The Worst Side Effect of Not Getting Enough Vitamin D, Says Science — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that plays a key role in many bodily functions, including bone health, immune system function, and even mental health. Unfortunately, many people don’t get enough of this important vitamin, and the consequences can be serious. According to recent research, the worst side effect of not getting enough vitamin D is an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is especially concerning since type 2 diabetes is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition. Fortunately, there are ways to get enough vitamin D without relying on supplements. Eating certain foods, such as fatty fish, eggs, and fortified dairy products, can help you get the vitamin D you need. Read on to learn more about the worst side effect of not getting enough vitamin D and how to make sure you’re getting enough of this important nutrient.

The Worst Side Effect of Not Getting Enough Vitamin D, Says Science — Eat This Not That

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are important for strong bones and teeth. Unfortunately, many people don’t get enough of this important vitamin, and the consequences can be serious. According to a recent study, the worst side effect of not getting enough vitamin D is an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The study, which was published in the journal Diabetes Care, looked at data from more than 4,000 adults over the age of 20. The researchers found that those who had lower levels of vitamin D were more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those with higher levels. The risk was even greater for those who had very low levels of vitamin D.

The researchers believe that vitamin D may help regulate blood sugar levels, which could explain why those with lower levels of the vitamin are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. They also suggest that vitamin D may help protect against other conditions associated with diabetes, such as heart disease and stroke.

So how can you make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D? The best way is to get it from natural sources, such as sunlight and certain foods. Foods that are high in vitamin D include fatty fish, such as salmon and tuna, as well as fortified milk and orange juice. You can also take a vitamin D supplement if you’re not getting enough from your diet.

If you’re concerned about your vitamin D levels, talk to your doctor. They can order a blood test to check your levels and recommend the best course of action.

Vitamin D was likely the most talked-about vitamin of 2020. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, vitamin D was the center of attention in the research world. Numerous studies explored the potential relationship between vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19 severity.

Prior to the pandemic, research had indicated that having low levels of vitamin D can make you more susceptible to infection. For example, one systematic review published in 2015 suggests that vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of all-cause and infection-related mortality among the general population. At the same time, the review also points out that the effects of vitamin D supplementation appear to be highly individualized.

RELATED: This Is How Much Vitamin D You Should Take After 50, Says Dietitian

Aside from increased susceptibility to infectious disease, and potentially other health complications, there are various other reasons why you wouldn’t want to have low vitamin D levels. In a previous article about the health benefits of vitamin D, Nicole Avena, Ph.D. and an assistant professor of neuroscience at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, explained a few other vital roles the nutrient plays in the body.


“One of the major roles [vitamin D] plays is to help maximize the absorption and utilization of calcium, which is an important mineral for our skeletal system and teeth,” she says.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, vitamin D deficiency may also increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers including colon, prostate, and breast cancers.

Sourcing vitamin D from dietary sources can be challenging, seeing as not many foods are naturally rich in the nutrient. Fatty fish like salmon, eggs (with the yolk!), and mushrooms exposed to UV light are great sources of vitamin D. Other foods like cereal and milk are often fortified with the vitamin. Spending time outdoors under the sun is another way you can make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D.

Ask your physician if taking a supplement would be best for you. For more tips, be sure to check out Get More Vitamin D In Your Diet With These Secret Tricks, Say Dietitians. Then, don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter!