9 Worst Light Beers to Stay Away From Right Now — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


Light beers are often seen as a healthier alternative to regular beers, but not all light beers are created equal. Some light beers are packed with calories and sugar, while others are low in flavor and taste. In this article, we’ll take a look at the nine worst light beers to stay away from right now. We’ll discuss why these beers are so bad, and provide some healthier alternatives that you can enjoy instead. So, if you’re looking for a light beer that won’t leave you feeling bloated and unsatisfied, read on to find out which beers to avoid.

9 Worst Light Beers to Stay Away From Right Now

When it comes to light beers, there are plenty of options out there. But not all light beers are created equal. Some are better than others, and some should be avoided altogether. Here are 9 of the worst light beers to stay away from right now.

1. Miller Lite

Miller Lite is one of the most popular light beers on the market, but it’s also one of the worst. It has a watery taste and lacks any real flavor. It’s also high in calories and carbs, making it a poor choice for those looking to cut back on their drinking.

2. Bud Light

Bud Light is another popular light beer, but it’s also one of the worst. It has a bland taste and lacks any real flavor. It’s also high in calories and carbs, making it a poor choice for those looking to cut back on their drinking.

3. Coors Light

Coors Light is another light beer that should be avoided. It has a watery taste and lacks any real flavor. It’s also high in calories and carbs, making it a poor choice for those looking to cut back on their drinking.

4. Natural Light

Natural Light is another light beer that should be avoided. It has a watery taste and lacks any real flavor. It’s also high in calories and carbs, making it a poor choice for those looking to cut back on their drinking.

5. Busch Light

Busch Light is another light beer that should be avoided. It has a watery taste and lacks any real flavor. It’s also high in calories and carbs, making it a poor choice for those looking to cut back on their drinking.

6. Keystone Light

Keystone Light is another light beer that should be avoided. It has a watery taste and lacks any real flavor. It’s also high in calories and carbs, making it a poor choice for those looking to cut back on their drinking.

7. Michelob Ultra

Michelob Ultra is another light beer that should be avoided. It has a watery taste and lacks any real flavor. It’s also high in calories and carbs, making it a poor choice for those looking to cut back on their drinking.

8. Corona Light

Corona Light is another light beer that should be avoided. It has a watery taste and lacks any real flavor. It’s also high in calories and carbs, making it a poor choice for those looking to cut back on their drinking.

9. Budweiser Select

Budweiser Select is another light beer that should be avoided. It has a watery taste and lacks any real flavor. It’s also high in calories and carbs, making it a poor choice for those looking to cut back on their drinking.

Miller Lite claims to be the first light beer, but according to Vine Pair, Miller Lite is playing a bit fast and loose with the facts. Miller Lite was America’s first commercially successful lower-calorie brew, but that does not make it the first light beer overall. That “honor” goes to a concoction created by Rheingold Brewing Company chemist Dr. Joseph Owades, who in 1967 developed a reduced-carb, reduced-calorie beer that was marketed as Gablinger’s Diet Beer.

Dr. Owades transferred his recipe for a light beer to a colleague at the Meister Brau Brewery which went belly-up a few short years later. Miller grabbed up the bankrupt brand’s product lineup and soon released its own take, Miller Lite, in the early 1970s, and ever since then, they have been claiming they “invented” light beer, says Truth in Advertising.

Since the success of Miller Lite, many companies have created light beers to fill the need for a refreshing beverage with fewer calories. And some are actually pretty tasty. Some beer companies and microbreweries are making light beer with lower calories, carbs, and great flavor. But there are also a few light beers that don’t live up to increasing flavor and quality standards for serious beer drinkers and are better left on the shelves.

(Plus, always skip these 8 Worst Fast-Food Burgers to Stay Away From Right Now.)

Miller 64 beer
Courtesy of Miller 64

Miller Lite may (sort of) be the OG, and a good beer, in an easy-drinking, refreshing sort of way. But Miller 64 just took things too far. Little surprise, but with just 64 calories per 12-ounce serving and a mere 2.8% ABV, this “beer” is almost completely devoid of flavor. You’re better off with club soda.

Michelob Light beer
Courtesy of Kroger

Michelob Light has more flavor than many beers in the light beer category, and little wonder why: it has way more calories, too. In fact, at 123 calories, this beer is almost twice as caloric as Miller 64. The problem with this one is not its taste, but the fact it has only 20 fewer calories than a serving of Budweiser’s standard lager beer.

Heineken Light
Courtesy of Heineken

According to Good Housekeeping, a 12-ounce bottle of Heineken Light may only have 99 calories, which is comparable to the caloric count of many similar brews, but its seven grams of carbs are more than double that of many light beers.

Bud Light Lime
Courtesy of Bud Light

If you like a tasty light beer with a zesty citrus kick added, then by all means just squeeze some fresh lime juice into your beer and skip a pre-flavored brew. But Light Lime isn’t criminally high in calories or carbs or anything (nor is it all that low) but it has 1.8 grams of added sugar. You’ll get a fraction of that, and better flavor, from a squeeze of real lime.

Natural Light
Courtesy of Natural Light

Natural Light has the dubious distinction of being the worst-rated beer on Rate Beer and the second-worst on Beer Advocate. It is routinely excoriated in reviews. Its calorie and carb count are fine; the problem here is the awful flavor. Haters on Beer Advocate think it “literally tastes like what a damp basement smells like.”

Natural Ice
Courtesy of Natural Light

Natural Ice, perhaps better known as Natty Ice, is adjacent to light beer stats with its 130 calories and is often thought of as a lighter beer. However at just under 6% ABV (as in 5.9% alcohol by volume) it’s a higher gravity brew than any others on the list by a fair margin, so you need to take care as you take sips. Plus, it’s not very good, coming in as the 5th worst beer on Beer Advocate’s list.

Budweiser Select 55
Courtesy of Target

If you thought Miller 64 was flavorless, Budweiser Select 55, with nine fewer calories, will not be a favorite. A beer critic with Pint Log said of this fluid: “Have you ever had Bud Light? How about water? Mix ’em up and this is pretty much what you get.” This is the worst-rated beer on Beer Advocate. Most reviews are abysmal, one sums it up as “possibly the worst beer I have ever had. The look is light and not very frothy. The taste is sour and actually made me feel on the queasy side.”

Sam Adams Light
Courtesy of Samuel Adams

This beer tastes great, remark many reviewers on Beer Advocate, so what is the problem? They claim that Sam Adams Light isn’t truly a light beer. With 120 calories and 8 grams of carbs, this beer tastes great because it’s not that light. For reference, Sam Adams lager has 170 calories and 10 grams of carbs. This one where you have to weigh the benefits of saving 50 calories with a significant loss in flavor.

keystone light

The reviews for this light lager on Beer Advocate are not kind, except those that praise the low price and lack of flavor as a plus. One reviewer states that it “tastes like beer-flavored mineral water.”

READ MORE: 15 Best Light Beers You’ve Never Heard Of (But Need to Try!)

Steven John

Steven John is a freelancer writer for Eat This, Not That! based just outside New York City. Read more