Scientists Just Issued This New Warning About Cancer — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, and scientists are constantly researching ways to reduce the risk of developing the disease. Recently, a group of scientists have issued a new warning about cancer and the foods we eat. They suggest that certain foods may increase the risk of developing cancer, while others may help to reduce the risk. In this article, we will explore the foods that scientists suggest we should eat and avoid in order to reduce our risk of developing cancer. We will also discuss the potential benefits of making dietary changes to reduce the risk of cancer.

Scientists Just Issued This New Warning About Cancer — Eat This Not That

Scientists have issued a new warning about cancer: what you eat can have a major impact on your risk of developing the disease. While there is no single food that can prevent cancer, there are certain foods that can help reduce your risk. Here are some of the foods you should be eating to reduce your risk of cancer.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants, which can help protect your cells from damage that can lead to cancer. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables can also help you get the vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy. Aim to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are an excellent source of fiber, which can help reduce your risk of certain types of cancer. Whole grains also contain B vitamins, which can help protect your cells from damage. Aim to eat at least three servings of whole grains each day.


Legumes, such as beans, peas, and lentils, are a great source of protein and fiber. They are also packed with vitamins and minerals that can help protect your cells from damage. Aim to eat at least two servings of legumes each day.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are a great source of healthy fats, which can help reduce your risk of certain types of cancer. They are also packed with vitamins and minerals that can help protect your cells from damage. Aim to eat at least one serving of nuts and seeds each day.


Fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce your risk of certain types of cancer. Aim to eat at least two servings of fish each week.

Limit Processed Foods

Processed foods are often high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats, which can increase your risk of cancer. Aim to limit your intake of processed foods and focus on eating whole, unprocessed foods instead.

By making these simple changes to your diet, you can help reduce your risk of cancer. Remember to talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your diet.

A recent study of five million adults aged 45 to 64 shows esophageal cancer and Barrett’s esophagus (a precancerous disease) have increased dramatically between 2012 and 2019—and scientists don’t know why. Esophageal cancer rates have almost doubled in that timespan, while Barrett’s esophagus is up by 50%. Read on—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

doctor examines with her fingers, palpates her neck and lymph nodes

Researchers are certain the rise in esophageal cases cannot be attributed simply to better screening. “This strong growth in prevalence should be of concern to physicians, and we should consider screening more middle-aged patients for esophageal cancer if they are at higher risk,” says Bashar J. Qumseya, MD, MPH, FASGE, associate professor of medicine and chief of endoscopy at the University of Florida, Gainesville. “Whenever we see increasing prevalence of any type of cancer, we should ask whether this is merely due to better screening or it is a true increase in the disease prevalence. In our study, it was due to the latter.”

no smoking sign

Research shows smokers are twice as likely to develop cancer of the esophagus as non-smokers. “About half of these cases globally are attributable to smoking while the overwhelming majority of cases nationally are related to smoking,” says Moshim Kukar, MD, Associate Professor of Oncology at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. “Active smoking is a predictor of poor outcomes. Active smokers are less likely to respond to treatments and can have early recurrence of the cancer. Research indicates the risk for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma decreases within five years of smoking cessation. Individuals who have quit smoking for more than 20 years reduce their risk to about that of lifelong non-smokers.”

refuse alcohol

Drinking alcohol—particularly when combined with smoking—is a high risk factor for esophageal cancer, experts warn. “Drinking alcohol increases the risk of esophageal cancer. The more alcohol someone drinks, the higher their chance of getting esophageal cancer,” says the American Cancer Society. “Alcohol increases the risk of squamous cell carcinoma more than the risk of adenocarcinoma. Smoking combined with drinking alcohol raises the risk of the squamous cell type of esophageal cancer much more than using either alone.

Woman touches her throat.

Barrett’s esophagus is a condition where the esophagus becomes damaged by chronic acid reflux. “The esophagus wants to protect itself, so the cells in the lining begin to change,” says Memorial Sloan Kettering thoracic surgeon Daniela Molena. “The normal tissue lining the esophagus begins resembling the lining of the stomach or intestine. Often when I ask patients if they have reflux or heartburn, they’ll say, ‘I used to have that when I was younger, but I don’t anymore.’ The pain often goes away when Barrett’s develops, which can be counterproductive because people seek less help for their symptoms.”


“Many patients in the U.S. now have colonoscopies starting at age 45, so conducting an endoscopy at the same time, among those with multiple risk factors, could help capture more patients with Barrett’s esophagus and esophageal cancer,” says Dr. Qumseya. “From other analyses we have conducted with this dataset, we know that even patients with four or more risk factors for esophageal cancer are not having endoscopies. So, from both the patient and provider perspective, we can do better.”

Ferozan Mast

Ferozan Mast is a science, health and wellness writer with a passion for making science and research-backed information accessible to a general audience. Read more