The Verdict on the Worst Sodas You Can Drink, Straight From Dietitians — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


When it comes to soda, it’s no secret that it’s not the healthiest beverage choice. But what are the worst sodas you can drink? Dietitians weigh in on the verdict of the worst sodas you can drink, straight from Eat This Not That. From high sugar content to artificial sweeteners, these sodas are the ones to avoid. Read on to find out which sodas are the worst for your health and why.

The Verdict on the Worst Sodas You Can Drink, Straight From Dietitians

Sodas are one of the most popular drinks in the world, but they can also be one of the unhealthiest. Dietitians have weighed in on the worst sodas you can drink, and the verdict is clear: these drinks should be avoided at all costs.

1. Regular Soda

Regular soda is one of the worst offenders when it comes to unhealthy drinks. It is loaded with sugar and calories, and it has no nutritional value. Dietitians recommend avoiding regular soda altogether.

2. Diet Soda

Diet soda may seem like a healthier alternative to regular soda, but it is still not a good choice. Diet sodas contain artificial sweeteners, which can be harmful to your health. Dietitians recommend avoiding diet soda as well.

3. Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are another type of soda that should be avoided. They are loaded with sugar and caffeine, which can be dangerous for your health. Dietitians recommend avoiding energy drinks as much as possible.

4. Flavored Sodas

Flavored sodas are another type of soda that should be avoided. They are often loaded with sugar and calories, and they have no nutritional value. Dietitians recommend avoiding flavored sodas as much as possible.


Sodas can be a tempting treat, but they can also be very unhealthy. Dietitians recommend avoiding regular, diet, energy, and flavored sodas as much as possible. If you are looking for a healthier alternative, try water or unsweetened tea instead.

There’s little debate over whether or not soda is good for you. Doctors, dietitians, nutritionists, and even your dentist will tell you the same thing: it simply isn’t. Drinking soda has been linked to weight gain, obesity, diabetes, and even cognitive decline.

However, not all sodas are created equal when it comes to your health. Read on to discover which ones are the worst of the bunch, according to dietitians. And if you want to make better dietary choices, check out The 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now.

mountain dew bottle
Courtesy of Mtn Dew

It’s not just the highlighter color that should tip you off to the fact that drinking Mountain Dew is doing no favors for your health.

“The worst soda for your health is likely Mountain Dew since it contains even more added sugar than many other sodas on the market,” says Claudia Hleap, MS, RD, founder, and owner of Hleap Nutrition. “The American Heart Association recommends limiting added sugars to 25 grams per day for women and 36 grams per day for men. A single 12-oz. can of Mountain Dew contains 46 grams of added sugar,” Hleap adds.

RELATED: Dangerous Side Effects of Drinking Soda Every Day, According to Science

fanta grape
Courtesy of Fanta

Just because it has fruit in its name doesn’t mean Grape Fanta is a healthy choice.

“A 12-oz. serving contains 170 calories and 44 grams of sugar. This sugar is all added sugar and meets 88% of the daily value. 44 grams of sugar equals 11 teaspoons!” says Becky Kerkenbush, MS, RD-AP, CSG, CD, FAND, an advanced practice dietitian and president of the Wisconsin Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

cans of coke

Coke may be a classic, but experts say it’s as bad as any soda when it comes to your health.

“Coca-Cola can increase one’s risk for osteoporosis,” says Michelle Rauch, MS, RDN.

“Many of these soft drinks contain phosphorus (often listed as ‘phosphoric acid’ or ‘phosphate’) which increase the calcium excretion in your urine,” Rauch explains. “If one’s calcium intake is low, and there is a high intake of phosphorus-laden beverages, it puts someone at high risk for low bone density, increased risk of fractures, and osteoporosis.”

RELATED: Turns Out, Soda is Even Worse For You Than We Thought

pepsi zero sugar
Courtesy of Pepsi

It’s not just sugary sodas you have to watch out for. Rauch says that Pepsi Zero Sugar is a particularly bad choice for your health, too.

“Pepsi Zero Sugar has one of the highest amounts of caffeine at 69 mg. in a 12-oz. serving,” says Rauch. “The caffeine in soda can interfere with calcium absorption and lead to bone loss when consumed frequently therefore it is important to ensure your diet includes an adequate amount of calcium and vitamin D to mitigate the risk.”

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