Here’s Why It’s Harder to Lose Weight Right Now, Says Expert — Eat This Not That

By Ghuman


We all know that losing weight can be a challenge, but it can be even harder right now due to the current pandemic. With the majority of people stuck at home, it can be difficult to stay motivated and make healthy choices. In this article, we will explore why it is harder to lose weight right now and what you can do to make it easier. We will also look at some tips from an expert on how to make healthy eating choices and stay on track with your weight loss goals. So, if you’re looking for some advice on how to stay on track with your weight loss goals during this difficult time, read on!

Here’s Why It’s Harder to Lose Weight Right Now, Says Expert — Eat This Not That

The pandemic has changed the way we live our lives, and that includes how we approach our health and wellness. With gyms closed, social distancing, and more time spent at home, it can be difficult to stay on track with your weight loss goals. But according to one expert, there are still ways to make progress.

“It’s definitely harder to lose weight right now,” says registered dietitian and nutritionist, Dr. Lisa Young. “But it’s not impossible.”

Dr. Young suggests that the key to successful weight loss during the pandemic is to focus on the basics. “It’s important to focus on eating healthy, whole foods, and getting enough physical activity,” she says. “It’s also important to get enough sleep and manage stress.”

Dr. Young also recommends making small changes to your diet. “Focus on eating more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins,” she says. “And limit processed foods, added sugars, and saturated fats.”

Finally, Dr. Young suggests finding ways to stay motivated. “Set realistic goals and track your progress,” she says. “And don’t forget to reward yourself for your successes.”

The next few months are typically some of the most difficult to get through, especially if you’ve set a weight loss goal for yourself. What it is about this season that makes losing weight so challenging? Have you ever wondered why as soon as the cold weather strikes, you find yourself eating larger meals and taking more trips to the fridge between work breaks?

Well according to Dr. Neal Barnard, board-certified psychiatrist and president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, fall and winter weight gain is so common because your appetite actually increases during the cooler months.

“It is a common experience for bodyweight to increase as winter approaches, which is largely because our appetites increase as the days become shorter,” says Dr. Barnard. “This is what you can think of as your ‘inner squirrel’ taking over, looking for food, and eating and storing it away in anticipation of winter.”

Although nowadays it’s easier to get access to all kinds of foods year-round (instead of strictly in season), Dr. Barnard says that we eat more and eat faster this time of year because we are still programmed to build up some body fat before wintertime.

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cracker barrel spiral ham with side dishes and pies
Courtesy of Cracker Barrel

Not only do you experience an increase in appetite this time of year, but you also may find yourself putting on a few extra pounds because of the typical shift in lifestyle.

“Your usual ways of dealing with weight gain are less available to you because it’s harder to exercise outdoors when the temperatures dip,” says Dr. Barnard. “Holiday festivities keep food in front of you almost 24/7: at work, in stores, and even on television.”

It’s important to not let this discourage you, because not only is weight gain around this time of year extremely common, but there are also ways you can stick to your weight loss goals if that’s what you want!

Dr. Barnard shares a few suggestions for how to avoid holiday weight gain, which includes sticking to plant-based meals when you can, focusing on the “healthy” side dishes at holiday parties like butternut squash soup, greens, sweet potatoes, and salads, and not only counting on your exercise routine to keep off the pounds.

“It is far easier to avoid gaining [pounds] than to try to lose them later on,” says Dr. Barnard.

So while growing hungrier in the cold months may be inevitable, weight gain doesn’t have to be. Along with Dr. Barnard’s tips, try cooking at home when you can, adding veggies to your plate, and enjoying a nice splurge on holiday treats from time to time!

For even more weight loss tips, read these next: