5 Surprising Effects of Giving Up White Bread, Say Dietitians — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


If you’re trying to eat healthier, you may have heard that giving up white bread is a good idea. But did you know that there are some surprising effects of giving up white bread? Dietitians say that there are many benefits to cutting out white bread from your diet, including improved digestion, better blood sugar control, and even weight loss. In this article, we’ll explore five surprising effects of giving up white bread, according to dietitians. We’ll also discuss some healthier alternatives to white bread that you can incorporate into your diet. So if you’re looking to make a positive change in your diet, read on to learn more about the surprising effects of giving up white bread.

5 Surprising Effects of Giving Up White Bread, Say Dietitians

If you’re trying to make healthier food choices, you may have considered giving up white bread. But did you know that there are some surprising effects of giving up white bread? Dietitians say that there are several benefits to cutting out white bread from your diet.

1. Improved Digestion

White bread is made with refined flour, which is stripped of its fiber and other nutrients. This can lead to digestive issues like bloating, gas, and constipation. By cutting out white bread, you can improve your digestion and reduce these uncomfortable symptoms.

2. Lower Blood Sugar Levels

White bread is made with refined flour, which is quickly digested and can cause a spike in your blood sugar levels. This can lead to energy crashes and cravings for sugary foods. By cutting out white bread, you can help keep your blood sugar levels stable and reduce cravings.

3. More Nutritious Diet

When you cut out white bread, you’re likely to replace it with more nutritious foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. This can help you get more vitamins, minerals, and fiber in your diet, which can lead to improved health.

4. Weight Loss

White bread is high in calories and low in fiber, which can make it difficult to feel full after eating it. By cutting out white bread, you can reduce your calorie intake and make it easier to lose weight.

5. Reduced Risk of Disease

Eating a diet high in refined carbohydrates like white bread can increase your risk of developing chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. By cutting out white bread, you can reduce your risk of developing these diseases.

If you’re looking to make healthier food choices, consider giving up white bread. Dietitians say that there are several surprising effects of giving up white bread, including improved digestion, lower blood sugar levels, a more nutritious diet, weight loss, and a reduced risk of disease.

White bread gets a bad rap, especially in the world of health and wellness. But is that daily sandwich or slice of toast really that bad for you?

If you’ve ever thought about giving up white bread, you might be wondering what actually makes a bread “white.” It’s actually less about the color and more about the ingredients.

White bread is made from flour that has been refined to remove the bran and germ (AKA the good-for-you parts). If white bread is refined and enriched, then it has some essential B-vitamins, like thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin, added back to it after processing.

Read on for five surprising effects of giving up white bread, according to dietitians, and don’t miss The #1 Best Juice to Drink Every Day, Says Science.

smiling woman

Who doesn’t need a little mood boost these days? Kicking your white bread habit could help make your world seem a little brighter.

“By giving up white bread, you might notice a positive change in your overall mood. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found a link between diets rich in high glycemic index foods, such as white bread, and depression in post-menopausal women,” says registered dietitian Elysia Cartlidge, MAN, RD.

The glycemic index helps to identify the potential of a food to raise your blood sugar by assigning a number value to food, with pure sugar being 100. White bread is a high glycemic food with a value of 71 (compared to a slice of 100% whole grain bread that has a glycemic index of 51).

Eliminating white bread and switching to foods that are lower on the glycemic index, you could see an improvement in mood swings and reduced symptoms of depression, explains Cartlidge.

scale weight woman success

If you’re aiming for weight loss, swapping out white bread for more nutrient-dense alternatives could help you reach your goal.

“Giving up white bread may help if you are trying to lose weight, as it’s really important to emphasize foods that are higher in fiber for weight loss to help you feel satisfied,” says registered dietitian Jinan Banna, PhD, RD.

Swap white bread for high-fiber, nutrient-dense carbs like whole grains, brown rice, quinoa, or sweet potatoes to feel more full and hit your weight loss goals.

Not sure which bread to grab? Try one of these healthiest store-bought breads.

Diabetic woman taking blood sample with lancet pen at home.

White bread is digested quickly and can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar followed by swift crashes. “Giving up white bread allows room for higher fiber bread with a lower glycemic index. These include rye, whole wheat, or other whole-grain bread that provide satiety and better blood sugar control,” explains registered dietitian Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD Owner of Sound Bites Nutrition.

Swapping your white bread for a more nutrient-dense and high-fiber variety helps your blood sugar in two ways. First, since fiber isn’t digestible, it lowers the net carbs of a food so that your blood sugar won’t be affected as much. High-fiber foods also help your blood sugar rise and fall more slowly as processing fiber slows down the digestion process.

RELATED: The #1 Worst Bread to Eat for High Blood Sugar, Says Dietitian

high energy

If you’re searching for a place to sneak a nap an hour or two after eating your white bread sandwich, it could be time to switch things up.

Since white bread breaks down quickly, it gives you a boost of energy shortly after eating. “This could be a good thing before going for a run or exercising for example, because you want that energy to fuel you and because it is low in fiber, it won’t cause GI upset while working out,” says registered dietitian Christina Laboni, MHSc, RD.

But, if you’re struggling to keep your eyes open during your 2 p.m. meeting, swapping white bread for a different whole grain or high fiber choice could give you the energy you need to power through between meals. You’ll get a consistent supply of energy sent to your brain and the rest of your body thanks to the slower digestion of fiber.

doctor holding heart

If you’ve been cutting out fat to lower your cholesterol and triglyceride levels with little success, try giving up white bread instead.

While excess fat in the diet can be stored as cholesterol and triglycerides in the body, so can excess sugar from refined carbohydrates like white bread.

Swapping white bread for a bread with more fiber can actively help to lower LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol. A review in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that swapping refined foods for whole-grain foods could lower total cholesterol by 2% and LDL cholesterol by 5%.

While this may seem like a small improvement, reducing your LDL cholesterol by just one point can cut your risk of a heart attack or stroke by up to 23%.

Kelsey Lorencz, RDN

Kelsey Lorencz is a registered dietitian, freelance writer, nutrition consultant, and sustainable food blogger. Read more