The #1 Best Habit for Your Liver, Says Physician — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


If you’re looking for ways to improve your liver health, you’ve come to the right place. Eating the right foods can make a huge difference in your overall health, and your liver is no exception. In this article, we’ll discuss the #1 best habit for your liver, according to a physician: Eat This Not That. We’ll explain why this habit is so important, and provide some tips on how to make it part of your daily routine. Eating the right foods can help keep your liver healthy and functioning properly, so read on to learn more about the #1 best habit for your liver.

The #1 Best Habit for Your Liver, Says Physician — Eat This Not That

If you’re looking for the best habit to keep your liver healthy, a physician has the answer: Eat this, not that. Eating the right foods can help keep your liver functioning properly and reduce the risk of developing liver disease.

The liver is an essential organ in the body, responsible for filtering toxins, producing bile, and storing vitamins and minerals. Eating a healthy diet can help keep your liver functioning properly and reduce the risk of developing liver disease.

The best habit for your liver is to eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and foods high in saturated fat. Eating a variety of foods from all the food groups can help ensure that your liver gets the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

In addition to eating a healthy diet, it’s important to limit your alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol consumption can damage the liver and increase the risk of developing liver disease. If you do choose to drink, limit your intake to no more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.

Finally, it’s important to get regular exercise. Exercise helps keep your liver healthy by improving blood flow and reducing fat buildup in the liver. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise five days a week.

By following these simple tips, you can help keep your liver healthy and reduce your risk of developing liver disease. Eating a healthy diet, limiting alcohol consumption, and getting regular exercise are the best habits for your liver.

For most of us, we don’t often think about the health of our liver, as it is constantly and silently working to keep us alive. But our liver performs over 500 vital functions and is essential for our health and wellbeing. Some of the most well recognized functions of the liver are: filtering our blood and clearing our body of toxins, producing bile which is necessary for digesting fat, regulating our blood clotting, and balancing our blood glucose levels by storing excess blood glucose as glycogen (and then converting glycogen back to glucose as needed). For all these reasons, and more, it is important to be kind to your liver so that your body can function optimally. I am a physician who specializes in weight loss and disease prevention, and fortunately, many of the same lifestyle factors that are important for preventing disease, will also help to keep our liver healthy. Read on to find out more—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

feet on scale

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease and affects about 1/4 of the population. Being obese is the most common cause. In this this rapidly growing epidemic, an excess of fat builds up in the liver, which can eventually lead to inflammation and liver damage in some people (NASH- Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis). Most people with NAFLD have no symptoms, and their condition is detected incidentally with elevated liver function tests seen during blood work, or excessive fatty deposits seen during an ultrasound or CT scan. It is not completely understood why some people accumulate fat in their liver, while some do not, but by maintaining a healthy body weight, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and exercising regularly, you can significantly reduce your risk of this disease.

Senior couple cooking healthy food and drinking red wine at house kitchen.

Everyone knows that drinking “too much” alcohol can damage your liver, but “too much” may be less than you expect. For women, and men over 65, moderate drinking means drinking up to 1 drink per day. For men 65 and under, 2 drinks a day is considered moderate. Alcohol is metabolized, or broken down, in the liver and in this process, toxic chemicals that damage the liver are produced. Drinking too much alcohol can initially lead to excessive accumulation of fat in the liver, resulting in fatty liver. It can then cause inflammation of liver cells, termed alcoholic hepatitis. Finally, it can damage and destroy liver cells causing scarring, which is called cirrhosis.

Herbal and dietary supplements are being increasingly used by many, with the intention to improve their health and to increase longevity. But it is now estimated that 20% of liver injury in the US is due to the use of supplements. Most often, the liver damage from supplements is from multi-ingredient nutritional supplements, and the component responsible for the liver toxicity cannot be identified. Anabolic steroid bodybuilding supplements and green tea extract supplements have also been implicated.

The supplement industry is not well regulated, and for many vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements, it is very possible to have too much of a good thing. Before reaching for a supplement, always make sure to talk to your doctor first. Not only that, but rather than relying on supplements to get your nutrients, try to eat a nutrient rich diet instead. Not only will this save you money, and likely be more beneficial for your health, but it may also save your liver.

Woman Reading Pill Bottle Label

Our liver is responsible for breaking down and processing many commonly used medications, and when taken as directed, this most often causes no problem. However, when taken in excess, even the most benign seeming medicines can be harmful to the liver.

The most well-known example of this is acetaminophen, commonly known as Tylenol. Acetaminophen is widely available and extremely safe when taken as directed. When taken in excess however, acetaminophen is highly toxic to the liver and can cause liver failure and death. Acetaminophen is found in many over the counter cold and flu medicines and in both prescription and non-prescription pain medicines. Taking too much can happen easily, especially if you are taking several different medications which all contain acetaminophen. When taking medicine, it is important to read the labels, to know the ingredients, and to follow the directions so that you don’t accidentally take too much.

Nurse administering vaccination to students arms in a high school.

Prevent hepatitis infections by getting vaccinated, washing your hands before cooking and eating, practicing safe sex, and avoiding the use of illicit drugs.

Hepatitis A, B, and C are all viral infections that damage the liver. Hepatitis A is transmitted through contaminated food and water or by contact with someone who is infected. The best way to prevent hepatitis A is to get vaccinated, especially if you are at high risk or will be traveling internationally.

Hepatitis B is also easily preventable with vaccination. Most children have been vaccinated, but many adults have not. Adults should check with their doctor and get the vaccine if indicated. Hepatitis B is transmitted through blood and bodily fluids. Hepatitis C is also spread through blood and bodily fluids, but there is no vaccine to prevent hepatitis C. Both hepatitis B and C are extremely common in the US and increase the risk for liver failure and liver cancer.


The liver is an amazing organ, without which humans could not survive. Taking care of your liver is crucial for your health and involves many of the same principles as taking care of the rest of your body. Maintain a healthy body weight. Eat fruits and vegetables. Exercise. Drink alcohol only in moderation. Take medications only as directed. Eat a nutrient rich diet and don’t rely on supplements for your nutrition. Get vaccinated. Wash your hands. Avoid illicit drugs. Practice safe sex. If you follow these principles, you will not only reduce your risk for liver disease, but you will also reduce your risk for so many other chronic diseases, while increasing your energy, and improving your quality of life. And to protect your life and the lives of others, don’t visit any of these 35 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch COVID.

Ritu Saluja-Sharma MD is a board-certified physician in Emergency Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine, an integrative health coach, and the founder of Head Heart Hands.

Ritu Saluja-Sharma, M.D.

Ritu Saluja-Sharma MD is a board-certified physician in Emergency Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine, an integrative health coach, and the founder of Head Heart Hands, a comprehensive wellness and weight loss program for businesses and individuals. Read more