Surprising Side Effects of Supplements After Age 50 — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


As we age, our bodies change and require different nutrients to stay healthy. Supplements can be a great way to get the vitamins and minerals we need, but they can also have some unexpected side effects. For those over the age of 50, it’s important to be aware of the potential side effects of taking supplements. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the surprising side effects of supplements after age 50, and how to make sure you’re taking the right ones for your body.

Surprising Side Effects of Supplements After Age 50

As we age, our bodies change and so do our nutritional needs. After age 50, it’s important to pay attention to the types of supplements you’re taking and the potential side effects they may have. Here are some surprising side effects of supplements after age 50 that you should be aware of.

1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important nutrient for bone health, but taking too much can lead to an increased risk of falls and fractures. The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults over age 50 get 600 IU of vitamin D daily, but no more than 4,000 IU. If you’re taking a supplement, make sure to check the label to make sure you’re not taking too much.

2. Calcium

Calcium is important for bone health, but taking too much can lead to an increased risk of kidney stones. The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults over age 50 get 1,200 mg of calcium daily, but no more than 2,000 mg. If you’re taking a supplement, make sure to check the label to make sure you’re not taking too much.

3. Iron

Iron is important for red blood cell production, but taking too much can lead to an increased risk of heart disease. The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults over age 50 get 8 mg of iron daily, but no more than 45 mg. If you’re taking a supplement, make sure to check the label to make sure you’re not taking too much.

4. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is important for nerve and brain health, but taking too much can lead to an increased risk of nerve damage. The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults over age 50 get 2.4 mcg of vitamin B12 daily, but no more than 2.8 mcg. If you’re taking a supplement, make sure to check the label to make sure you’re not taking too much.

5. Magnesium

Magnesium is important for muscle and nerve function, but taking too much can lead to an increased risk of diarrhea. The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults over age 50 get 320 mg of magnesium daily, but no more than 420 mg. If you’re taking a supplement, make sure to check the label to make sure you’re not taking too much.

It’s important to talk to your doctor before taking any supplements, especially if you’re over age 50. Your doctor can help you determine the right dosage for your individual needs and help you avoid any potential side effects.

With the risk of health conditions such as dementia, heart disease, and diabetes rising after 50, it can be tempting to reach for over-the-counter supplements to help prevent some of these diseases. “While your body can get rid of many excess vitamins and minerals, there are some that stay in your body and do damage,” says Dr. Minesh P. Amin, DO. “In addition, supplements can interfere with some medicines and even make you ill.” Here are five surprising side effects of supplements after age 50, according to experts. Read on—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

Calcium supplement tablet pills on dark wooden background

Calcium is important for bone mass and to help prevent osteoporosis, but calcium supplements can be dangerous: Studies show taking too many can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. “More and more studies are showing increased risks for heart attack and stroke among men and women taking calcium 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams (mg) per day which was previously recommended,” says functional medicine specialist Melissa Young, MD. “We recommend obtaining the majority of your calcium needs from food. The body absorbs and utilizes calcium better from food than from supplements.”

Fresh St. John's wort flowers in a bowl, top view

St. John’s Wort is commonly used as a treatment for depression, but it can have concerning effects on prescription medication. “St. John’s wort has been associated with very serious and potentially dangerous interactions with many common drugs,” warns Cleveland Clinic. “St. John’s wort can weaken how well other drugs work, including antidepressants, birth control pills, cyclosporine (an anti-rejection drug), digoxin (a heart drug), HIV drugs, cancer medications, and blood thinners such as Coumadin.”

ohio ginko
Stacy J./ Yelp

Ginkgo biloba has been used to treat age-related memory loss, but it’s another supplement that may cause serious issues with prescription medications. “Garlic, ginger or ginkgo extracts could potentially interact with blood thinners and increase the risk of bleeding,” says internal medicine specialist Ronan Factora, MD.

assortment of red pills and capsules of iron supplements

“Iron is needed to make red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body,” says Clare Collins, FRSN, FAHMS, Professor in Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Newcastle. “However, too much iron is toxic. Excess iron gets deposited in your organs, and this then interferes with normal body functions, as well as the production of hormones that regulate your metabolism and sex drive. Not surprisingly, you don’t feel well.”

Worried about heart health as you get older? Be careful with Vitamin E supplements. “Patients who are under medical care for heart-related health issues are strongly discouraged from using vitamin E,” says cardiologist Leslie Cho, MD. “Don’t take chances with your heart, and make sure to run anything by your doctor that you plan to put into your body.” And to protect your life and the lives of others, don’t visit any of these 35 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch COVID.

Ferozan Mast

Ferozan Mast is a science, health and wellness writer with a passion for making science and research-backed information accessible to a general audience. Read more