder why they are so popular!

The second most popular item sold on Instacart is bananas. Bananas are a great source of potassium and fiber, and they are also a great snack. They are also a great addition to smoothies and other recipes. It’s no wonder why they are so popular!

The third most popular item sold on Instacart is apples. Apples are a great source of fiber and vitamins, and they are also a great snack. They are also a great addition to salads and other recipes. It’s no wonder why they are so popular!

These three items are the most popular grocery items sold on Instacart, according to the data. So if you’re looking for a healthy and delicious snack, you can’t go wrong with avocados, bananas, or apples!

Bananas are arguably the most beloved fruit in the produce aisle. With less than 100 calories each, these curved yellow delights are packed with nutrients and natural sweetness. They can help build lean muscle, support digestion, and even boost your mood!

While it can be confusing that bananas are berries and strawberries aren’t, it hasn’t hindered their massive popularity. In fact, over 100 billion bananas are eaten worldwide each year. And according to grocery retail service Instacart, bananas are the most popular item purchased through the service.

The versatility of bananas is unmatched—they can be eaten on their own, baked into sweet treats, used in smoothies, and more. But what may be even more interesting are all the other items people pick up when they add bananas to their online shopping cart.

Instacart’s Trends Expert Laurentia Romaniuk says orders containing bananas also include foods that complement the most popular item on the platform. The company has a tool that gathers data revealing the top items that people buy when people buy bananas from the site. Here are the top five things, with the last item being the most frequent.

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Easily one of the best toppings for a snack, breakfast, or dessert, this fruit is small but mighty, and shoppers really like getting some when they buy bananas. Raspberries are a low-calorie food that contains lots of fiber and antioxidants. In fact, raspberries contain the highest amount of dietary fiber.

When combined with bananas, this pairing packs a powerful punch full of healthy goodies that are great for the body. Both raspberries and bananas are perfect to mix into desserts like Healthy Instant Pot Mug Cakes in Mason Jars.

avocados grocery store

Another item that shoppers tend to purchase with their bananas is avocados. Out of the two types of avocados, Hass avocados are slightly different from their Florida avocado counterparts in terms of size and price. Hass avocados are often smaller, cheaper, and determining the ripeness of the fruit is easier than the Florida avocado, which could explain why they’re often bought with bananas.

Both bananas and avocados are perfect for making smoothie bowls like this one thicker and creamier.

Fresh blueberries plastic pint

Studies show that blueberries are the best fruit to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Blueberries can also help to manage glucose levels, and support heart and brain health. When coupled with bananas, you’ve got yourself the perfect nutrient-dense snack, smoothie, or breakfast combo, like with the Banana Blueberry Steel Cut Oatmeal.


Honeycrisp apples are appropriately named as they are more on the crisp and tart side, making them ideal for snacks, salads—and of course, apple pies! Shoppers have been found to add Honeycrisp apples to their shopping when they purchase bananas, Instacart’s data shows.

Honeycrisp apples are also known to contain lots of fiber and can serve as an immunity booster. Both bananas and apples are also recommended fruits for The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet, or DASH diet, which promotes heart health and can decrease blood pressure.


Topping Instacart’s lineup of items bought with bananas is this type of apple. Often found in fruit salad, smoothies, and desserts, this pairing may come as no surprise to the seasoned shopper.

Not only do apples and bananas make a great duo on the plate, but also carry a number of health benefits. Both fruits are even listed as some of the ultimate high-fiber fruits by WebMD. Did you know that apples and bananas can be incorporated into a chocolate cake? Check out our mini chocolate cakes recipe, along with more fruit-filled dessert ideas!

For more on this, read all about how Grocery Shoppers Buy These Items The Most With Peanut Butter, According to Data.

Alex Perry

Hailing from Birmingham, Alabama, Alex Perry joins “Eat This, Not That!” as a freelance writer. Read more