I’m a Doctor and Warn You Don’t Go Here Even if It’s Open — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


Welcome to Eat This Not That, where I’m a doctor and I’m here to warn you not to go to certain places even if they are open. Eating out can be a great way to enjoy a meal with friends and family, but it can also be a source of unhealthy food choices. In this article, I will provide you with tips and advice on how to make healthier choices when eating out. I will also provide you with information on which restaurants to avoid and why. With this information, you can make informed decisions about where to eat and what to order. So, let’s get started!

I’m a Doctor and Warn You Don’t Go Here Even if It’s Open — Eat This Not That

As a doctor, I’m here to warn you not to go to certain places even if they are open. Eating out can be a great way to enjoy a meal, but there are some places that you should avoid. Here are some tips to help you make the right choices when it comes to eating out.

Avoid Fast Food Restaurants

Fast food restaurants are notorious for serving unhealthy food. The food is often high in calories, fat, and sodium. It’s also usually low in nutrients. Eating fast food regularly can lead to weight gain, high cholesterol, and other health problems.

Choose Restaurants with Healthy Options

When you’re eating out, look for restaurants that offer healthy options. Look for restaurants that serve fresh, whole foods and offer a variety of healthy choices. Avoid restaurants that serve fried foods, processed meats, and sugary drinks.

Read Nutrition Labels

When you’re eating out, it’s important to read nutrition labels. Many restaurants provide nutrition information on their menus. This can help you make informed decisions about what to order. Look for foods that are low in calories, fat, and sodium and high in fiber and protein.

Eat in Moderation

Eating out can be a great way to enjoy a meal, but it’s important to eat in moderation. Eating too much can lead to weight gain and other health problems. Try to limit your portions and choose healthier options when possible.


Eating out can be a great way to enjoy a meal, but it’s important to make smart choices. Avoid fast food restaurants and choose restaurants with healthy options. Read nutrition labels and eat in moderation. By following these tips, you can make sure you’re eating healthy when you’re eating out.

Coronavirus cases are going down but still, every day over 75,000 people are getting infected. While vaccines are still highly effective at preventing moderate and serious disease, there have been reports of waning immunity amongst fully vaccinated individuals. There isn’t reason for alarm as most cases are mostly of mild disease and asymptomatic.

As a doctor, I know that you do not want to get infected, and avoiding contact with the coronavirus is very important. Read on for the places to avoid—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You May Have Already Had COVID.

Group of happy friends having a lunch in a tavern.

When you leave your house and go to a restaurant, you are at risk of catching COVID. There’s no way to predict what ventilation system venues have in place, and remember, you will get in close contact with people who don’t live with you. You don’t know if they have the virus if they have been vaccinated and are increasing your chances of contracting COVID. 

Two women sitting by desk in front of laptops.

Offices are usually poorly ventilated. Especially in congested urban areas and going back to indoor meetings increases the risk of exposing yourself to coronavirus airborne droplets.

If someone in your office sneezes, coughs or even chats with you while carrying the virus, you are at risk of catching it from them. 

Even with physical distancing, it’s difficult to be detached from sharing your air with others, and not breathe what they exhale. Droplets or aerosols are the most common way for Delta to spread from person to person. Indoor offices are not a smart idea at this time, unless you are wearing a N95 mask at all times. 

RELATED: Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID, Says Dr. Fauci

Hands of a senior woman while praying in a church

Delta spreads quickly and these places provide the perfect situation for it to spread. Usually poorly ventilated the danger is increased because folks speak, sing, and sometimes shout. If they are carriers of the Delta coronavirus, you are likely going to catch it. If you catch it, you will bring the virus home with you. These gatherings are also less likely to have adequate physical separation and inadequate ventilation. 

RELATED: Sure Signs You May Have Dementia, According to Mayo Clinic

Cruise ship at the beach on Grand Turk island

Needless to say, sharing your water and air supply in a tight ship during a pandemic is a big mistake. It’s virtually impossible to follow social distancing guidelines and if someone is carrying the virus, it is hard to control the spread. 

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crowded grocery store

Avoid shopping at overcrowded stores. If you must buy in person, attempt to get what you need as soon as possible to avoid having to share your air with others. Wear a good quality face mask, maintain social distance and avoid huge groups. The bottom line is don’t go indoors with people you aren’t from your house to avoid infection with the Delta variant. And to protect your life and the lives of others, don’t visit any of these 35 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch COVID.

Leo Nissola, M.D. is an award-winning immunologist and scientist. He is a Medical Contributor on CBS News and helped design and evaluate data-driven epidemiological models which the White House Coronavirus Task Force validated and presented in press briefings. Follow him on Instagram @DoctorLeo and on Twitter @LeoNissolaMD