The Worst Thing You Can Do at the Doctor’s Office — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


Going to the doctor’s office can be a stressful experience, but it doesn’t have to be. Knowing what to eat and what not to eat while you’re there can make a big difference in how you feel and how your visit goes. Eating the wrong foods can lead to an uncomfortable experience, so it’s important to know what the worst things you can do at the doctor’s office are. In this article, we’ll discuss the worst things you can do at the doctor’s office, and provide some tips on what to eat and what not to eat while you’re there.

The Worst Thing You Can Do at the Doctor’s Office — Eat This Not That

When you’re at the doctor’s office, it’s important to remember that you’re there for a medical appointment, not a snack. Eating certain foods can be detrimental to your health and can even interfere with the doctor’s ability to diagnose and treat you. Here are some of the worst things you can eat at the doctor’s office and what you should eat instead.

Worst: Sugary Foods

Sugary foods like candy, cookies, and soda can cause a spike in your blood sugar levels, which can interfere with the doctor’s ability to accurately assess your health. Eating sugary foods can also make you feel sluggish and can lead to an energy crash later on. Instead, opt for a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts for a healthier snack.

Worst: Processed Foods

Processed foods like chips, crackers, and packaged snacks are high in sodium and unhealthy fats, which can raise your blood pressure and increase your risk of heart disease. These foods can also make you feel bloated and uncomfortable, which can make it difficult for the doctor to examine you. Instead, opt for a piece of whole-grain toast with some nut butter or a hard-boiled egg for a healthier snack.

Worst: Caffeinated Beverages

Caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, and energy drinks can cause your heart rate and blood pressure to spike, which can interfere with the doctor’s ability to accurately assess your health. Caffeine can also make you feel jittery and anxious, which can make it difficult for the doctor to examine you. Instead, opt for a glass of water or a cup of herbal tea for a healthier beverage.

Worst: Fast Food

Fast food is high in unhealthy fats, sodium, and calories, which can increase your risk of heart disease and make you feel sluggish. Eating fast food can also make you feel bloated and uncomfortable, which can make it difficult for the doctor to examine you. Instead, opt for a salad or a sandwich made with whole-grain bread for a healthier meal.

When you’re at the doctor’s office, it’s important to remember that you’re there for a medical appointment, not a snack. Eating the wrong foods can interfere with the doctor’s ability to diagnose and treat you, so it’s important to choose healthy snacks and beverages. Stick to fruits, nuts, whole grains, and lean proteins for a healthier snack that won’t interfere with your doctor’s appointment.

The doctor-patient relationship is as important as any other relationship in your life, and just like any other relationship, a good one thrives on quality communication—not too much, not too little, and not about the wrong things. What’s the best to make sure you and your doctor get and stay on the right track? Avoid this, the worst thing you can do at the doctor’s office. Read on to find out more—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

Doctors are pretty much in agreement: Do your research, be involved in your care, but don’t let Dr. Google—also known as self-diagnosis—override the professional in front of you. Consult the internet to educate yourself, but don’t come in having diagnosed yourself, says Suzanne Koven, a primary care internist at Massachusetts General Hospital. “I have enormous respect for patients’ autonomy and understanding of their own bodies, and to some extent, doctors are working with patients in a collaboration,” she told Scientific American. “But to pretend that both parties are bringing the identical degree of information to the table is disingenuous. Once in a while, somebody will come in determined that they need an MRI to rule out such and such or this drug to treat such and such, and I’ll have to say, ‘Whoa, slow down, let’s talk about you and your symptoms.’” 

woman having serious chat with her doctor

And make sure the information you’re bringing to the doctor’s office is reputable. “Doctors get inundated with theories and references to quick (probably quack) cures, many of which are passed around online,” says Dr. Jacob Hascalovici, a neurologist and chief medical officer of Clearing. “To counter that, get your medical information from sites that end in .org or .edu, and let your doctor do the heavy lifting when it comes to diagnostic work.”

Pensioner reading message on mobile phone

“If you’re spending hours digging through the dark corners of the internet, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Often, the nonspecific information available online can lead patients to believe a small problem is something far more dire,” said Dr. Darla Klokeid, a Seattle-based physician with One Medical. 

happy doctor with patient

“That said, there are studies that recommend patients research ahead of time in order to help point their provider in the right direction,” said Klokeid. ” t doesn’t need to be excessive — if you spend 15 minutes educating yourself on treatment options or clarifying specific symptoms ahead of the visit, that’s completely adequate.” She suggests asking your doctor to recommend good resources for research, and she happily does so for her patients.

woman smiling and typing on phone

And remember that just because someone you follow is using a medication or product doesn’t mean it’s right for you.  “My field of medicine perhaps lends itself most widely to research done on Instagram and TikTok before a patient’s visit,” says Noreen Galaria, MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist in Northern Virginia. She advises never saying things like, “On Instagram, I read that I actually shouldn’t be using this prescription” or “There’s an influencer I follow that says never to use that.”

And to protect your life and the lives of others, don’t visit any of these 35 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch COVID.

Michael Martin

Michael Martin is a New York City-based writer and editor whose health and lifestyle content has also been published on Beachbody and Openfit. A contributing writer for Eat This, Not That!, he has also been published in New York, Architectural Digest, Interview, and many others. Read more