The Best Foods to Eat for Plogging, Says Dietitian — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


Plogging is a new fitness trend that combines jogging with picking up litter. It’s a great way to get some exercise while also helping the environment. But what should you eat before and after plogging to maximize your workout and stay healthy? According to dietitian Eat This Not That, there are certain foods that are best for plogging. In this article, we’ll explore the best foods to eat for plogging, as recommended by Eat This Not That.

The Best Foods to Eat for Plogging, Says Dietitian — Eat This Not That

Plogging is a combination of jogging and picking up litter, and it’s becoming increasingly popular as a way to stay fit and help the environment. But what should you eat to fuel your plogging sessions? We asked a dietitian for her top picks.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are essential for any healthy diet, and they’re especially important for plogging. Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help keep your energy levels up and your body functioning optimally. Try to include a variety of colors in your diet, as each color group offers different nutrients. Some of the best fruits and vegetables for plogging include apples, oranges, bananas, spinach, kale, broccoli, and carrots.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, which provide sustained energy for your plogging sessions. Whole grains are also high in fiber, which can help keep you feeling full and energized. Some of the best whole grains for plogging include oats, quinoa, brown rice, and barley.

Lean Proteins

Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, so it’s important to include lean proteins in your diet if you’re plogging regularly. Lean proteins are also a great source of energy, and they can help keep you feeling full for longer. Some of the best lean proteins for plogging include chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, and tofu.

Healthy Fats

Healthy fats are an important part of any diet, and they can help keep you feeling full and energized during your plogging sessions. Healthy fats can also help your body absorb certain vitamins and minerals. Some of the best sources of healthy fats for plogging include avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential for any physical activity, and it’s especially important for plogging. Make sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your plogging sessions to keep your body functioning optimally. You can also try adding electrolytes to your water to help replenish any lost minerals.

Let’s face it-Americans are tired, stressed, and overworked. But right across the pond, countries like Norway and Sweden are ranking as some of the happiest and stress-free countries in the world. They’ve perfected the art of balance in all parts of their lives, and we can certainly learn a thing or two from the way they do things.

Thankfully, we’ve already begun tapping into some of their practices and applying them to our own daily lives. A popular example of this that is currently going viral online is a form of exercise called plogging.

Plogging has grown in popularity across the globe, but it was originally founded by a Swedish man named Erik Ahlström. This form of exercise, which is also a viral Tik Tok trend, is simply the act of picking up trash while jogging. You’re not only taking care of your body, but you’re caring for your community and planet, too. It’s a perfectly balanced way of staying healthy physically, while also finding more happiness and fulfillment in your day.

Because it’s such a popular activity these days, we wanted to learn more about the foods we can eat to best prepare our bodies for this new practice. To do this, we asked our medical expert Lauren Manaker, MS, RDN, author of The First Time Mom’s Pregnancy Cookbook and Fueling Male Fertility, about some helpful pre-plogging snacks.

“Why not stick to the theme of doing good for your body and for the planet by picking snacks that fuel your body and support the environment at the same time,” says Manaker.

Planters Peanuts
Planters Peanuts

“The beloved baseball-watching snack is a great plogging snack, too,” says Manaker. “Not only do peanuts provide plant-based protein and a slew of important nutrients, but these legumes can help conserve water, as most peanut crops rely only on rainwater and don’t require using additional water. Plus, peanuts require less water to grow than certain nuts (like almonds), making them a great choice for water conservation. They even pause their growth when water isn’t available to consume less water when needed.”

Envy Apples
Envy Apples

Envy Apples are a unique choice of apple because their white flesh stays whiter longer, possibly allowing for less food waste (as a browning apple is not as appealing to many people),” says Manaker. “They have a satisfying crunch, a balanced sweetness, and they are a source of many nutrients, including natural carbs for energy support.”

Clif Builders Mini
Clif Bar & Company

“Clif Builders are a perfect snack to toss in your pocket before you go on your plogging adventure,” says Manaker. “Made with Rainforest Alliance Certified Cocoa and packed with plogging-fueling nutrients, these mini bars are easy to snack on while you are doing good for yourself and for your surroundings. Plus, since CLIF as a company is working to reduce CO2 emissions and run a climate-neutral business operation, you will be supporting a brand that is trying to support the environment when you snag yourself a bar. Definitely a win-win.”

at Clif Bar & Company

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Joolies Snack Pack

“Joolies Snack Packs contain three pit-free organic medjool dates in a sustainable, (and super-cute) eco-friendly paper package,” says Manaker. “Dates give sustainable energy, thanks to their lower glycemic index, natural carbs, and fiber. Plus, they taste like caramel and the antioxidants that are naturally found in these fruits help keep your overall health in check.”

Chasin Dreams Snack
Chasin Dreams

“Chasin Dreams is made of popped sorghum,” says Manaker. “Sorghum is an ancient grain that is packed with antioxidants, fiber, and some plant-based protein. And this grain is very environmentally friendly, as it takes only 6 inches of total water (soil, rainfall, irrigation) to produce the first bushel of grain sorghum. In normal conditions, sorghum produces approximately 500 pounds of grain for every inch of total water.”

at Chasin’ Dreams Farms

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Nemi Cactus Sticks
Nemi Snacks

“Lastly, Nemi Snacks are snacks made from nopales, or the pads of a certain cactus,” says Manaker. “This cactus variety is able to grow with minimal water and in high temperatures, making it a very sustainable option. These Nemi snacks naturally contain fiber and protein, making them a plogging-fueling snack that is supporting an important crop too.”