4 Yogurt Habits That Jumpstart Weight Loss, Says Dietitian — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


If you’re looking for a way to jumpstart your weight loss journey, look no further than yogurt! Eating yogurt can be a great way to help you reach your weight loss goals. According to dietitian, there are four yogurt habits that can help you lose weight. These habits include choosing the right type of yogurt, eating yogurt as a snack, adding yogurt to meals, and eating yogurt for breakfast. By following these four yogurt habits, you can start to see results in your weight loss journey.

4 Yogurt Habits That Jumpstart Weight Loss, Says Dietitian — Eat This Not That

If you’re looking to jumpstart your weight loss journey, adding yogurt to your diet may be the key. According to dietitian and nutritionist, Melissa Rifkin, MS, RD, CDN, incorporating yogurt into your daily routine can help you reach your weight loss goals. Here are four yogurt habits that can help you get started.

1. Choose Plain Yogurt

When it comes to yogurt, plain is the way to go. Plain yogurt is lower in sugar and calories than flavored varieties, and it’s also packed with protein and probiotics. To make plain yogurt more palatable, add fresh fruit, nuts, or a sprinkle of cinnamon.

2. Opt for Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is a great choice for weight loss because it’s high in protein and low in sugar. It’s also a good source of calcium, which can help keep your bones strong. Greek yogurt is also a great source of probiotics, which can help improve digestion and boost your immune system.

3. Eat Yogurt for Breakfast

Starting your day with a bowl of yogurt is a great way to jumpstart your weight loss journey. Yogurt is a great source of protein, which can help keep you feeling full and energized throughout the day. Plus, it’s a great way to get your daily dose of probiotics.

4. Add Yogurt to Your Smoothies

Smoothies are a great way to get your daily dose of fruits and veggies, and adding yogurt to your smoothie can help you reach your weight loss goals. Yogurt adds protein and probiotics to your smoothie, and it can also help make it more filling. Plus, it’s a great way to get your daily dose of calcium.

By incorporating these four yogurt habits into your daily routine, you can jumpstart your weight loss journey and reach your goals. Remember to choose plain yogurt, opt for Greek yogurt, eat yogurt for breakfast, and add yogurt to your smoothies.

Making yogurt a daily healthy eating habit is always a good idea. The benefits of this tasty, creamy snack are endless. According to WebMD, yogurt that contains active cultures could give your gut health a nice little boost, helping with constipation and even lactose intolerance. This nutrient-dense treat is also a stellar source of calcium and protein, according to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Yogurt is even a great option to grab and enjoy if you’re looking to lose weight. So we’ve rounded up the best yogurt habits for weight loss, according to an expert. Get ready to take your healthy snacking game to the next level.

Eat This, Not That! chatted with Lauren Manaker, MS, RDN, LD, CLEC, an award-winning registered dietitian, book author, and recipe developer who sits on our Medical Expert Board. She explains, “Yogurt can be a fantastic food to include in a weight loss-supporting diet. It contains high-quality protein and, depending on which one you pick, it can have some satiating fat, too. It is versatile, economical, and delicious. Many yogurts contain live and active cultures, which can help support healthy and diverse gut microbiota. This may, in turn, help support weight loss goals.”

yogurt walnuts blueberries

Research links yogurt consumption to reduced or improved body weight. A study performed by the University of Tennessee revealed that participants who consumed three servings of fat-free yogurt on a daily basis—within a reduced-calorie diet—dropped 61% more fat and 22% more body weight than individuals who just cut back on calories. The individuals who ate yogurt also experienced a whopping 81% decrease in belly fat when compared to the calorie-cutting group, according to WebMD.

Now that we’ve established just how beneficial this snack is to include in your diet, let’s talk about how you can up your game with these yogurt habits for weight loss. Keep reading to learn more.

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yogurt habits for weight loss, added banana to yogurt

If you’re a banana fan, this one’s for you. According to Manaker, a banana that’s just a bit underripe is a solid source of prebiotic fiber. (And we all know that bumping up your fiber intake can result in weight loss—science says so!)

“Prebiotics fuel probiotics, including the probiotics that may be found in your yogurt,” Manaker explains, adding, “Eating both together can support a healthy gut microbiota, which may support weight loss efforts.” So the next time you grab some yogurt, don’t forget the slightly underripe banana to go with it!

RELATED: Eat These High-Fiber Snacks Every Day for Weight Loss, Dietitian Says

yogurt with walnuts for weight loss

Walnuts are chock-full of satiating nutrients, including protein, fiber, and healthy fats. According to Manaker, “Including walnuts in your yogurt dish can help you feel fuller longer, potentially helping you eat less after your yogurt meal and help you lose weight.” That sounds like a pretty sweet weight loss deal to us.

coconut yogurt

Okay, we’ve raved about how healthy and totally awesome yogurt can be for more than one reason, but as with all good things, you don’t want to overdo it. Manaker warns that including too much of a high-sugar, high-fat yogurt in one portion can actually be detrimental to your waistline. Be mindful of portion control when enjoying this tasty snack so you don’t hurt your progress.

woman's hands holding bowl of yogurt topped with fresh fruit

Last but not least, sweeten your yogurt with fresh fruit, and ditch the added sugar sources. Sure, maple syrup and honey taste undeniably good, but Manaker points out, “Opting for fruit for added sweetness instead of these sweeteners can help keep blood sugars in-check, thanks to the fiber included in these foods, which may support weight loss goals.”

Alexa Mellardo

Alexa is the Mind + Body Deputy Editor of Eat This, Not That!, overseeing the M+B channel and delivering compelling fitness, wellness, and self-care topics to readers. Read more about Alexa