The #1 Reason You Can’t Lose Your Visceral Fat — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


Are you struggling to lose your stubborn visceral fat? You’re not alone. Many people struggle to lose this type of fat, which is located deep in the abdominal cavity and is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other health issues. But the good news is that there is one simple thing you can do to help you lose your visceral fat: Eat This Not That. Eating the right foods can help you reduce your visceral fat and improve your overall health. In this article, we’ll discuss the #1 reason you can’t lose your visceral fat and how eating the right foods can help you achieve your goals.

The #1 Reason You Can’t Lose Your Visceral Fat — Eat This Not That

If you’re trying to lose your visceral fat, you may be wondering what the #1 reason is that you can’t seem to get rid of it. The answer is simple: you’re not eating the right foods. Eating the wrong foods can lead to an increase in visceral fat, which can be difficult to get rid of. Here are some tips on what to eat and what to avoid to help you lose your visceral fat.

Eat This

  • Fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which can help you feel full and satisfied. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can also help you reduce your calorie intake, which can help you lose weight.
  • Whole grains: Whole grains are a great source of fiber, which can help you feel full and satisfied. Eating whole grains can also help you reduce your calorie intake, which can help you lose weight.
  • Lean proteins: Lean proteins such as chicken, fish, and beans are a great source of protein, which can help you feel full and satisfied. Eating lean proteins can also help you reduce your calorie intake, which can help you lose weight.
  • Healthy fats: Healthy fats such as olive oil, avocados, and nuts are a great source of healthy fats, which can help you feel full and satisfied. Eating healthy fats can also help you reduce your calorie intake, which can help you lose weight.

Avoid This

  • Processed foods: Processed foods are high in calories and low in nutrients, which can lead to an increase in visceral fat. Avoid processed foods such as chips, cookies, and candy.
  • Sugary drinks: Sugary drinks such as soda and juice are high in calories and low in nutrients, which can lead to an increase in visceral fat. Avoid sugary drinks and opt for water or unsweetened tea instead.
  • Refined carbohydrates: Refined carbohydrates such as white bread and white rice are high in calories and low in nutrients, which can lead to an increase in visceral fat. Avoid refined carbohydrates and opt for whole grains instead.
  • Trans fats: Trans fats are found in processed foods and can lead to an increase in visceral fat. Avoid trans fats and opt for healthy fats instead.

By following these tips and eating the right foods, you can help reduce your visceral fat and reach your weight loss goals. Remember, it’s important to eat a balanced diet and get plenty of exercise to help you lose weight and keep it off.

We all know that excess belly fat isn’t healthy and it can lead to serious health issues like heart disease and liver problems, but it can also turn deadly. While belly fat is something you can see, it’s also hiding other places deep in your abdomen and wraps around your vital organs, which can cause diabetes, stroke and some cancers. It’s called visceral fat and to maintain overall optimal health, you have to get rid of it, but sometimes it’s not so easy to lose. Eat This, Not That! Health spoke with experts who share what to know about visceral fat and reasons why it’s hard to shed. Read on—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

Woman sitting at the gym with pink pilates ball.

Dr. Tomi Mitchell, a Board-Certified Family Physician with Holistic Wellness Strategies tells us, “Visceral fat is a type of fat that is stored within the abdominal cavity and surrounding organs. Unlike subcutaneous fat, which is stored just under the skin, visceral fat is more difficult to lose and has been linked to various health problems.”


According to Trista Best, MPH, RD, LD, “One reason you may be having difficulty losing visceral fat is undiagnosed insulin resistance. When it comes to insulin resistance the food we eat can play a role to both help and hinder the process. When you are preparing your meal there are certain food groups and nutrients you’ll want to be sure you integrate. Non-starchy vegetables should make up at least half your plate including green leafy vegetables, asparagus, peppers, cauliflower, carrots, and broccoli to name a few. Opt for fruit rather than sugar-laden desserts. Focus on high fiber foods when able to try and get in more than 50 grams a day as fiber helps to balance glucose.”

stressed woman

Lisa Richards, a nutritionist and author of the Candida Diet says, “Cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, can make losing visceral fat more difficult. Elevated cortisol and the inflammation it causes can create many negative health issues and these issues can impact the person’s nutrition. The primary way inflammation caused by cortisol causes nutrient issues in the body is through gastrointestinal problems. The cortisol flooding the body, and gut, along with inflammation cause digestion and absorption of nutrients to become compromised. This leads to the potential for nutrient deficiencies, loss of appetite, indigestion, and irritated or inflamed gut lining. All of these can then lead to an imbalance in the gut’s microbiome, which further exacerbates these issues. All this can ultimately result in abdominal weight gain and increased visceral fat.”

Plump fat obese young caucasian woman doing stretching exercises at home

Dr. Mitchell explains, “There are a few different factors that can contribute to the development of visceral fat. One of the most common is a sedentary lifestyle. When we lead a sedentary lifestyle, our bodies are not spending as much energy, which can cause us to store more fat. Another factor contributing to visceral fat accumulation is a diet high in refined carbohydrates and simple sugars. These foods are quickly converted to sugar in the body, which can then be stored as fat. Finally, stress can also play a role in the development of visceral fat. When stressed, our bodies release hormones that signal the body to store more fat.”


“There are some things that you can do to help prevent its accumulation,” Dr. Mitchell states. “First, make sure to get regular exercise. This will help to expend energy and reduce stress levels. Second, eat a healthy diet that is low in refined carbs and simple sugars. And last, try to manage stress levels by practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation. By taking these steps, you can help to reduce your risk of developing visceral fat.”

Dr. Mitchell says this “doesn’t constitute medical advice and by no means are these answers meant to be comprehensive. Rather, it’s to encourage discussions about health choices.”

Heather Newgen

Heather Newgen has two decades of experience reporting and writing about health, fitness, entertainment and travel. Heather currently freelances for several publications. Read more about Heather