5 Stretches for Weight Loss To Add to Your Workout

By Ghuman


If you’re looking to lose weight, adding stretches to your workout routine can be a great way to help you reach your goals. Stretching can help improve your flexibility, reduce stress, and even help you burn more calories. In this article, we’ll discuss five stretches that can help you lose weight and add to your workout. We’ll cover the benefits of each stretch, how to do them correctly, and how often you should do them. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of how stretching can help you reach your weight loss goals.

5 Stretches for Weight Loss To Add to Your Workout

Stretching is an important part of any workout routine. Not only does it help to improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury, but it can also help you to lose weight. Here are five stretches that you can add to your workout to help you reach your weight loss goals.

1. Standing Hamstring Stretch

This stretch is great for targeting the hamstrings, which are often neglected in many workout routines. To do this stretch, stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands on your hips. Bend forward at the waist, keeping your back straight, and reach for your toes. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then release and repeat.

2. Standing Quad Stretch

This stretch is great for targeting the quads, which are often tight from sitting for long periods of time. To do this stretch, stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands on your hips. Bend your right knee and grab your right ankle with your right hand. Pull your heel towards your butt and hold this position for 30 seconds. Release and repeat on the other side.

3. Seated Spinal Twist

This stretch is great for targeting the spine and core muscles. To do this stretch, sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Bend your right knee and cross it over your left leg. Place your right hand on the floor behind you and your left hand on your right knee. Twist your torso to the right and hold this position for 30 seconds. Release and repeat on the other side.

4. Cat-Cow Stretch

This stretch is great for targeting the entire back and core muscles. To do this stretch, start on your hands and knees with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. On an inhale, arch your back and look up towards the ceiling. On an exhale, round your back and tuck your chin towards your chest. Repeat this movement for 30 seconds.

5. Child’s Pose

This stretch is great for targeting the entire back and core muscles. To do this stretch, start on your hands and knees with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. On an inhale, sit back on your heels and reach your arms forward. On an exhale, lower your chest towards the floor and rest your forehead on the ground. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Adding these stretches to your workout routine can help you to reach your weight loss goals. Remember to always listen to your body and stop if you feel any pain or discomfort. Happy stretching!

Let’s face it: Trying to lose weight can feel overwhelming, exhausting, and disheartening—especially when you’ve put in weeks (or months) of effort only to find that the number on the scale hasn’t budged. So whether you’re about to kickstart your weight loss journey or have been trying to crack the code on fat loss for a while, we’re here to offer support with sound advice from an expert trainer. We spoke with Dan Johnston, CPT, certified personal trainer and strength and conditioning coach, who shares five of the all-time best stretches for weight loss.

Instead of losing faith in your pursuit of a healthier weight, keep your chin up, and add these stretches to your daily routine. And next, check out these Exercise Habits for Weight Loss That Science Says Actually Work.

woman performing walking lunges on trail, stretches for weight loss

You’ve likely heard that a combination of regular exercise that includes cardio and resistance training, along with a nutritious, well-balanced diet (enjoyed while in a calorie deficit) is fundamental for achieving your weight loss goals. However, incorporating other aspects of physical fitness into your workout routine, such as stretching to improve your flexibility and mobility, is also a wise decision. Stretching supports weight loss by bumping up the number of calories you burn daily, according to Healthline. In addition, a study published in Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging found that stretching can improve muscle hypertrophy, another factor for boosting fat loss.

Two main types of stretching can promote weight loss—static and dynamic stretching. Static stretching is the image you likely have when you think of stretching. According to the UW School of Medicine and Public Health, it calls for stretching out a muscle and remaining in that position for a minimum of 15 or 20 seconds. Static stretching pinpoints a single muscle group during each stretch. Conversely, dynamic stretching involves active movements where your joints and muscles go through a full range of motion (ROM), burning more calories than its static counterpart.

While stretching won’t torch as many calories as aerobic exercise and resistance training, every little bit helps. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a 154-pound person will burn approximately 90 calories during 30 minutes of static stretching. However, the heavier you are and the more dynamic the stretch, the more calories you’ll burn. “Stretching alone won’t promote weight loss, but a combination of diet and exercise that increases flexibility while strength training can be helpful during your weight loss journey,” states Johnston.

Now, let’s dive into Johnston’s top recommended stretches for weight loss.

bulgarian split squat exercise and stretches for weight loss

“The bottom position of the Bulgarian split squat is similar to what you would see if you were doing a classic couch stretch. However, add some resistance to it, and you get a better stretch to the hip flexors,” says Johnston.

This movement opens up your hips while targeting your hip flexors (muscles at the front of your hips) and improving hip mobility. Better hip mobility enhances exercise performance and allows you to perform daily activities like squatting down to lift objects, both of which promote weight loss. During Bulgarian split squats, your quads, glutes, and hamstrings also receive a solid stretch, according to research published in PLOS One. Since this is a single-leg exercise, make sure you do the movement with both legs for a balanced stretch.

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woman on beach performing deep squat stretches for weight loss

The deep squat effectively stretches several lower body parts, including your hip flexors, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves, while engaging your core. Deep squats can also enhance hip, knee, and ankle joint mobility, improving your overall range of motion and stretching for weight loss.

“Elevate your heels to squat lower and stay more upright,” explains Johnston. “This will stretch your adductors (groin area), which tends to be a stiff area for many people. Also, deep squats allow the glutes and quads to experience load in a more stretched-out position.”

woman demonstrating hanging leg raise exercise

The third stretch to boost weight loss is the hanging leg raise. “This is a great exercise with the combined effect of not only working your core but also allowing your lower back and pelvis area to experience flexion and extension, movements that you might not be exposed to often throughout the day if you are stationary at your job,” says Johnston.

According to the experts at Healthline, performing a dead hang can stretch and strengthen muscles in your shoulders, upper back, core, forearms, and hand and wrist flexors. In addition, it stretches and decompresses your spine, which is essential for optimizing physical performance and calorie burn.

trainer demonstrating dumbbell side bends

“Most movements occur in the sagittal plane (straight up and down), so this is a good movement that not only works the core but can also get your body moving in the frontal plane while providing a big stretch to the trunk and pelvis area,” Johnston explains.

If this movement is too difficult, try side bends with a dumbbell or kettlebell, making sure to push the hip out to the side and have the resistance move straight along your side for an optimal stretch.

lat pulldown machine close-up

Last but not least of these stretches for weight loss is another excellent combination movement that delivers the benefits of stretching your muscles while working toward your resistance training and weight loss goals. “The lats are another area that tends to be tight for many people for various reasons,” says Johnston. “Adding a twist at the bottom of the movement allows you to stretch out the lat in its end range position.”

So if you spend most of your day in front of a computer screen, consider giving this one a try to loosen up your back muscles and get you one step closer to achieving a healthier weight.