Never Do This at Grocery Store, Say Health Experts — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


Grocery shopping can be a daunting task, especially when trying to make healthy choices. With so many options, it can be difficult to know what to buy and what to avoid. Health experts have identified certain items that should never be purchased at the grocery store, as well as healthier alternatives. Eating the right foods can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and prevent chronic diseases. In this article, we will discuss the foods that health experts say you should never buy at the grocery store, as well as healthier alternatives that you can choose instead.

Never Do This at Grocery Store, Say Health Experts — Eat This Not That

Grocery shopping can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to making healthy choices. With so many options, it can be hard to know what to buy and what to avoid. To help you make the best decisions, health experts have identified some items that you should never buy at the grocery store.

Processed Foods

Processed foods are often high in sodium, sugar, and unhealthy fats, and they can be a major source of empty calories. These foods are also often lacking in essential vitamins and minerals. Instead of processed foods, opt for fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Sugary Drinks

Sugary drinks, such as soda, energy drinks, and sweetened teas, are loaded with empty calories and can contribute to weight gain. Instead, opt for water, unsweetened tea, or low-fat milk.

High-Fat Meats

High-fat meats, such as bacon, sausage, and hot dogs, are high in saturated fat and cholesterol. These foods can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. Instead, opt for lean proteins, such as skinless chicken, fish, and beans.

Refined Grains

Refined grains, such as white bread and white rice, are stripped of their fiber and other nutrients. Instead, opt for whole grains, such as whole wheat bread and brown rice, which are packed with fiber and other essential nutrients.

Fried Foods

Fried foods, such as French fries and chicken nuggets, are high in unhealthy fats and calories. These foods can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. Instead, opt for baked or grilled versions of your favorite foods.

High-Sodium Foods

High-sodium foods, such as canned soups and frozen dinners, can increase your risk of high blood pressure. Instead, opt for fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, which are naturally low in sodium.

By avoiding these unhealthy items, you can make healthier choices at the grocery store and improve your overall health. Remember, when it comes to grocery shopping, it’s important to eat this, not that!

From slipping and falling to on the job injuries, grocery stores can pose major health hazards and customers oftentimes make it worse by behaving in ways that put others at risk like going to the store sick, coughing onto produce, touching food with dirty hands and more. Eat This, Not That! Health talked with experts who explained gross behaviors that should be stopped immediately while at the store to help prevent sickness and accidents, Read on—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

milk grocery store

Noe Sanchez, head chef of Urban Market Chicago says one of the biggest things people do that’s dangerous is not report a spill. He says, “If you spill something, say something. Spills are a big hazard for slips and if it’s not cleaned up right away, it’ll just make the store a mess.”  

Woman holding cabbage in store.

For anyone immunocompromised or concerned about catching COVID, Sanchez states, “Don’t walk in without a mask, put it on outside, there’s a ton of foot traffic at the entry way and everyone passes through, so the air is more likely to have the virus.” 

Write a healthy grocery shopping list

Nobody wants to buy a piece of fruit that’s been handled by others, so don’t do it. Dr. Bayo Curry-Winchell, Urgent Care Medical Director and Physician, Carbon Health, and Saint Mary’s Hospital tells Eat This, Not That! Health, “If possible, try not to touch, squeeze, or smell any produce you do not plan on buying. Every time you touch an item you have the potential to transfer germs to you or the produce. Try to rely on the appearance of the food such as color and shape to decipher if it’s ready (ripe) to eat.” 

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Young beautiful woman shopaholic in protective face mask shopping online on mobile phone

Dr. Curry-Winchell shares, “The grocery store has many items that are frequently high touch surfaces. When you touch those items and contact your face you could inadvertently introduce your body to a virus or bacteria that can make you sick.”
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grocery shopping

“As an urgent care physician, I have seen several injuries (sprains and broken bones) due to the cart toppling over on a child,” Dr. Curry-Winchell states. “The cart can easily tip if too much weight is applied to one side. Use the appropriate designated child seating area.”

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grocery shopping

“Just say no to receiving a sample at the deli,” Dr. Curry-Winchell emphasizes. “The deli clerk is touching several items (bags, scales, labels, etc.) and you have touched the shopping cart. Don’t take the chance of eating your sample before washing your hands. Although wearing gloves it is unlikely they change their gloves between each customer.  Ask the clerk to change their gloves when you place your order.”   

couple grocery shopping

Dr. Curry-Winchell reminds us, “If you are hungry, you have the potential to make unhealthy choices you wouldn’t normally make such as buying processed snack foods you can eat once you get in the car. Eat a meal or snack that is filling (containing protein) before entering the store which will help you stay focused on your shopping list and decrease impulsive buying.”

Woman Washing her hands with soap and water at home bathroom

Dr. Curry-Winchell says, “Lastly, it is always important to wash your fruits and vegetables when you get home as well as your hands prior to eating. This will decrease your risks of ingesting viruses or bacteria that can make you sick.”