The #1 Best Breakfast Combination to Lower Inflammation, Says Dietitian — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


If you’re looking for a breakfast combination that will help reduce inflammation in your body, then you’ve come to the right place. According to a dietitian, the #1 best breakfast combination to lower inflammation is a combination of whole grains, healthy fats, and protein. This combination provides the essential nutrients needed to reduce inflammation and promote overall health. In this article, we’ll discuss why this combination is so beneficial and provide some delicious breakfast ideas to get you started. So, if you’re looking to reduce inflammation and improve your health, read on to learn more about the #1 best breakfast combination to lower inflammation.

The #1 Best Breakfast Combination to Lower Inflammation, Says Dietitian — Eat This Not That

If you’re looking for a breakfast combination that can help reduce inflammation, a dietitian recommends eating a combination of protein, healthy fats, and fiber. This combination can help reduce inflammation and provide you with the energy you need to start your day.

Protein is an important part of any breakfast, as it helps to keep you feeling full and energized throughout the day. Good sources of protein include eggs, Greek yogurt, nuts, and nut butters. Healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, olive oil, and nut butters, can also help reduce inflammation and provide you with essential fatty acids.

Fiber is also important for reducing inflammation and keeping your digestive system healthy. Good sources of fiber include oatmeal, whole grain breads, and fruits and vegetables. Adding a few servings of these foods to your breakfast can help you get the fiber you need to stay healthy.

By combining these three elements, you can create a breakfast that is both nutritious and delicious. Try adding a few slices of avocado to your eggs, or adding some nuts and nut butter to your oatmeal. You can also top your oatmeal with some fresh fruit for added flavor and nutrition.

Eating a breakfast that is rich in protein, healthy fats, and fiber can help reduce inflammation and provide you with the energy you need to start your day. So, if you’re looking for a breakfast combination that can help reduce inflammation, try adding a few of these elements to your morning meal.

Millennials tend to catch a lot of flack about their love of avocado toast, but maybe the joke’s on other generations because avocado toast with eggs is one of the best ways to lower inflammation.

According to Trista Best, MPH, RD, LD at Balance One Supplements, avocado toast is not only an increasingly popular breakfast among millennials but also among health enthusiasts because of the many health benefits it offers, including reduced inflammation.

“Avocados are an excellent way to take in many nutrients and healthy fats that can improve our health,” says Best. “They are beneficial for inflammation, heart health, and even skin health.”

soft boiled egg avocado toast

While acute inflammation is at times a helpful process for our bodies—as it is the body’s defense system used by the immune system to fight off viruses and bacteria—chronic inflammation can also be harmful. Sometimes the immune system triggers inflammation when there are no viruses or bacteria to fight off, instead of acting as if regular tissues are infected, creating damage to those tissues.

Inflammation is more prevalent among people who have conditions like arthritis and can result in joint pain and stiffness. When that’s the case it’s important to know which foods can help lower your risk of suffering from inflammation.

Individually, both eggs and avocado toast are effective at helping to lower inflammation in various ways. Eggs contain vitamin D, which is especially helpful in lowering inflammation for people with rheumatoid arthritis. In addition to that, eggs also contain the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which “play a role in the reduction of inflammation,” according to a study from Nutrition & Metabolism.

Eating avocados daily has also been linked to a reduction in inflammation, according to a study from Antioxidants. Another study in Food & Function evaluated the consumption of avocados with hamburger patties and concluded that avocados were able to positively affect inflammation among participants.

While they’re both effective on their own, together they’re a deliciously productive way to help lower inflammation, as well as an increasingly popular healthy breakfast option.

“Avocado toast is becoming a very popular breakfast staple, especially among health enthusiasts and those wanting to integrate healthier eating,” Best says.

Best says that to make the breakfast combination as healthy as possible, opt for whole grain, whole wheat, or even gluten-free bread for the toast. She adds to also make sure that the bread is free of any added sugars or refined carbs.

“This will allow you to get the most out of your avocado toast,” Best says.

Looking for even more healthy breakfast ideas? Check out these 5 Breakfast Combinations to Help You Live Longer, Say Dietitians.