Here’s How to Stop Aging Immediately, Say Experts — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


Do you want to look and feel younger? Are you looking for ways to slow down the aging process? Well, you’re in luck! Experts have revealed the secret to stopping aging immediately – and it’s all about what you eat. In this article, we’ll discuss the foods you should be eating to keep your body looking and feeling young, as well as the foods you should avoid. So, if you’re ready to start looking and feeling younger, read on to find out how to stop aging immediately!

Here’s How to Stop Aging Immediately, Say Experts — Eat This Not That

If you’re looking for a way to stop aging immediately, experts say the answer is simple: change your diet. Eating the right foods can help you look and feel younger, while avoiding certain foods can help you stay healthy and youthful.

The key to slowing down the aging process is to focus on eating foods that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Antioxidants help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals, which can lead to premature aging. Eating foods that are high in vitamins and minerals can help keep your skin looking healthy and youthful. Healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts, and olive oil, can help keep your skin hydrated and supple.

In addition to eating the right foods, experts also recommend avoiding certain foods that can speed up the aging process. These include processed foods, refined sugars, and trans fats. Eating too much of these foods can lead to inflammation, which can cause wrinkles and other signs of aging.

So, if you want to stop aging immediately, focus on eating foods that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods, refined sugars, and trans fats, and you’ll be well on your way to looking and feeling younger.

There’s countless products on the market that advertise a “miracle cure” for turning back the clock, but do they really work? There’s nothing wrong with aging. It’s a part of life we can’t stop, but we can help slow down the process by adopting healthy and positive lifestyle choices. Eat This, Not That! Health spoke with experts who reveal their tricks for staying young. Read on—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

Smiling young lady looking at her vitamins

Dr. Nayan Patel, pharmacist, health expert and author of The Glutathione Revolution: Fight Disease, Slow Aging & Increase Energy explains, “Glutathione plays a vital role in maintaining health, vigor and vibrancy as we grow older. The truth is, our bodies are assaulted daily with damage that is cumulative. Factors contributing to aging include environmental exposures, stress and inflammation caused by free radicals. You can however decelerate the aging process with glutathione, the anti-aging antioxidant, which is a foe of oxidative stress. Optimize the natural production of glutathione in the body through diet by including foods that stimulate glutathione production. You can also take supplemental glutathione to boost your levels even more. Supplementary glutathione comes in the form of IV drips, oral supplements, sublingual (under the tongue) drops and topical GSH skin creams.”

Sad woman on a sofa.

According to Dr. Patel, “The glutathione antioxidant is the second most abundant molecule in the body and the first line of defense against oxidative stress. Our bodies create glutathione using amino acids from our food. From there, it processes toxins out of the body, gobbles up free radicals, boosts cellular function, and encourages cell turnover. This means glutathione not only prevents oxidative stress but also helps to heal the damage it leaves behind. Aging is largely due to oxidative stress – the imbalance of free radicals and those antioxidants that quench them. Oxidative stress causes our organs to slowly become less capable of functioning at an optimal level, and they lose the power to regenerate themselves in ways that allow them to perform at their peak performance. With skin, the largest organ in the body, you see the most visible side to aging. Young skin has several mechanisms in place such as frequent cell turnover, the production of oil and collagen to maintain lustre and structure, and more – to keep it looking fresh and plump. But the accumulation of damage causes the skin to function at a lesser level. Fight oxidative stress and you fight aging.”

body inflammation

“Oxidative stress triggers inflammation in the body – inflammation is a defense mechanism of the immune system and is part of the body’s natural healing system,” Dr. Patel states. “However, when inflammation inside the body becomes chronic, it can destroy healthy tissue, leading to many of the problems and diseases associated with growing older. Simply put, manage inflammation in your body by combating your oxidative stress levels. Manage inflammation and you fight aging.”

healthy holiday woman making a salad

Dr. Patel suggests, “Try a plant-based diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, and unrefined grains and low in fat and refined carbohydrates. Avoid the Dirty Dozen – a list of twelve fruits and vegetables that the Environmental Working Group found to contain the highest levels of pesticide residues. Buy the Clean Fifteen – a list of fruits and vegetables that you can feel safe and good about eating, as advised by the Environmental Working Group. Exercise moderately by walking thirty minutes a day, six days a week. Try practicing gentle yoga and meditation to reduce stress levels along with breathing exercises.”

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mobile phones lying on each other on the table and the company of young students having fun in a cafe while chatting

Dr. Patel reminds us it’s important to take a break from our iPads and tech gadgets. “Take steps to reduce your stress levels by spending less time on smartphones, computers, laptops and anything else with a personal screen. These devices create electromagnetic fields that cause oxidative stress.”

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mediterranean diet

Kent Probst, personal trainer and kinesiotherapist explains, “The Longevity Diet is a way of eating that is based on the traditional foods and eating styles of the people and countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. The diet is composed of a variety of plant foods including fresh,seasonal fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans and other legumes,fresh herbs, and whole grains. Wild-caught fish and other seafood are the primary animal products consumed on this diet, while other animal products like high quality cheeses, free range poultry, and cage-free, organic eggs are consumed in smaller amounts and less often. Red meat is consumed very infrequently and in small amounts. Olive Oil is a primary source of fat, and things like red wine and dessert like dark chocolate are enjoyed in moderation.”

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Young Woman praticing tai chi chuan in the gym. Chinese management skill Qi's energy.

Probst states, “Tai chi is touted by the Chinese as an exercise that enhances lifeessence, or Qi, while incorporating purposeful control of the breath and mind. What you may not know is that tai chi has many other benefits that can significantly improve your health and increase longevity. Tai Chi promotes longevity in the following ways: cardiopulmonary improvement, improved bone mass, fall reduction, arthritis mitigation, improved immune function, and decreased inflammation.”