These Popular Immunity Supplements Don’t Work, Say Experts — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


Immunity is a hot topic right now, with many people looking for ways to boost their immune system and protect themselves from illness. Unfortunately, many of the popular immunity supplements on the market don’t actually work, according to experts. In this article, we’ll take a look at why these supplements don’t work and what you should be eating instead to support your immune system. We’ll also discuss the importance of a balanced diet and lifestyle for overall health and immunity.

These Popular Immunity Supplements Don’t Work, Say Experts — Eat This Not That

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread, many people are turning to supplements to boost their immunity. But experts say that many of these popular supplements are not effective and may even be harmful. Here’s what you need to know about these supplements and what you should be eating instead.

What Supplements Don’t Work?

According to experts, many of the popular supplements touted as immunity boosters are not backed by scientific evidence. These include vitamin C, zinc, echinacea, and elderberry. While these supplements may have some health benefits, they are not proven to boost immunity.

What Should You Eat Instead?

Rather than relying on supplements, experts recommend eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help support your immune system. Additionally, eating a variety of foods can help ensure that you get all the nutrients you need.

In addition to eating a balanced diet, experts recommend getting plenty of sleep, exercising regularly, and managing stress. All of these things can help support your immune system and keep you healthy.


While many popular supplements are not proven to boost immunity, eating a balanced diet and taking other steps to support your immune system can help keep you healthy. So, instead of relying on supplements, focus on eating a variety of nutritious foods and taking other steps to support your immune system.

The COVID-19 pandemic gave most of us a vested interest in boosting our immunity. For nearly two years, social media has been rife with advice about folk remedies. Unfortunately, most of them are a waste of money and time. “There are a lot of products that tout immune boosting properties, but I don’t think any of these have been medically proven to work,” Dr. Krystina Woods, hospital epidemiologist and medical director of infection prevention at Mount Sinai West, told The New York Times. Here are five “immunity boosters” that don’t actually work, experts say. Read on to find out more—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You May Have Already Had COVID.


Zinc helps the immune system to function. As such, it’s an ingredient in many supplements that claim to boost the immune system, and it’s heavily touted on its own. Trouble is, most of us get all the zinc we need from food, and the evidence for zinc supplements as an immune booster is far from robust. Some studies have found that zinc supplements may shorten the length of a cold by about a day; others found no effect. If you’ve got a cold, flu or COVID, don’t expect zinc to be a miracle cure.

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person holding pills in their hands

These little purple berries have been used as a folk remedy for centuries, and now they’ve found their way into popular syrups and supplements for boosting the immune system. But the data on elderberry is mixed. While some studies have shown it may shorten the duration of the flu by four days, a 2020 study at the Cleveland Clinic found no difference in the severity or duration of flu symptoms between a group that took elderberry and one that took a placebo.

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Echinacea extract pills and fresh Echinacea flowers

Many people look to extracts of this flowering herb for immune boosting, but it’s more like rolling the dice. “Reviews of research have found limited evidence that some echinacea preparations may be useful for treating colds in adults, while other preparations did not seem to be helpful,” says the National Center for Integrative and Complementary Medicine. “In addition, echinacea has not been shown to reduce the number of colds that adults catch.” Some studies have found a modest benefit when taking echinacea for a cold; others have found no benefit.

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The gut microbiome is a hot health topic right now, because naturally occurring “good” bacteria in our gut helps reinforce the immune system. Some people have started taking probiotic supplements in hope of an immunity boost. The science says they’re no slam dunk. “Although a 2015 analysis of research indicated that probiotics might help to prevent upper respiratory tract infections, such as the common cold, the evidence is weak and the results have limitations,” says the National Center for Integrative and Complementary Medicine.

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vitamin d

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious-disease expert, went on record last year as saying “most so-called immune-boosting supplements” do “nothing.” The exceptions: Vitamin C and D, which are backed by “pretty good data.”

So what does work? “If you don’t smoke, you only drink in moderation, you get a good night’s sleep, have a healthy diet, you exercise, and you do something to reduce stress, that’s going to keep your immune system healthy, not any of these dietary supplements and herbs and other things,” Fauci said. And to get through this pandemic at your healthiest, don’t miss these 35 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch COVID.