The #1 Worst Breakfast Habit For Weight Loss, Says Dietitian — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


If you’re trying to lose weight, you may be wondering what the worst breakfast habit is for weight loss. According to dietitian and nutritionist, the #1 worst breakfast habit for weight loss is eating the wrong foods. Eating the wrong foods can lead to weight gain, poor nutrition, and an unhealthy lifestyle. Eating the wrong foods can also lead to cravings and overeating. Eating the right foods, on the other hand, can help you reach your weight loss goals. In this article, we’ll discuss the #1 worst breakfast habit for weight loss, and what you should be eating instead. We’ll also provide some tips on how to make healthier breakfast choices.

The #1 Worst Breakfast Habit For Weight Loss, Says Dietitian — Eat This Not That

If you’re trying to lose weight, you may be wondering what the worst breakfast habit is for weight loss. According to dietitians, the number one worst breakfast habit for weight loss is skipping breakfast. Skipping breakfast can lead to overeating later in the day, which can lead to weight gain.

When you skip breakfast, your body is deprived of the energy it needs to get through the day. This can lead to cravings for unhealthy snacks and meals, which can lead to weight gain. Eating breakfast can help you stay full and energized throughout the day, which can help you make healthier food choices.

Instead of skipping breakfast, dietitians recommend eating a healthy breakfast that includes a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. This will help keep you full and energized throughout the day. Some healthy breakfast options include oatmeal with nuts and fruit, a smoothie with yogurt and fruit, or a breakfast burrito with eggs, vegetables, and cheese.

Eating breakfast is an important part of any weight loss plan. It can help you stay full and energized throughout the day, which can help you make healthier food choices. So, if you’re trying to lose weight, make sure to start your day with a healthy breakfast.

There is no question a healthy breakfast can truly kickstart your day. That first meal is your opportunity to fuel up with foods that will give you energy and keep you satiated.

But, you’re not alone if sometimes a leisurely healthy breakfast can feel a bit like a dream rather than reality. Whether you aren’t hungry when you wake up, you’re too busy to sit down for your meal or you’re skipping out in the hopes of losing weight, you could be unknowingly sabotaging your weight loss goals.

We consulted with Lisa Moskovitz, RD, CEO of NY Nutrition Group, author of The Core 3 Healthy Eating Plan, and member of our medical expert board, who explained that the worst breakfast habit when you’re trying to lose weight is skipping the meal altogether.

“When you’re working towards weight loss, it may seem intuitive to try to cut back on calories as much as possible,” says Moskovitz. “This can include skimping on meals or even skipping them entirely: breakfast is usually the first meal to go.”

Even though you may think that taking in fewer calories in the morning is the right way to lose weight, it’s not.

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“What you eat, or don’t eat, for breakfast can either help or hurt your energy reserve, concentration, digestion, mood, hunger levels, and metabolic function the rest of the day,” says Moskovitz.

Not only will it be harder to lose weight if you decide to skip breakfast, but you’ll also likely feel tired, hungry, and moody—definitely not the way to go for your overall health.

So, rather than cutting out breakfast for weight loss, which most likely won’t even work, Moskovitz suggests going for a combination of fiber, protein, and fat—a trio she calls “the winning trifecta for healthy weight loss.”

Moskovitz recommends smoothies, yogurt bowls, almond butter toast, or a protein bar for quick and easy breakfast solutions that can actually help you lose weight.

For more breakfast ideas check out The Best Breakfast Combinations for Faster Weight Loss, Say Dietitians.