The #1 Best Supplement To Get a Leaner Body, Says Dietitian — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


If you’re looking to get a leaner body, you may be wondering what the best supplement is to help you reach your goals. According to dietitian Eat This Not That, the number one supplement to get a leaner body is protein. Protein is an essential macronutrient that helps build and maintain muscle mass, which is important for burning fat and getting a leaner body. Protein also helps keep you feeling full and satisfied, which can help you stick to your diet and exercise plan. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of protein and how to incorporate it into your diet for optimal results.

The #1 Best Supplement To Get a Leaner Body, Says Dietitian — Eat This Not That

If you’re looking to get a leaner body, you may be wondering what the best supplement is to help you reach your goals. According to dietitians, the answer is simple: protein. Protein is essential for building and maintaining muscle, and it can also help you feel fuller for longer, which can help you stick to your diet.

Protein supplements come in a variety of forms, including powders, bars, and shakes. When choosing a protein supplement, look for one that is low in sugar and contains a good balance of essential amino acids. Whey protein is a popular choice, as it is easily digested and absorbed by the body. Other good sources of protein include egg whites, soy, and hemp.

In addition to protein, dietitians recommend adding other supplements to your diet to help you reach your goals. Omega-3 fatty acids, for example, can help reduce inflammation and improve heart health. Fiber supplements can help you feel fuller for longer and can also help regulate your blood sugar levels. Finally, probiotics can help improve digestion and boost your immune system.

By adding these supplements to your diet, you can get the leaner body you desire. Remember to always consult with your doctor or dietitian before starting any new supplement regimen.

If you’re looking to get a leaner body, (i.e. lowering your body fat), you’re probably spending more time working out and honing in on your diet. While you may be making all the lifestyle and nutrition changes to get lean, you should also consider adding in a supplement that will help you achieve your ‘get lean’ goals. And the one supplement you should be taking is fiber.

“The average American falls short on getting enough fiber in their diets, getting an average of around 10-15 milligrams per day, when the recommended amount is 38 milligrams per day for men and 25 milligrams per day for women,” says Roseanne Schnell, CDN, Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist for The Vitamin Shoppe.

According to Schnell, many people are trying to lose weight and get lean by following low-carb diets that can be lacking in fiber.

Why is fiber so good for getting lean?

“Fiber is an essential nutrient found in plant foods. There are two types of fiber: soluble (fiber that dissolves in water) and insoluble (does not dissolve), and it passes through the digestive tract supporting digestive health and overall health and wellness,” says Schnell. “Both types are important.”

If you aren’t eating enough fiber, you’re missing out on tons of its benefits to help you. That’s because fiber helps you feel satiated after a meal, which can contribute to better portion control, less cravings and snacking, and overall support for a healthy body weight. It also supports healthy digestion.

RELATED: 5 Major Side Effects Of Not Getting Enough Fiber, Says Science

“Fiber-rich carbohydrates are digested slower, helping to provide a long-lasting energy that can help support workouts or athletic performance,” adds Schnell. “Fiber also helps keep blood sugar within a healthy range. High insulin levels may result in the body storing glucose as fat.”

While whole foods are your best sources of fiber (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds), adding a fiber supplement if you are lacking fiber in your diet can be beneficial for supporting a healthier body composition and overall health and wellness.

“Fiber can be beneficial in helping with eating strategies for a leaner body by promoting satiety and improving metabolic functions of the body,” says Schnell.

RELATED: 13 Health Benefits of a High Fiber Diet

Here are some fiber supplements to try:

Vitamin Shoppe Miracle Fiber Powder

miracle fiber powder

“Put one heaping teaspoon in your favorite beverage, which gives you 5 grams of 100% natural vegetable fiber. You can take it up to 3 times per day, depending on how much fiber you need and get in your diet,” says Schnell.

Vitamin Shoppe Glucomannan Capsules


glucomannan capsules

“Take 3 capsules before a meal to add fiber to a meal when needed,” says Schnell.

Ground Flaxseed


ground flaxseeds

“Ground flaxseed is a great source of fiber, with other benefits such as omega-3’s, phytonutrients, and lignans. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons into a smoothie, on a salad, or add to soup,” says Schnell.

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