The #1 Food to Eat to Lower Your Risk of Depression, New Study Suggests — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


Depression is a serious mental health condition that affects millions of people around the world. While there is no single cause of depression, research has shown that diet can play a role in managing symptoms. A new study suggests that there is one particular food that can help lower your risk of depression: fish. Eating fish regularly has been linked to a lower risk of depression, and this new study provides further evidence of the benefits of this food. In this article, we’ll discuss the findings of the study and provide tips on how to incorporate more fish into your diet. We’ll also provide some alternatives for those who don’t like fish, so you can still get the benefits of this important food.

The #1 Food to Eat to Lower Your Risk of Depression, New Study Suggests — Eat This Not That

A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that eating certain foods can help lower your risk of depression. The study found that people who ate a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and fish had a lower risk of depression than those who ate a diet high in processed and fried foods.

The study looked at the diets of over 15,000 adults and found that those who ate a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and fish had a 17% lower risk of depression than those who ate a diet high in processed and fried foods. The study also found that people who ate a diet high in whole grains, nuts, and legumes had a 14% lower risk of depression.

The study’s authors suggest that eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fish can help protect against depression. They also suggest that avoiding processed and fried foods can help reduce the risk of depression.

If you’re looking to lower your risk of depression, the study suggests that you should focus on eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fish. Eating a diet high in whole grains, nuts, and legumes can also help reduce your risk of depression.

Last spring, mushrooms got attention for their potential part in cancer prevention, but it turns out they may give your emotional health a major boost as well.

In a study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, researchers examined data on 24,000 U.S. adults, tracking their dietary habits and mental health changes over 11 years. They found that those who ate more mushrooms had a 43% lower risk of developing depression in that timeframe compared to people who didn’t eat mushrooms at all.

RELATED: Surprising Effects of Eating Mushrooms, Says Science

The reason is likely connected to the numerous bioactive compounds that mushrooms have in abundance, including vitamin B12, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory amino acids, which have all been associated with lower depression and anxiety in the past, according to lead researcher Djibril Ba, Ph.D., research data management specialist at the Penn State College of Medicine.

“Having high levels of these compounds may lower risk of oxidative stress, and in turn, that could reduce symptoms of depression,” he said to Eat This, Not That!

Oxidative stress is an imbalance in the body that happens when you produce too much of what’s called free radicals—which cause inflammation—and you don’t have enough antioxidants in the body to counteract them. That’s why eating foods that are high in antioxidants is such a booster for your health because it allows you to bring that oxidative stress level down.

roasted mushrooms

While mushrooms seem to have that kind of effect in a way that’s preventive, Ba says that it’s not known whether eating mushrooms when you already have depression would be useful. Ba and his fellow researchers tried to determine the extent of that strategy by asking several participants with depression to replace red or processed meat with mushrooms for numerous meals. However, they didn’t find a notable reduction in depression symptoms, so it’s possible that mushrooms are more of a prevention tactic than a complementary treatment approach.

If you’re looking to gain the advantages of mushrooms but you’re not fond of the taste, there are other options containing the main compound that Ba highlights, which is an amino acid called ergothioneine. Although mushrooms—especially oyster mushrooms—are the best source, other foods that contain it include liver, kidney, black and red beans, and oat bran.

“Ergothioneine can only be obtained through food,” Ba says. “So focusing on getting these [foods] into [the] diet can be a helpful way to prevent oxidative stress and to lower risk of depression.”

For more tips, be sure to read Popular Foods That Are Supporting Your Mental Health, Says Expert. Then, don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter!