Never Make This One Mistake When Cooking Oatmeal — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


Oatmeal is a nutritious and delicious breakfast option that can provide you with a great start to your day. However, there is one mistake that many people make when cooking oatmeal that can ruin the flavor and texture of the dish. In this article, we will discuss what this mistake is and how to avoid it so that you can enjoy a delicious bowl of oatmeal every time. We will also provide some tips on how to make oatmeal even more delicious and nutritious. So, if you want to make sure you never make this one mistake when cooking oatmeal, read on!

Never Make This One Mistake When Cooking Oatmeal — Eat This Not That

Oatmeal is a nutritious and delicious breakfast option that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. But if you’re not careful, you can make a mistake that can ruin your oatmeal and make it less enjoyable. Here’s what you need to know to make sure you get the most out of your oatmeal.

Don’t Overcook It

One of the most common mistakes people make when cooking oatmeal is to overcook it. This can make the oatmeal mushy and unappetizing. To avoid this, make sure to follow the instructions on the package and keep an eye on the oatmeal as it cooks. If it starts to look too thick or dry, take it off the heat immediately.

Don’t Add Too Much Liquid

Another mistake people make when cooking oatmeal is to add too much liquid. This can make the oatmeal too thin and watery. To avoid this, measure out the liquid carefully and add it slowly, stirring as you go. This will help you get the perfect consistency.

Don’t Forget To Add Flavor

Finally, don’t forget to add flavor to your oatmeal. Oatmeal can be bland on its own, so adding some spices, fruits, nuts, or other ingredients can really make it more enjoyable. Experiment with different combinations to find the perfect flavor for you.

By following these tips, you can make sure you never make a mistake when cooking oatmeal. Enjoy your oatmeal and get the most out of it!

Steel-cut oatmeal is a game-changer. Not only are steel-cut oats majorly satiating, but they’re also very versatile and nutritious. Sure, they may take a few extra minutes to prepare than it would take you to make a microwaveable oatmeal packet, but trust us—it’s worth it.

However, if you’ve ever made steel-cut oatmeal on your stovetop before, you may have noticed one sticky outcome that occurs when you put the heat on a little too high. We’re talking about that translucent film that appears on the top layer of your oatmeal. You may also notice, for lack of better words, sticky goop emerging as well. Just know, you’re not alone—this is a very common occurrence.

RELATED: The One Oatmeal Topping You Need for a Flat Belly, Says Dietitian

“I’m never sure what to do with it. It sometimes becomes crusty and crackling and I end up getting grossed out by its appearance and chucking it into the compost bin,” writes Reddit user, polkaron. “One time I decided to nab a bit out of it and it was sort of sweet. I’m mostly bothered by it for disturbing the texture of my oatmeal. Is this coming from me cooking it wrong somehow? Most photos of oatmeal I see never seem to have this stuff so I’m wondering if anyone else is removing it or is it coming me cooking it wrong.”


She continues and says that she has used steel-cut varieties from both McCann’s and Bob’s Red Mill, adding that she “tends” to follow the instructions on the package and only ever adds brown sugar and salt to the oats and water.

Two users responded back to her inquiry saying that it’s likely the effect of the soluble fiber in the oats that’s causing the film or goop to appear on the surface layer. Soluble fiber dissolves in the water but perhaps leaving the oats on the stove for too long or on a too-high heat setting could be hindering that process.

“That’s just the soluble fiber in the oats. You can try cooking the oats a little less or not letting them sit for long if you don’t like the texture,” writes iamthekingoftheworlb.

While we’re not entirely sure soluble fiber is the cause for this goopy substance or the thin film, we do know one thing is for certain—it won’t hurt you to consume. Next time you go to make steel-cut oats, try lowering the heat by a smidge and avoid letting them sit for too long on the stove.

For more tips, be sure to check out Popular Foods With More Fiber Than Oatmeal, and then, don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter!