The 4 Worst Weight Loss Tips That Will Never Work

By Ghuman


If you’re looking to lose weight, you’ve probably heard a lot of advice from friends, family, and even strangers. Unfortunately, not all of this advice is good. In fact, some of it can be downright dangerous. In this article, we’ll discuss the four worst weight loss tips that will never work. We’ll explain why these tips are ineffective and provide some healthier alternatives. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of how to safely and effectively lose weight.

The 4 Worst Weight Loss Tips That Will Never Work

Losing weight can be a difficult and frustrating process. Unfortunately, there are many weight loss tips out there that are not only ineffective, but can also be dangerous. Here are the four worst weight loss tips that will never work.

1. Starving Yourself

Starving yourself is one of the worst things you can do when trying to lose weight. Not only does it deprive your body of essential nutrients, but it can also slow down your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight in the long run. Plus, it can lead to serious health problems such as anemia, fatigue, and even organ failure.

2. Fad Diets

Fad diets are all the rage these days, but they are not a sustainable way to lose weight. Most of these diets are based on eliminating certain food groups or drastically reducing your calorie intake, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies and other health problems. Plus, once you go off the diet, you’ll likely gain back all the weight you lost.

3. Supplements and Pills

There are many supplements and pills on the market that claim to help you lose weight quickly and easily. However, most of these products are not backed by scientific evidence and can be dangerous. Plus, they can be expensive and may not even work.

4. Crash Dieting

Crash dieting is a dangerous and ineffective way to lose weight. It involves drastically reducing your calorie intake for a short period of time in order to lose weight quickly. However, this can lead to nutrient deficiencies, fatigue, and other health problems. Plus, once you go off the diet, you’ll likely gain back all the weight you lost.

These are the four worst weight loss tips that will never work. If you’re looking to lose weight, it’s important to focus on healthy eating and regular exercise. This will help you lose weight in a safe and sustainable way.

The hard truth is that there are far more myths than facts when it comes to weight loss. Even worse, because they’re so common, these misconceptions seem even more believable since, well, everyone tells you the same thing. The result? You get more frustrated and hopeless because you think you’re doing everything right but not seeing any changes in your body. We’re here to share some of the worst weight loss tips that hurt your progress and overall results and can harm your health.

Educate yourself, and you’ll make it much easier to melt fat and achieve the body of your dreams. Keep reading to learn more about the weight loss tips to avoid, and next up, don’t miss The 1-Month Weight Loss Challenge for a Slimmer You.

“Eat less, move more.”

close-up woman tying sneakers next to green smoothie, weight loss tips fitness concept

Many people preach that weight loss is easy: Just eat less and move more. But the reality is that advice is vague, reductionist, and (a wee bit) condescending. Research backs this up. After all, if it were that simple, everyone would be lean—yet many people continually struggle despite their best efforts.

Losing weight is often complex, because there can be emotional and psychological barriers as well as life stresses that make it difficult to shed those extra pounds. For lasting results, you need a specific plan that outlines how many calories to consume, how often to exercise, and how to navigate setbacks when they occur.

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“Eat less fat.”

Oftentimes, people teach you to avoid fats so you don’t get fat. While it might seem like good advice, it’s not actually correct. Sure, fats are more calorically dense than carbs or protein, but the right kind of fats can help you stay full, fight inflammation, maintain your health, and more.

In fact, “fatty” foods like salmon, free-range eggs, avocados, olive oils, nuts, Greek yogurt, dark chocolate, and more are packed with delicious nutrients that can even improve your fat loss. As long as you consume a balanced diet and stick to healthy fats—and not nachos—you’ll be fine.

“Cardio for weight loss; strength training for muscle.”

mature fitness woman running on treadmill at gym

Actually, the saying should be, “Strength training for weight loss, strength training for muscle.” Yes, cardio burns calories, but you still need strength training in order to build the muscle underneath your fat while also burning calories and increasing your metabolism.

Only doing cardio will lead to weight loss, but it won’t help you shed your body fat as optimally. As a result, you can end up with a “skinny fat” body where your body weight is considered “normal,” but your body fat percentage is still quite high, according to Healthline. Instead, take a balanced approach of both cardio and weight lifting so you can build strength in your muscles, bones, and joints as you get leaner.

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“Detox yourself.”

There’s no proof that detox diets work, even though it’s a common belief that in order to lose weight, you need to remove toxins in your body and purge yourself of all the bad things you’ve accumulated. Even worse, detox diets can even be dangerous, because you’ll deprive your body of calories and nutrients for an extended period.

There is no magic pill that can help you lose weight in a short amount of time. The best “detox” diet is simple: Eat healthy foods, drink lots of water, and avoid junk foods and beverages. If you stick with those foundations, your body will certainly thank you.

Anthony J. Yeung

Anthony J. Yeung, CSCS, is a fitness expert featured in Esquire, GQ, and Men’s Health and the founder of GroomBuilder, the destination for men who want to transform their bodies for their weddings. Join the free 5-day course to burn fat and build muscle for the big day! Read more about Anthony