This Eating Habit Can Lead to Muscle Loss as You Age, New Study Says — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


As we age, our bodies naturally start to lose muscle mass. But a new study suggests that certain eating habits can accelerate this process, leading to more rapid muscle loss. The study, published in the journal Nutrients, found that people who ate a diet high in processed foods and low in fruits and vegetables were more likely to experience muscle loss as they aged. The good news is that there are simple dietary changes you can make to help slow down the process. Eating more whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, and avoiding processed foods can help you maintain your muscle mass as you age. Read on to learn more about the study and how to make healthier eating choices.

This Eating Habit Can Lead to Muscle Loss as You Age, New Study Says — Eat This Not That

A new study published in the journal Nutrients has found that eating a diet high in processed foods can lead to muscle loss as you age. The study, which was conducted by researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, looked at the diets of over 2,000 adults aged 65 and older.

The researchers found that those who ate a diet high in processed foods, such as fast food, processed meats, and sugary snacks, had a higher risk of muscle loss than those who ate a diet rich in whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

The study also found that those who ate a diet high in processed foods were more likely to have lower levels of physical activity, which can further contribute to muscle loss. The researchers concluded that eating a diet high in processed foods can lead to muscle loss as you age, and that eating a diet rich in whole foods is the best way to maintain muscle mass.

So, if you want to maintain your muscle mass as you age, it’s important to eat a diet rich in whole foods and limit your intake of processed foods. Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can help you maintain your muscle mass and keep your body healthy.

Regularly skimping on nutrients can not only wreak havoc on numerous systems like your heart, brain, and gut, but it can also lead to muscle loss as you age, according to a new study in Scientific Reports.

That’s a big deal because muscle mass already naturally declines as you get older. When that’s accelerated, the condition is called sarcopenia and raises major health risks, including the loss of mobility.

In the study, researchers looked at 1,211 participants over age 65 in Singapore. They found that there were several factors that contribute to lower muscle mass, including socio-economic status and underlying chronic diseases, but that poor nutritional intake was especially notable. This may be due, in part, to what’s called “anorexia of aging,” or a loss of appetite that results in decreased food consumption. When this happens, older people may not be getting the nutrients they need, which means fast muscle mass loss could soon follow.

Related: The Best Anti-Aging Diets, According to Science

woman doing yoga

Maintaining your muscle mass through strategies like regular exercise and eating nutrient-dense foods can not only help your overall function, it may even boost your chance of living longer. According to a study in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, muscles mass loss may be related to earlier mortality.

Researchers studied a group of 839 men and women over the age of 65 for about four years, recording their body composition with bone density scanning over time. They looked at “appendicular muscle mass,” meaning the arms and legs, as well as subcutaneous fat and visceral fat.

The results showed that women with low appendicular mass were 63 times more likely to die early compared to those with more arm and leg muscle mass. Men with low appendicular mass were 11 times more likely to be at risk for early mortality.

“Muscle mass plays a key role in stabilization for the hips and shoulders,” says lead researcher Rosa Maria Rodrigues Pereira, M.D., Ph.D., of the University of Sao Paulo’s Medical School in Brazil. “When you lose that stability and there’s a fall, low bone mineral density means you’re at higher risk of a fracture.”

In terms of the significant difference between men and women, Pereira suggests that menopause-related hormone changes may play a part. As estrogen plummets, it can have a negative effect on muscle mass, leading to muscle loss, as well as less decreased bone density and more belly fat.

But sarcopenia isn’t inevitable, she adds, and can even be reversed by lifestyle habits like exercise, not smoking, and eating nutrient-rich foods. That advice isn’t just for those in midlife and older, either—the earlier you start, the more muscle mass you preserve as you age.

For tips on what foods you should be eating to maintain your muscle mass, check out The Best Foods for Stronger Muscles After 50, Dietitian Says. And for more nutrition advice, sign up for our newsletter!