If You Live Here, Beware the COVID Cases — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


Welcome to the world of COVID-19. As the pandemic continues to spread, it is important to be aware of the risks associated with living in certain areas. This article will provide you with information on the COVID cases in your area and what you can do to protect yourself and your family. We will also provide you with tips on what to eat and what to avoid in order to stay healthy during this time. By following these guidelines, you can help reduce your risk of contracting the virus and keep your family safe.

If You Live Here, Beware the COVID Cases — Eat This Not That

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, it is important to be aware of the areas that have the highest number of cases. Knowing where the highest concentrations of cases are can help you make informed decisions about where to go and what to eat. Here are some tips on how to stay safe and healthy while living in an area with high COVID-19 cases.

Know Your Local COVID-19 Numbers

It is important to stay informed about the number of COVID-19 cases in your area. Check your local health department website or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website for the latest information. Knowing the number of cases in your area can help you make decisions about where to go and what to do.

Avoid Crowded Areas

When possible, avoid crowded areas such as malls, movie theaters, and restaurants. If you must go to these places, make sure to wear a face mask and practice social distancing. Avoiding crowded areas can help reduce your risk of exposure to the virus.

Eat This, Not That

When it comes to food, it is important to make smart choices. Avoid eating out at restaurants and opt for takeout or delivery instead. When ordering takeout or delivery, make sure to ask about the restaurant’s safety protocols. Also, opt for foods that are high in nutrients and low in sugar and fat. Eating a healthy diet can help boost your immune system and reduce your risk of getting sick.

Stay Home When Possible

Staying home is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of exposure to the virus. If you must go out, make sure to wear a face mask and practice social distancing. Also, make sure to wash your hands often and avoid touching your face.

Get Vaccinated

Getting vaccinated is one of the best ways to protect yourself from the virus. Check with your local health department for information on when and where to get vaccinated. Vaccines are safe and effective and can help reduce your risk of getting sick.

Living in an area with high COVID-19 cases can be scary, but there are steps you can take to stay safe and healthy. Knowing your local COVID-19 numbers, avoiding crowded areas, eating a healthy diet, staying home when possible, and getting vaccinated are all important steps to take to reduce your risk of exposure to the virus.

The coronavirus is still stalking America. “Nationally…the South has really cooled off,” says virus expert Ashish Jha, Dean of the Brown University School of Public Health. “And it’s the Midwest and Great Plains states that have high infection rates. This really shows up when you look at individual state-level data. If you look at the 14 states with the highest new infections per capita, you can see that most are in the colder parts of the country.” Topping the list are the following 5 states—”all have below average vaccination rates,” says Dr. Jha. “And highly vaxxed states seeing outbreaks in less vaccinated communities of those states.” Read on to see the states—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

Anchorage Skyline with a winter reflection

“Though the state of Alaska currently has the highest rate of COVID-19 cases in the country, Governor Mike Dunleavy is focusing on fighting federal vaccine mandates,” reports Ars Technica. “Dunleavy signed an administrative order Tuesday that prohibits all state agencies from participating in or assisting with federal vaccine mandates for employers. The order also tasks the state’s attorney general with reviewing all federal vaccine mandates and looking for ways to challenge them in court.”

Continues the website: “Dunleavy argues that the federal mandates and rules are ‘unconstitutional’ and ‘completely unnecessary’ for the state of Alaska, which has only 53 percent of its population vaccinated. The Republican governor claims Alaska he has ‘handled COVID better than nearly every other state in the US.’ He boasted that the state has never had a mask mandate and ended its emergency declaration before other states. The state also never prevented healthcare providers from offering unproven and potentially harmful treatments for COVID-19, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, Dunleavy proudly noted. And, so far, Alaska has the fourth-lowest COVID-19 death rate among states.”

minneapolis skyline

“Minnesota’s firmly back on the wrong track in the COVID-19 pandemic. The state on Monday posted its highest single-day count of new cases since December. Active cases also reached a 2021 high and the rate of tests coming back positive is edging higher,” reports MPR. “Known, active cases rose to 25,387 on Monday — the highest count for all of 2021. The seven-day average for new daily cases rose slightly.”

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“North Dakota reported five COVID-19 deaths Thursday, including one each from Cass, Morton, Barnes, Emmons and Stutsman counties,” reports the Grand Forks Herald. “COVID-19 hospitalizations stayed nearly the same over the previous day, but the state’s medical centers continue to deal with a crunch on capacity. The state reported just seven available intensive care beds and 172 regular inpatient beds across the whole state on Wednesday, though most of the open beds are located in small hospitals with limited capabilities. Fargo’s three hospitals reported a combined three ICU beds and nine inpatient beds, while Bismarck’s two hospitals reported no open ICU or inpatient beds.”

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Mc Donald in Glacier national park

“Montana on Monday reported 908 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the state’s total active cases to 7,815,” reports the Great Falls Tribune. “There have been 2,423 total deaths from the virus, which is eight additional fatalities since Friday. There have been 171,112 recoveries, and there are 351 active hospitalizations. Cascade County, where 51% of eligible residents are fully vaccinated, added 65 new cases on Monday. The county has 707 active cases and 246 deaths from the virus. The latest deaths in the county were listed as a man and woman in their 60s. Both were unvaccinated, and one had underlying conditions.”

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Wyoming welcome sign

“The number of Wyoming deaths tied to coronavirus has increased by 69, the Wyoming Department of Health announced Tuesday,” reports the Sheridan Press. “The department said the deaths, which occurred between August and the end of October, brought to 1,243 the number of Wyoming residents whose deaths have been linked to the coronavirus since it was first detected in Wyoming in March 2020. Thirteen Sweetwater County residents, nine men and four women, died in September and October, the department said, and nine were hospitalized for the treatment of coronavirus. Ten Natrona County residents, six men and four women, died in October, while nine Park County residents, seven men and two women, also died. Eight Laramie County residents, six men and two women, were also among the victims.”

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African American man in antiviral mask gesturing thumb up during coronavirus vaccination, approving of covid-19 immunization

Follow the public health fundamentals and help end this pandemic, no matter where you live—get vaccinated ASAP; if you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear an N95 face mask, don’t travel, social distance, avoid large crowds, don’t go indoors with people you’re not sheltering with (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene, and to protect your life and the lives of others, don’t visit any of these 35 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch COVID.