The #1 Worst Thing You Can Do For Your Blood Sugar — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


If you’re looking to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, then you’ve come to the right place. Eating the wrong foods can have a huge impact on your blood sugar levels, and it’s important to know what to avoid. In this article, we’ll discuss the #1 worst thing you can do for your blood sugar: eating the wrong foods. We’ll look at some of the worst offenders and provide healthier alternatives so you can make better food choices. So, if you’re looking to keep your blood sugar levels in check, read on to find out what not to eat and what to eat instead.

The #1 Worst Thing You Can Do For Your Blood Sugar — Eat This Not That

When it comes to managing your blood sugar, what you eat is just as important as what you don’t eat. Eating the wrong foods can have a negative impact on your blood sugar levels, leading to a host of health problems. Here are the top five worst things you can do for your blood sugar, and what you should be eating instead.

1. Eating Too Much Sugar

Eating too much sugar is one of the worst things you can do for your blood sugar. Eating too much sugar can cause your blood sugar levels to spike, leading to a host of health problems. Instead of eating sugary snacks and desserts, opt for healthier alternatives like fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.

2. Eating Too Much Refined Carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, white rice, and pasta, can cause your blood sugar levels to spike. These foods are quickly digested and absorbed into your bloodstream, leading to a rapid rise in your blood sugar levels. Instead, opt for complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables, which are digested more slowly and have a lower glycemic index.

3. Eating Too Much Processed Food

Processed foods are often high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats, all of which can have a negative impact on your blood sugar levels. Instead of processed foods, opt for fresh, whole foods that are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These foods will help keep your blood sugar levels stable and provide you with essential nutrients.

4. Eating Too Much Saturated Fat

Saturated fats, such as those found in red meat, butter, and full-fat dairy products, can raise your cholesterol levels and increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Instead, opt for healthier fats, such as those found in olive oil, nuts, and avocados.

5. Eating Too Much Sodium

Eating too much sodium can cause your body to retain water, leading to an increase in your blood pressure. This can have a negative impact on your blood sugar levels. Instead, opt for foods that are low in sodium, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, and use herbs and spices to add flavor to your meals.

By making the right food choices, you can help keep your blood sugar levels stable and reduce your risk of developing health problems. Eating the right foods can also help you maintain a healthy weight, which is important for managing your blood sugar levels.

Blood sugar is your body’s main source of energy and when it’s too high it’s a major concern because serious health issues like heart disease, kidney disease and stroke can happen. High blood sugar, or hyperglycemia is commonly linked to diabetes, but everyone should be mindful of their blood sugar levels since it’s vital for our overall well-being. Eat This, Not That! Health spoke with Dr. Tomi Mitchell, a Board-Certified Family Physician with Holistic Wellness Strategies who shares what the worst things for your blood sugar are. Read on—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

female using lancelet on finger to checking blood sugar level by Glucose meter

Dr. Mitchell tells us, “Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is essential for overall health and well-being. When blood sugar levels are too high, it can lead to serious health problems such as diabetes. On the other hand, when blood sugar levels are too low, it can cause fatigue, dizziness, and even fainting. Therefore, it is essential to regulate your blood sugars to maintain optimal health.

There are a few different ways to regulate your blood sugars. First, you can eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. You should also limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks. Exercise is another excellent way to regulate blood sugar levels. And finally, if you are taking any medications affecting blood sugar levels, follow your doctor’s instructions carefully. These steps can help keep your blood sugar levels in check and enjoy good health.”

Coffee and Sugar Main Picture

Dr. Mitchell says, “Anyone who has ever struggled with weight knows that sugar is the enemy. It is packed with empty calories and causes blood sugar levels to spike, leading to cravings and energy crashes. This is also why I don’t recommend getting groceries when you are hungry, or you might buy things you normally wouldn’t.  And while we all know that we should cut back on our sugar intake, it’s not always easy to do. Here are five habits that can lead to weight gain and make it harder to resist those sugary temptations.”

Tired woman holding her head with her hands.

Dr. Mitchell explains, “There are a few reasons why sleeping less than 7 hours a night can be bad for your blood sugar levels. First, your body’s stress hormones go up when you don’t get enough sleep. These hormones make it harder for your body to use insulin, leading to higher blood sugar levels. Second, not getting enough sleep can disrupt your body’s natural circadian rhythms and impact blood sugar control. And finally, when you don’t get enough sleep, you’re more likely to eat foods high in sugar and carbohydrates, which can also lead to higher blood sugar levels. So if you want to keep your blood sugars in check, you must get enough sleep every night.”


“There are many reasons why eating sugary cereals can be bad for your blood sugars,”Dr. Mitchell states. “First, the sugar in the cereal can cause a spike in blood sugar levels, which can be dangerous for people with diabetes or other blood sugar disorders. Second, sugar can lead to weight gain, exacerbating diabetes and other health problems. Third, sugar can cause tooth decay, which can lead to further health problems down the road. Finally, sugary cereals often contain empty calories, providing little nutritional value. All these factors make it clear that eating sugary cereals is not good for people trying to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.”

woman drinking orange juice

According to Dr. Mitchell, “Fruit juices may be natural and full of vitamins, but they can also be a problem for people with diabetes. That’s because fruit juices contain a lot of sugar, which can cause blood sugar levels to spike. And when blood sugar levels spike too often, it can lead to long-term health problems such as heart disease and kidney damage. So if you’re trying to control your blood sugar levels, it’s best to avoid fruit juices and stick to whole fruits instead. Whole fruits contain fiber, which helps slow down sugar absorption into the bloodstream. And they also tend to have a lower glycemic index than fruit juices, meaning they won’t cause your blood sugar levels to spike as much. So if you’re looking for a healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth, reach for a piece of fruit instead of a glass of juice.”


Dr. Mitchell explains, “When you skip meals, your blood sugar levels can drop dramatically. This can lead to feelings of dizziness, lightheadedness, and even fainting. In addition, skipped meals can make it difficult for your body to regulate blood sugar levels, leading to increased cravings for sugary foods. And when you do finally eat, you’re more likely to overeat because your body is so desperate for energy. So not only is skipping meals bad for your health, but it’s also bad for your waistline. So if you’re trying to lose or maintain a healthy weight, eat regular meals and snacks throughout the day. Your body will thank you for it!”

Woman eating sugary junk food

“There’s no denying that stress eating can be tempting,” Dr. Mitchell says. “When stressed, our bodies release hormones that can make us crave sugary and fatty foods. And now, indulging in these comfort foods can feel like a much-needed respite. However, stress eating can have negative consequences on our blood sugar levels. When we eat foods high in sugar or fat, our blood sugar levels spike and then crash, leaving us tired and sluggish. Over time, this diet can lead to insulin resistance, a precursor to type 2 diabetes. So next time you feel stressed, reach for a healthy snack instead of heading to the nearest candy bar. Your body (and blood sugar levels) will thank you in the long run.”

Heather Newgen

Heather Newgen has two decades of experience reporting and writing about health, fitness, entertainment and travel. Heather currently freelances for several publications. Read more