5 “Natural Cures” That are a Waste of Money — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


When it comes to natural cures, it can be hard to know what is real and what is a waste of money. Unfortunately, there are many products and treatments out there that are marketed as “natural cures” but are actually ineffective and a waste of money. In this article, we will discuss five of the most common “natural cures” that are a waste of money. We will also provide some tips on how to make sure you are not wasting your money on ineffective treatments. So, if you are looking for natural cures, read on to find out which ones are a waste of money and which ones are worth your time and money.

5 Natural Cures That Are a Waste of Money — Eat This Not That

When it comes to natural cures, it can be hard to know what works and what doesn’t. Unfortunately, there are some natural cures that are a waste of money and don’t provide any real health benefits. Here are five natural cures that you should avoid.

1. Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies are based on the idea that “like cures like” and that diluting a substance can make it more powerful. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this idea and homeopathic remedies are not regulated by the FDA. Therefore, it’s best to avoid these remedies and stick to proven treatments.

2. Herbal Supplements

Herbal supplements are often marketed as natural cures for a variety of ailments. However, many of these supplements have not been tested for safety or effectiveness and can even be dangerous if taken in large doses. It’s best to talk to your doctor before taking any herbal supplements.

3. Detox Diets

Detox diets are popular among those looking for a quick fix to their health problems. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that these diets can “detoxify” the body. In fact, some of these diets can be dangerous and should be avoided.

4. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is often touted as a natural cure for a variety of ailments. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that acupuncture can cure any medical condition. In fact, some studies have shown that acupuncture can be dangerous if not performed correctly.

5. Miracle Cures

Miracle cures are often marketed as a way to cure any ailment quickly and easily. However, these cures are usually nothing more than scams and should be avoided. If you’re looking for a natural cure, it’s best to talk to your doctor first.

When it comes to natural cures, it’s important to do your research and talk to your doctor before trying anything. While some natural cures may be effective, there are many that are a waste of money and can even be dangerous. Avoid these five natural cures and stick to proven treatments.

Perhaps because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans are taking more supplements than ever, often seeking relief from a health condition. Unfortunately, science doesn’t back up the heady claims (and internet rumors) surrounding many supplements, which are alleged to cure everything from common colds to COVID-19. These “natural cures” are a waste of money—and some are actually dangerous. Read on to find out more—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You May Have Already Had COVID.

Echinacea extract pills and fresh Echinacea flowers

This herb has long been touted as an immunity booster and cold-shortener. But the science doesn’t support the hype. “Reviews of research have found limited evidence that some echinacea preparations may be useful for treating colds in adults, while other preparations did not seem to be helpful,” says the National Center for Integrative and Complementary Medicine. “In addition, echinacea has not been shown to reduce the number of colds that adults catch.” Some studies have found echinacea has a modest benefit for cold symptoms; other studies found no benefit.


If you’re balding, chances are you’ve heard of biotin, which is in many supplements that claim to help restore hair. Unfortunately, it’s a bunch of bunk. There’s no evidence that biotin can reverse hair loss. “While signs of biotin deficiency include hair loss, skin rashes, and brittle nails, the efficacy of biotin in supplements for hair, skin, and nails as a means to remedy these conditions is not supported in large-scale studies,” said researchers who reviewed more than 100 studies on vitamins and hair loss and published their findings in a 2019 issue of Dermatology and Therapy. If you still figure “taking it can’t hurt,” limit your dosage: Another study found that taking large amounts of biotin (5mg to 10mg daily) can raise the risk of lung cancer in men. 

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A happy kid holding a vitamin.

Experts from Johns Hopkins say it right there in the title of a bombshell editorial they published in 2014: “Enough Is Enough: Stop Wasting Money on Vitamin and Mineral Supplements.” The researchers analyzed studies involving almost half a million people and determined that taking multivitamins doesn’t lower your risk of heart disease, cancer, cognitive decline, or early death. Their advice: Don’t rely on pills for essential nutrients; get your vitamins and minerals from food.

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kava kava supplement capsules on brown wooden plate
Shutterstock / Iryna Imago

Kava is an herb often used for anxiety and insomnia, among other conditions. Some studies show it may help alleviate anxiety, but the data is far from conclusive. What’s worse: Kava can cause severe liver damage, and the FDA has issued a warning against its use. “Kava, which people have taken to help them with sleep, can cause liver failure,” Kathryn Boling, MD, a family medicine doctor with Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, told ETNT Health. “I tell patients it’s not safe to take orally.”

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person holding pills in their hands

Elderberry is in a number of popular syrups and supplements that claim to boost the immune system and clear up colds and flu. Rumors even spread online that it could cure COVID-19. (To get that out of the way: It can’t.) And the data on elderberry’s effect on immunity is mixed. One study found it may shorten the duration of the flu by four days. But a 2020 study at the Cleveland Clinic found no difference in the severity or duration of flu symptoms between a group that took elderberry and one that took a placebo.

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African American man in antiviral mask gesturing thumb up during coronavirus vaccination, approving of covid-19 immunization

Follow the fundamentals and help end this pandemic, no matter where you live—get vaccinated ASAP; if you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear an N95 face mask, don’t travel, social distance, avoid large crowds, don’t go indoors with people you’re not sheltering with (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene, and to protect your life and the lives of others, don’t visit any of these 35 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch COVID.