Here Are the Signs — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


Welcome to Here Are the Signs — Eat This Not That! Eating healthy is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle. But it can be hard to know what to eat and what to avoid. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you identify the signs that you should be eating this and not that. We’ll cover the basics of nutrition, how to read food labels, and how to make healthier choices when it comes to food. So let’s get started!

Here Are the Signs You Should Be Eating This, Not That

Making healthy food choices can be difficult, especially when you’re surrounded by unhealthy options. But there are some signs that can help you make the right decision. Here are some signs that you should be eating this, not that.

1. Check the Ingredients

One of the best ways to determine if you should be eating this or that is to check the ingredients. If the food contains a lot of unhealthy ingredients like sugar, trans fats, and artificial flavors, then it’s probably not the best choice. Instead, look for foods that contain natural ingredients like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

2. Read the Nutrition Label

Another way to tell if you should be eating this or that is to read the nutrition label. Look for foods that are low in calories, fat, and sugar, and high in fiber and protein. This will help you make sure you’re getting the most nutrition out of your food.

3. Consider the Source

Where the food comes from can also be a sign that you should be eating this or that. If the food is coming from a fast food restaurant or a processed food company, then it’s probably not the best choice. Instead, look for foods that come from local farms or organic sources.

4. Think About Your Goals

Finally, consider your health and fitness goals when deciding if you should be eating this or that. If you’re trying to lose weight, then you should be looking for foods that are low in calories and fat. If you’re trying to build muscle, then you should be looking for foods that are high in protein. By considering your goals, you can make sure you’re making the right food choices.

By following these signs, you can make sure you’re eating the right foods and getting the most nutrition out of your meals. So the next time you’re trying to decide if you should be eating this or that, remember to check the ingredients, read the nutrition label, consider the source, and think about your goals.

Country music star Shania Twain contracted COVID-19 pneumonia at her home in Lake Geneva, Switzerland, at the height of the pandemic — and it got bad enough she required an airlift to a hospital.

“It was progressively getting worse. My vital signs were getting worse, … and in the end I had to be air evacuated,” Twain, 57, told the U.K. tabloid The Mirror. “It was like science fiction, I felt like I was going to another planet or something,” she says. “It all kind of happened in slow motion.”

Her second husband, Frédéric “Fred” Thiébaud, had to call for the airlift, Twain said. “My husband was freaking out, to be honest,” she said. “He was really panicking because he was the one having to pull it all together. He spent hours and hours every day on the phone, trying to get an air evacuation coordinated, trying to get a bed lined up, as there were none, checking my vital signs. It was just a real nightmare for him.”

Twain eventually wound up in a hospital and was put into isolation and treated with plasma therapy, she said. “It took several days to start building up any antibodies at all, so it was a very dangerous time and very scary,” she said. “I made it through, and I’m just so grateful.”

The experience made it into Twain’s music in a song, Inhale/Exhale Air. “It’s a song of ­gratitude and appreciation,” she said. “I was inspired that I still had air in my lungs.”

COVID-19 pneumonia is a serious condition with symptoms that are similar to but different from other types of pneumonia. Here’s what you need to look out for.

“One of the common complications of COVID 19 infection is pneumonia,” says Dr. Susan Wilcox, chief of the Division of Critical Care in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. “When we say pneumonia, we mean infection of the lungs, specifically infection of the small airways and the air sacs or the alveoli.”

COVID-19 pneumonia is caused when a person’s immune system responds to the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the lungs, causing the alveoli toi swell and leak fluid, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

COVID-19 pneumonia is just one type of the lung disease, which can also be caused by bacterial, fungal or viral infection or as a result of diseases such as influenza.

“The World Health Organization estimates that between 250,000 to 5 million people die of pneumonia from influenza annually,” says Dr. Chen Yiming, a family physician in Singapore. “In fact, pneumonia accounts for about 15 percent of all deaths of children under 5 years old.”

Risk factors for pneumonia include include being younger than 5 or older than 65;  chronic lung conditions such as asthma or chronic obstructive lung disease; heart disease; or a weakened immune system, as in HIV patients or people who are on chemotherapy or are post-organ transplant, Yiming says.

The symptoms of COVID pneumonia can resemble those of an initial COVID-19 infection, the Cleveland Clinic says.

Those include shortness of breath, trouble breathing, confusion, extreme fatigue or tiredness, cough, fever, chest pain or tightness or bluish lips, skin or nails, the clinic says.

“Symptoms of pneumonia may vary from individual to individual,” Yiming says. “They include cough, phlegm production, shortness of breath, fever with chills, chest pain. In severe cases or in elderly patients, even confusion and drowsiness.”

Less common symptoms include sore throat, headache, aches and pains, diarrhea, a rash on skin or discolouration of fingers or toes, or red or irritated eyes, according to the World Health Organization.

Doctor and covid-19 infected patient in bed in hospital.

You can’t tell the difference between COVID-19, flu and other respiratory illnesses by symptoms alone, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

Some PCR tests can differentiate between flu and COVID-19 at the same time.

Both COVID-19 and flu take a few days from infection to symptoms. It is also possible not to have symptoms if you are infected with either virus.

But a person with COVID-19 may take longer to show symptoms than a person with the flu. COVID-19 also spreads more easily than the flu, the CDC says. COVID-19 can also cause more serious illness than the flu.

Guang-Hong Chen, professor of medical physics and radiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, is developing an algorithm to tell the difference between COVID-19-related pneumonia and other pneumonias, he says. 

“And we think that will help our expert thoracic radiologists, at least provide them a second opinion to better … differentiate the COVID-related pneumonia from the other type of pneumonia,” he says.

Close-up of covid-19 infected patient in bed in hospital, coronavirus and ventilation.

To prevent COVID-19 pneumonia, stay up to date on your vaccinations. If you qualify for additional boosters, you should get those as soon as you can as well.

If you believe you have contracted COVID-19, get tested at your doctor’s office or at a pharmacy and follow your doctor’s instructions.

“Pneumonia from COVID-19 in and of itself does not mandate medical care; however, patients with COVID-19 pneumonia can develop respiratory failure and may need to be hospitalized,” Wilcox says.

“If you start to have significant shortness of breath — meaning that you’re having difficulty getting about your house, going to the bathroom, taking care of yourself — this is a reason to go to the hospital and be evaluated for COVID-19 pneumonia,” she adds.

The biggest indicator that a COVID-19 infection has worsened is having trouble breathing, the Cleveland Clinic says. “If you have shortness of breath, and it’s getting worse, or if you feel like you can’t get air, go to the nearest ER,” the clinic says.

“It’s important to go to the ER if you have symptoms of COVID pneumonia, as it can get worse quickly,” the clinic adds. Just ask Shania Twain.