8 Warning Signs You’re Buying the Wrong Bread — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


When it comes to bread, it can be hard to know which type is the healthiest. With so many different types of bread on the market, it can be difficult to determine which one is the best for you. To help you make the right choice, here are 8 warning signs that you’re buying the wrong bread. From added sugars to artificial preservatives, these are the ingredients you should look out for when selecting your bread. Eating the wrong bread can have a negative impact on your health, so make sure you’re choosing the right one.

8 Warning Signs You’re Buying the Wrong Bread

Bread is a staple in many diets, but not all breads are created equal. Knowing the warning signs of unhealthy bread can help you make better choices for your health. Here are 8 warning signs you’re buying the wrong bread.

1. High Sodium Content

Bread can be high in sodium, which can lead to high blood pressure and other health issues. Look for breads with less than 200 milligrams of sodium per serving. If the bread you’re buying has more than that, it’s time to switch to a healthier option.

2. Artificial Sweeteners

Some breads contain artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, sucralose, and acesulfame potassium. These sweeteners can be harmful to your health, so it’s best to avoid them. Look for breads that are sweetened with natural ingredients, such as honey or molasses.

3. High in Refined Grains

Refined grains, such as white flour, are stripped of their nutrients and fiber. Look for breads that are made with whole grains, such as whole wheat, oats, and rye. These breads are higher in fiber and other nutrients, and can help keep you full for longer.

4. High in Added Sugars

Added sugars can be found in many breads, and can lead to weight gain and other health issues. Look for breads that are low in added sugars, or that are sweetened with natural ingredients. Avoid breads that list sugar as one of the first few ingredients.

5. High in Trans Fats

Trans fats are unhealthy fats that can increase your risk of heart disease. Look for breads that are free of trans fats, or that list “0g trans fat” on the nutrition label. Avoid breads that list “partially hydrogenated oils” on the ingredients list.

6. High in Calories

Some breads can be high in calories, which can lead to weight gain. Look for breads that are low in calories, or that are made with whole grains and natural sweeteners. Avoid breads that are high in calories and low in nutrients.

7. Artificial Colors and Flavors

Some breads contain artificial colors and flavors, which can be harmful to your health. Look for breads that are free of artificial colors and flavors, or that are made with natural ingredients. Avoid breads that list “artificial colors” or “artificial flavors” on the ingredients list.

8. High in Preservatives

Preservatives can be found in many breads, and can be harmful to your health. Look for breads that are free of preservatives, or that are made with natural ingredients. Avoid breads that list “preservatives” on the ingredients list.

By being aware of these warning signs, you can make better choices when it comes to buying bread. Choose breads that are low in sodium, free of artificial sweeteners, high in whole grains, low in added sugars, free of trans fats, low in calories, free of artificial colors and flavors, and free of preservatives. Your health will thank you!

Bread can get a bad rap, as it’s carb-heavy. And lately, it seems like more and more people are looking to be more mindful of their carb and fiber intake. You shouldn’t have to completely abandon bread from your diet if you don’t want to though, as you can still find excellent bread options at the grocery store that are higher in fiber and lower in refined carbs and sugar, or that are specifically tailored to a low-carb diet.

The big takeaway: you should steer clear of bread that lacks nutritional value.

A good rule of thumb is to look for a bread that has six grams or fewer of total sugar per serving and at least two grams of fiber per serving, as well as “whole” or “grain” on the label, says Beth Stark, RDN, LDN, a PA-based nutrition communications consultant and recipe developer.

It’s also important to be cautious about the sodium content, as according to The American Heart Association, bread makes the “Salty 6” list because it tends to be higher in sodium than you may think, and it’s a food that people tend to eat a lot of it.

So to best help you navigate the grocery aisles, here are a couple of red flags to be wary of when shopping in the bread aisle. And after you read up on these, be sure to save our list of 22 Meals to Melt Belly Fat in 2022.

gluten free bread

Don’t be swayed by a bread’s gluten-free status, unless of course you have celiac disease or need to avoid gluten for some other reason.

“Many gluten-free breads lack nutritious whole-grain ingredients that provide protein and fiber that give it texture, flavor, and appetite-curbing power,” says Stark. “To find a more nutrient-rich gluten-free option, choose a seeded bread that’s made with whole-grain ingredients and has at least 2 grams of fiber per slice.” There are plenty on the market—you just need to read those labels closely!

whole grain sliced bread

“Sure, the phrase ‘multi-grain’ makes the bread sound super nutritious, but if it doesn’t include a percentage of whole grains, the word ‘whole’ as part of the first ingredient or bear a Whole-Grain Stamp, it’s likely a blend of refined white and wheat flours,” says Stark. Don’t be fooled by the lingo alone.

potato bread

“Devoid of any nutrition from real potatoes, this type of bread is made with enriched flour and often supplies just 1 gram of fiber and 2 grams of protein per slice, plus several grams of added sugar,” Stark says.

If you just can’t resist its pillowy soft texture, opt for a 100% whole wheat variety that delivers slightly more fiber and protein per serving from stone-ground whole-wheat flour.

bread aisle of grocery store

Instead of choosing a bread that has the buttery flavor already baked in, go for a hearty, whole-grain, seeded bread and add the butter yourself.

“While packaged ‘butter bread’ may be made without artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives and contain no high fructose corn syrup (according to one popular brand), you’re better off leaving this one on the shelf,” says Stark.

white bread

If you see “white wheat” on a loaf of bread, be sure to scan the ingredients listing before adding it to your cart.

“White wheat might sound like a wholesome choice, unless it’s made with white whole wheat flour (from a unique type of wheat) or another source of whole grains, it’s going to fall short of the key nutrients found in traditional whole wheat bread,” says Stark. It’s not any better than classic Wonder Bread. (And just so you know, this is the easy way to make healthier comfort foods.)

swirled bread

Although it may taste delicious, swirled (or flavored) breads are certainly not the best for you. Think: Pepperidge Farm Raisin Cinnamon Swirl Bread.

“Each slice may have no high fructose corn syrup, but it’s still loaded with added sugars and artificial flavors,” according to dietitian Ilyse Schapiro MS, RD, CDN. For a healthier twist, go with whole wheat bread topped with nut butter and a dash of cinnamon.

honey wheat bread

Honey wheat just means the bread is going to be high in sugar.

“Although the first ingredient may be whole wheat flour, the next few are brown sugar, molasses, soybean oil, and butter, which are additives and hydrogenated oils that are artery-clogging and sugar-spiking,” says Schapiro.

Instead, try whole wheat or whole grain bread with nut butter and a drizzle of honey for a more natural and satisfying meal.

bread aisle at grocery store
TY Lim/Shutterstock

When you’re looking at food labels, do you see one bread loaf that says 200 calories per serving and then another that is 40 calories? Proof right there that not all breads are the same! Make sure you read the labels to see what the serving size is and consider the texture and size of the bread.

For example, that 200 calorie serving bread might be for two hearty slices, while the 40 calorie bread might be for one thin, lackluster slice that won’t fill you up. Make sure you buy the bread for the serving size you intend on eating to avoid being misled.