If You Have This Blood Type, You May Be More Stressed — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


If you have a certain blood type, you may be more prone to stress and anxiety. But don’t worry, there are certain foods that can help reduce stress and anxiety levels. In this article, we’ll discuss which foods to eat and which to avoid if you have a certain blood type. We’ll also discuss how to make sure you’re getting the right nutrients to help reduce stress and anxiety. So, if you have this blood type, read on to learn how to reduce stress and anxiety with the right diet.

If You Have This Blood Type, You May Be More Stressed — Eat This Not That

If you have type A blood, you may be more prone to stress than other blood types. This is because type A blood is associated with higher levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. To help manage stress levels, it’s important to eat the right foods. Here are some of the best foods to eat if you have type A blood and want to reduce stress.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals that can help reduce stress. Try to include a variety of colors in your diet, as each color provides different nutrients. Some of the best fruits and vegetables for type A blood include apples, oranges, spinach, kale, broccoli, and sweet potatoes.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are a great source of complex carbohydrates, which can help reduce stress. Whole grains also contain fiber, which can help keep you feeling full and satisfied. Some of the best whole grains for type A blood include oats, quinoa, brown rice, and barley.

Lean Proteins

Lean proteins are an important part of any diet, and they can help reduce stress. Lean proteins are low in saturated fat and high in essential amino acids, which can help reduce cortisol levels. Some of the best lean proteins for type A blood include chicken, turkey, fish, and eggs.

Healthy Fats

Healthy fats are an important part of any diet, and they can help reduce stress. Healthy fats can help keep your blood sugar levels stable, which can help reduce cortisol levels. Some of the best healthy fats for type A blood include avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil.

If you have type A blood, it’s important to eat the right foods to help reduce stress. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help keep your cortisol levels in check and reduce stress.

How important is blood type to your overall health? While many aspects of health and wellness are within our control, blood type isn’t—so knowing the health conditions associated with our blood type can help with preventative care, especially when it comes to stress. “While your blood type may put you at a higher risk for certain conditions, nothing is definitive,” says Douglas Guggenheim, MD. “Being aware of how your blood type may impact your health is a good start, but it’s also just as important to see your physician for regular check-ups and maintain a healthy lifestyle.” Here is the blood type most commonly associated with stress, according to experts. Read on—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

woman stressed at her desk

Chronic, unchecked stress is terrible for your health over the long term. “Chronic stress can lead to overeating, weight gain and obesity,” says Jessica Kennedy, DO. “One study found that high cortisol levels over long periods of time leads to weight issues. Patients with chronic stress weighed more, had larger waistlines and had higher BMIs than people with low cortisol levels. If the effects of stress are adding up and starting to cause you mental distress and physical symptoms, talk to your primary care provider. Many signs of chronic stress are symptoms of other health issues.”

overstressing in kitchen

While chronic stress is dangerous, short-term stress is an important tool in human survival. “There are two main types of stress—acute, and chronic,” says Dina Aronson, MS, RD. “Acute stress is also called the ‘fight or flight’ response, where we are faced with a threat and the body adapts by giving us a burst of energy to escape or fight off the threat. Think about the mom who fights off an attacker to protect her child, or outrunning a wild animal, or saving someone from a burning building – these are acts we wouldn’t be able to accomplish without that massive stress response. This is a healthy adaptation and survival mechanism, and involves sudden physical changes including release of stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine, increased heart rate, inability to properly digest food, faster breathing, and insulin and sugar spikes. After the stressor is removed, the body returns to a normal state.”

woman sleeping peacefully in bed with her dog

If you’re already predisposed to stress, the pandemic is understandably making a bad situation worse. “Certainly, the pandemic is causing distress,” says Tracy D Vannorsdall, Ph.D. “There has been a general uptick in emotional distress, anxiety and depression. We’re also seeing more patients for problems with alcohol consumption and sleep disorders, both of which help us regulate our emotions and can contribute to mood difficulties. People with preexisting vulnerabilities to mental or physical health problems are particularly at risk.”

lab assistant holding test tube with blood while standing in

People with blood type A are prone to having more cortisol in their bodies—and therefore at a higher risk of stress. “If you have type A blood, you may have more trouble handling stress,” says Glenn E. Ramsey, MD, Northwestern Medical Group, Pathology. “Those with type A tend to have heightened levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the body. Here are small steps to reduce anxiety and stress and how to stay healthy. Knowing your blood type is one more way to better understand and manage your health. While your blood type is a genetic gift that cannot be altered, making healthy choices can help you reduce the risks to your health.” 

woman at peace doing yoga

If you know your blood type puts you at increased risk of stress, it’s important to be proactive in managing it. “Address issues as they arise, rather than procrastinate, which tends to intensify stress,” says Aronson. “Escaping stress is ok sometimes, but turning to things like alcohol, drugs, gambling, excessive video gaming, and compulsive use of social media can be damaging coping mechanisms. Stress is, no doubt, really hard to avoid during these unprecedented times. Recognizing causes and triggers, and finding ways that work for you to alleviate them, are important to both your mental and physical health.”


Follow the public health fundamentals and help end this pandemic, no matter where you live—get vaccinated or boosted ASAP; if you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear an N95 face mask, don’t travel, social distance, avoid large crowds, don’t go indoors with people you’re not sheltering with (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene, and to protect your life and the lives of others, don’t visit any of these 35 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch COVID.

Ferozan Mast

Ferozan Mast is a science, health and wellness writer with a passion for making science and research-backed information accessible to a general audience. Read more