4 Tortillas With the Lowest Quality Ingredients, Says Dietitian

By Ghuman


Tortillas are a staple in many Mexican and Latin American cuisines, and they can be a great source of nutrition when made with quality ingredients. Unfortunately, not all tortillas are created equal. According to a dietitian, there are four tortillas that contain the lowest quality ingredients and should be avoided. These tortillas are often made with unhealthy fats, artificial flavors, and preservatives, which can be detrimental to your health. In this article, we will discuss the four tortillas with the lowest quality ingredients and why they should be avoided.

4 Tortillas With the Lowest Quality Ingredients, Says Dietitian

If you’re looking for a healthy and nutritious meal, you may want to avoid certain tortillas. According to a dietitian, there are four tortillas that contain the lowest quality ingredients and should be avoided.

1. White Flour Tortillas

White flour tortillas are made with refined white flour, which has been stripped of its nutrients and fiber. This type of tortilla is also high in calories and low in nutritional value. It’s best to avoid white flour tortillas if you’re looking for a healthy meal.

2. Corn Tortillas

Corn tortillas are made with corn flour, which is not as nutritious as whole grain flour. Corn tortillas are also high in calories and low in fiber. They are also not as filling as whole grain tortillas.

3. Flour Tortillas with Added Sugar

Flour tortillas with added sugar are not a healthy option. The added sugar can increase the calorie content of the tortilla and can also lead to a spike in blood sugar levels. It’s best to avoid these types of tortillas if you’re looking for a healthy meal.

4. Refined Grain Tortillas

Refined grain tortillas are made with refined grains, which have been stripped of their nutrients and fiber. These types of tortillas are also high in calories and low in nutritional value. It’s best to avoid refined grain tortillas if you’re looking for a healthy meal.

If you’re looking for a healthy and nutritious meal, it’s best to avoid these four types of tortillas. Instead, opt for whole grain tortillas, which are high in fiber and nutrients and can help you stay full for longer.

With so many tortilla products on the market, you might find it overwhelming to pick out the best option for Taco Tuesday. Let’s break down exactly what is important to look at when purchasing tortillas at the store, and which tortillas we advise against due to their quality of ingredients. (Similarly, consider these 5 Fast-Food Tacos with the Lowest Quality Ingredients.)

The three key components to look at on the backside of the label are fiber, added oils, and sodium. Each product goes about the recipe slightly differently, and even healthier-looking products may still have low-quality ingredients. In general, we want to look for minimally processed options that have fewer ingredients and use fiber and oils from healthy sources.

  • Fiber: Fiber helps slow down digestion, and keep us for longer. Tortillas with higher fiber will make it easier to portion ties and feel full after the meal. Alternatively, tortillas with lower fiber may be easier to over eat and possibly eat past the point of fullness. We want to look for fibers that come from healthy sources, and not tons of extra fiber that make the product hard to digest.
  • Added oil: Some oil is needed to hold the tortilla together. Finding products that use healthy plant forward oils that are not hydrogenated is the best combo for your tortilla.
  • Sodium: The daily recommended amount of sodium for the average American is 2300 mg per day. This is equivalent to about a teaspoon of salt, and then spread out throughout the day equates to roughly 600–800 mg per meal. Buying food products with less sodium has been shown to improve our health by regulating blood pressure.

With these criteria in mind, here are our picks for tortillas with the lowest quality ingredients that are currently on the market. And after learning which tortilla varieties to avoid, you can also find out which wholesome tortilla selections dietitians chose via The Best Tortillas for Belly Fat—Ranked!

Mission Soft Taco Flour Tortillas
Courtesy of Gruma Corporation

Mission Flour Tortillas may be classic, but their nutrition facts are lackluster—especially the fiber content. With 26 g of carbs, but only 1 g of fiber and 400 mg of sodium per serving, these aren’t my favorite tortillas on the market.

If I were going to incorporate them into a meal, I would be sure to load up on protein and veggies for extra balance. If you’re searching for ways to create even more delicious tacos, we’ve got you covered with these simple 9 Hacks for The Best Tacos Ever.

Gluten-Free Original Tortilla Wraps
Courtesy of Gruma Corporation

Finding high-quality gluten-free products can be challenging, and tortillas are no exception. Oftentimes gluten-free products are made with rice and potato products that are low in fiber.

Mission Gluten-Free Tortilla contains 140 cal, 25 total carbohydrates, and 420 mg of sodium per tortilla. Each of these wraps also contains 5 g of fiber—which appears to be quite a lot!

When we look at the ingredients in Mission’s gluten-free tortillas, you’ll see that there are many food additives including hydrogenated oil and several types of starches. The fiber in this product comes from resistant corn starch.

If you have to eat gluten-free for medical reasons, I prefer Siete Frozen Cassava Flour Tortillas.

Toufayan Bakeries Keto Wrap tortilla
Courtesy of Toufayan Bakeries

Despite their health claims, Toufayan Bakeries Keto Wraps don’t impress me much. One wrap contains 40 calories and appears quite health conscious from the label.

However, the product is mainly made of lower quality fiber like modified wheat starch and cottonseed fiber. The wrap is held together with hydrogenated soybean and palm oils.

The majority of the calories in this product come from the fiber under total carbohydrate. Large doses of fiber all at once in a meal can contribute to digestive discomfort and irregular changes in bowel movement including cramping, bloating, pain, diarrhea or constipation.

The daily recommended dose of fiber is 25–38 g per day for adults, and our systems tolerate this better if it is spread out over the course of the day rather than all at once.

mission carb balance spinach wraps
Courtesy of Gruma Corporation

Mission Carb Balance Spinach and Herb Tortillas contain about 60 calories per serving, 18 g of carbohydrate, and 330 mg of sodium. While one might assume that the spinach component would make this a healthy tortilla choice, the nutrition label and ingredients tells another story—one that may leave you feeling discouraged. With hydrogenated oils, food dyes, and sucralose, we don’t love the additives in this product.

I personally love the Whole Wheat Tortilla from Mission Foods instead. You will get high quality fiber from whole grains rather than huge amounts of fiber from food additives like modified wheat starch in the Carb Balance option.

You may have special dietary reasons for choosing the carb couscous option, and that’s your call! We caution that huge amounts of fiber at once may cause some gastrointestinal discomfort as well, so monitor your individual reaction wisely.

Caroline Thomason, RDN

Caroline is a women’s health Registered Dietitian and diabetes educator based in Northern Virginia. Read more about Caroline