I’m a Doctor and This Vitamin Keeps Your Brain Young — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


Welcome to my article on how to keep your brain young with vitamins! As a doctor, I understand the importance of maintaining a healthy brain and the impact that vitamins can have on our cognitive health. In this article, I will discuss the vitamins that can help keep your brain young and provide tips on how to incorporate them into your diet. I will also provide some “Eat This Not That” advice to help you make the best choices for your brain health. So, if you’re looking for ways to keep your brain young and healthy, read on!

I’m a Doctor and This Vitamin Keeps Your Brain Young — Eat This Not That

As a doctor, I’m always looking for ways to help my patients stay healthy and keep their brains young. One of the best ways to do this is to make sure you’re getting enough of the right vitamins and minerals. One of the most important vitamins for brain health is vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 is essential for the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the brain. It also helps to maintain healthy nerve cells and is important for the production of neurotransmitters, which are the chemicals that help the brain communicate with the rest of the body. Without enough B12, your brain can become sluggish and you may experience memory problems.

The best way to get enough B12 is through your diet. Foods that are rich in B12 include fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, and fortified cereals. If you’re vegan or vegetarian, you can get B12 from fortified plant-based milks, nutritional yeast, and some fortified breakfast cereals.

If you’re not getting enough B12 from your diet, you may need to take a supplement. Talk to your doctor about the best option for you. Taking a B12 supplement can help keep your brain healthy and young.

We take care of ourselves in so many ways, but brain health, which is a critical part of our overall well-being, is often overlooked. “Brain health matters for your body, your mood, your personality, and, in short, what makes you ‘you,” Dr. Jacob Hascalovici MD, PhD as the Clearing Chief Medical Officer tells us. “A healthy brain helps you maintain stable, positive moods, supports good decision-making, keeps you independent for longer as you age, lets you relate better to others, and helps you feel like yourself. Of course, it also helps you continue working or enjoying your hobbies, too,” he adds. There’s many ways to improve brain health, including taking certain vitamins, according to Dr. Hascalovici who reveals which ones actually help make a difference. Read on—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

Woman stretching skin on her face and looking at the mirror.

Dr. Hascalovici says, “Some amount of brain aging is normal, and shouldn’t be a cause for too much distress. This kind of aging often appears as occasional forgetfulness, momentary “slips” when you may “lose” certain words, slower processing, concentration issues, and a little more trouble with multitasking. You may sometimes feel sleepier or more tired, which could be linked to aging or to sleep disturbances. Though it’s not normal, it is also possible to develop Alzheimer’s or dementia. Red flags for these conditions and for cognitive decline in general include increasingly severe lapses in memory, trouble recognizing familiar people, inability to perform everyday tasks, feeling disoriented, trouble making decisions, and lapses in common sense.”

A woman squeezes and pulls your skin.

Dr. Hascalovici shares, “Depression, exhaustion, sleeplessness, and stress can all lead to cognitive issues, so it’s important to reflect on your lifestyle and do what you can to avoid repeat stressors. In general, sleeping and eating well will help prevent brain problems and keep your mind sharp. Mental stimulation, such as learning a new language, making new friends, or volunteering, also helps your brain health.”

Smiling young lady looking at her vitamins

Dr. Hascalovici explains, “Vitamin B3 (also called niacin) may help keep brain fog and certain other cognitive issues at bay. It has been linked to promoting brain health and function in those at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, though this is still being studied. Nuts, seeds, and bananas, as well as many animal products, potatoes, and mushrooms contain niacin. “Niacin flush,” when the skin reddens and itches, may develop with high doses of supplemental niacin; headaches may also occur.”

young woman taking pill
Shutterstock / New Africa

“Vitamin B12 is considered essential for nerve health and could be important for memory as well — low levels can cause peripheral neuropathy, problems with balance, and, in severe cases, memory impairment,” says Dr. Hascalovici. “Vitamin B12 deficiency can be a challenge particularly for vegetarians and vegans, since this vitamin is found in fish, many meats, and dairy. High doses of vitamin B12 could give you headaches, nausea, or fatigue.”

Smiling woman taking a pill.

According to Dr. Hascalovici, “Beta-carotene may help stave off dementia while promoting cognitive function. It can be taken as a supplement, though many people get beta-carotene naturally from colorful natural foods. Bruising, loose stools, and joint pain are possible side effects of beta-carotene supplementation.”

vitamin d in the sun

Dr. Hascalovici tells us, “Vitamin C can help cognitive health, particularly for those who suffer from low moods, including depression. It’s important to speak to your doctor first before starting vitamin C though, as it is possible to overdose or to experience cramps, stomach upset, or fatigue, among other side effects.”

eggs and toast breakfast

Dr. Hascalovici states, “Contained in dairy foods, chicken, and eggs, this amino acid supports your body in creating more neurotransmitters, which can help you feel more alert and energetic. It appears to work best for people whose ability to produce neurotransmitters has already been lowered (so, people who are stressed or have been thinking hard for a long time).”

Heather Newgen

Heather Newgen has two decades of experience reporting and writing about health, fitness, entertainment and travel. Heather currently freelances for several publications. Read more