New Year’s Food Traditions for Your Luckiest Year Yet

By Ghuman


Happy New Year! As we enter into a new year, it is important to remember the traditions that have been passed down through generations. One of the most beloved traditions is the food that is shared during the New Year. From the traditional black-eyed peas and greens to the more modern dishes, each culture has its own unique way of celebrating the New Year. In this article, we will explore some of the most popular New Year’s food traditions from around the world and how they can bring luck and prosperity to your luckiest year yet.

New Year’s Food Traditions for Your Luckiest Year Yet

As the New Year approaches, it’s time to start thinking about the food traditions that will bring you luck in the coming year. From traditional dishes to modern twists, here are some of the best New Year’s food traditions to help you have your luckiest year yet.

1. Eat 12 Grapes for Good Luck

One of the most popular New Year’s food traditions is to eat 12 grapes at midnight on New Year’s Eve. Eating one grape for each chime of the clock is said to bring good luck for the coming year. Make sure to choose sweet grapes for the best luck!

2. Make a New Year’s Cake

Making a special cake for the New Year is a great way to bring luck and prosperity. Choose a recipe that includes ingredients like honey, nuts, and dried fruits for a sweet and delicious cake that will bring you luck. You can also add a few coins to the batter for extra luck.

3. Enjoy a Traditional New Year’s Meal

Many cultures have their own traditional New Year’s meals. In the United States, it’s common to eat black-eyed peas and collard greens for luck. In Japan, it’s customary to eat soba noodles for long life. And in Italy, it’s traditional to eat cotechino, a type of sausage, for good fortune.

4. Make a New Year’s Resolution Smoothie

If you’re looking for a modern twist on New Year’s food traditions, why not try making a New Year’s resolution smoothie? Start with a base of your favorite fruits and vegetables, then add ingredients that represent your resolutions. For example, if you want to get fit, add some protein powder. If you want to save money, add some oats. Get creative and make a smoothie that will help you achieve your goals in the coming year.

5. Bake a Fortune Cookie Cake

For a fun and unique New Year’s food tradition, try baking a fortune cookie cake. Start with a basic cake recipe, then add fortune cookie pieces to the batter. When the cake is finished baking, you can write your own fortunes on the cookies. This is a great way to bring luck and good fortune to the New Year.

These are just a few of the many New Year’s food traditions that can help you have your luckiest year yet. From traditional dishes to modern twists, there are plenty of ways to bring luck and prosperity to the New Year. So get creative and start planning your New Year’s food traditions today!

The new year is approaching, which means it’s time for last-minute shopping, planning meals to make at your holiday dinner, deciding which champagne you want to drink on New Year’s Eve, and setting some intentions for the year ahead.

Regardless of the kind of year you’ve had, whether it’s been a breeze or one full of trials, you deserve some good luck and prosperity in the new year. In fact, it’s this desire for luck and good fortune at the turn of a year that has been the inspiration behind so many New Year’s food traditions. Have you heard of black-eyed peas and collard greens for good luck? What about a bowl of lentils or a pork chop?

There are many different New Year’s traditions that have been passed down between generations and across cultures, all promoting good luck and fortune in the coming year. Read on to see if you recognize any, and don’t hesitate to try a few this year so that 2023 can be your luckiest year yet.

black eyed peas collard greens

Eating black eyed peas with collard greens is one of the most classic and traditional NYE superstitions in the southern United States. According to Southern Living, this meal is also known as Hoppin’ John, Cowboy Caviar, or Peas with Ham.

Black-eyed peas were first brought to the U.S. during the slave trade and eaten by African slaves in the southern U.S., according to the New York Times. On the other hand, collard greens are said to have roots in northern Europe. The greens are meant to bring in financial prosperity in the year ahead, while the peas promote abundance and good health in the new year.

pork chops

Fans of pork chops, pulled pork sandwiches, and pork sausage will rejoice when they learn that this delicious meat is said to bring luck in the new year. According to TODAY, this has to do with the way pigs behave. Pigs often will bury their snout in the dirt and push forward, so eating pork is said to symbolize the movement forward and onward into a successful year.

On the contrary, chickens are known to scratch backward, which some take as a symbol of staying stuck or moving backward in your life. If you’re feeling superstitious this year, maybe skip the poultry and go for pork.

soba noodles on white plate

According to The Japan Times, eating soba noodles, or toshikoshi, on New Year’s Eve is a common Japanese tradition to bring good luck, fortune, happiness, and wealth into the year ahead. This is especially fitting since toshikoshi loosely translates to “to jump” or “to move forward from the year behind, to the year ahead.” A delicious meal and good luck—what more could you ask for?

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woman looking in pantry

Another tradition that stems from the American south is starting the new year off with a stocked pantry and refrigerator in order to bring abundance into the next year. According to Southern Living, this superstition most likely stemmed from the fact that the south has always been home to farming and agriculture. On a practical level, it also feels good going into the new year with fresh food items on hand.

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Composition with bowl of lentils on wooden table.

Eating lentils during the new year holiday is said to bringing wealth and potential prosperity, according to the History Channel. Why, you may ask? Because lentils are round and shaped like a coin. You can prepare your lentils any way you’d like, because either way you’ll be dining on a (metaphorical) bowl of money. The History Channel also mentions that lentils are classically enjoyed with pork or pork sausage, which is said to be good luck in the new year, as well.

kitchen garbage

This tradition may lead to a stinky kitchen, so it’s up to you whether you follow it or not. A common superstition around NYE is to not take anything outside between midnight on New Year’s Eve and January 2, in order to avoid possibly throwing out your good luck charms and positive vibes. Let’s just hope your good luck charms don’t come with a strong odor.

green grapes

This tradition has its origins in Spain, but many people in the United States practice it as well. According to Spanish tradition, if you eat 12 green grapes when the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, then it will bring you luck in the year ahead. It’s likely this tradition started with the Madrid bourgeoisie, and was then adopted by people in the lower class as a way to mock the upper class, according to NPR.

The tradition says to specifically pop a grape in your mouth at each tolling of the bell at midnight, and if you finish all 12 before the bell is done—you’ll have good luck. However, since most of us are probably not near an old cathedral on NYE and are instead watching the ball drop from the comfort of our living room, eating the 12 grapes at your own pace is just fine.