6 Foods Making Your Gut Issues Worse

By Ghuman


Gut health is an important part of overall health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, many of the foods we eat can have a negative impact on our gut health. From processed foods to sugary drinks, there are a number of foods that can worsen gut issues. In this article, we will discuss six foods that can make your gut issues worse. We will look at how these foods can affect your gut health and what you can do to avoid them. By understanding which foods to avoid, you can take steps to improve your gut health and overall wellbeing.

6 Foods Making Your Gut Issues Worse

Gut issues can be caused by a variety of factors, but certain foods can make them worse. If you’re struggling with digestive issues, it’s important to be aware of the foods that can make them worse. Here are 6 foods that can make your gut issues worse:

1. Processed Foods

Processed foods are often high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats, which can cause inflammation in the gut. They also lack the fiber and other nutrients that are important for gut health. Avoiding processed foods is one of the best ways to improve your gut health.

2. Dairy Products

Dairy products can be difficult to digest for some people, especially those who are lactose intolerant. If you’re having gut issues, it’s best to avoid dairy products or try lactose-free alternatives.

3. Fried Foods

Fried foods are high in unhealthy fats and can cause inflammation in the gut. They can also be difficult to digest, which can make your gut issues worse. Avoid fried foods if you’re having digestive issues.

4. Alcohol

Alcohol can irritate the lining of the gut and cause inflammation. It can also interfere with the absorption of nutrients, which can make your gut issues worse. Avoiding alcohol is one of the best ways to improve your gut health.

5. Caffeinated Beverages

Caffeinated beverages can cause dehydration, which can make your gut issues worse. They can also irritate the lining of the gut and cause inflammation. Avoiding caffeinated beverages is one of the best ways to improve your gut health.

6. Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners can cause inflammation in the gut and can be difficult to digest. They can also interfere with the absorption of nutrients, which can make your gut issues worse. Avoiding artificial sweeteners is one of the best ways to improve your gut health.

Gut issues can present themselves in many different ways. Gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and reflux are just some of the symptoms one may experience. While some of these symptoms may be related to a chronic condition in the digestive tract, others may be due to a sensitivity to one or many particular food items. In both scenarios, what you eat can influence your gut health. That is why it is important to note when these symptoms arise, while also perhaps considering what you ate throughout the day.

Regardless of the origin of your digestive issues, there are a few foods to steer clear of when experiencing digestive discomfort, as they could be making the symptoms you are experiencing feel even worse. Here are 6 examples of foods you’ll want to avoid when you have an upset stomach because they may make your gut issues worse. And for more dietitian-approved advice that can help reinforce your gut health, you should also check out Eating Habits for a Healthy Gut as You Age, Say Dietitians.

potato chips

Salty, crunchy, and tasty, chips may be a convenient snack, but they could be exacerbating your digestive issues. Foods that contain a lot of simple carbohydrates like chips, white bread, and pastries tend to move through the digestive tract quickly, often leading to bloating and gas. Chips have another layer of digestive difficulty in that they are fried. High-fat foods are notorious for causing heartburn, a common issue in the digestive tract. Chips aren’t the only culprit here, rather any fatty foods, including processed items, french fries, and fatty meat, could increase the likelihood of heartburn.

chewing gum

It may surprise you that gum could impact your digestive tract, but many sugar-free gum varieties are made with sugar alcohols. This compound is used to provide sweetness in food without as many calories as sugar. However, these sugar alcohols can’t fully be digested by the body and can therefore lead to digestive upset. Bloating, gas, and diarrhea are some of the most common symptoms one may experience. You may also find sugar alcohols in sugar-free candy, protein bars, and other products modified to be sugar-free.

jars of candy

While sugar substitutes like sugar alcohols may not be safe for your gut, refined sugar may pose a problem, too. Added sugar, like that in candy, cereal, and baked goods, appears to have many negative effects on the body, including the gut. Research indicates this added sugar may increase pro-inflammatory properties in the gut, which could lead to a cascade of issues, including an imbalance of helpful gut bacteria and metabolic dysregulation. It is not realistic to follow a zero-sugar diet for a significant period of time, so your best approach is to cut excess sugar where you can. Swap sugary dessert for fruit, reduce the sweetener in your coffee by half, and trade candy for cocoa dusted nuts.


This veggie is notorious for causing digestive upset with symptoms like bloating, cramps, and gas. Cabbage is part of the cruciferous vegetables category, a group that contains other commons veggies, like broccoli and brussels sprouts. This group of vegetables contains a sugar called raffinose, which is known to cause gas. For some, cooking these vegetables before eating them may reduce the likelihood of digestive upset, but others may need to steer clear all together.

black beans

Similar to cruciferous veggies, beans is another category of food that contains raffinose, the sugar known to cause gas. Although very nutritious due to their protein, fiber, and micronutrient content, beans commonly cause digestive upset. Gas, bloating, and stomach pain are some of the symptoms often experienced when eating beans. In addition to the raffinose in beans, their high-fiber content may also cause a problem. While fiber is an essential nutrient, eating too much fiber at once, especially while experiencing gut issues, may lead to exacerbated symptoms.

hot sauce bottles

This ingredient is known for adding flavor and spice, and while it may actually have some beneficial properties, it could be worsening your digestive issues. Capsaicin is the compound that gives chili peppers their heat, and it also has some health properties, including lowering certain markers for inflammation. Yet, this same compound may be responsible for side effects like acid reflux and stomach cramps. When experiencing gut issues, it may be best to skip all forms of spicy foods, including hot sauce, salsa, and spicy seasonings.